Chapter One

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*y/n pov*
I pulled the strap of my dress up my arm and over my shoulder.
I did the same on the other side.
"Y/n are you listening to me?"
I sighed and looked over at the illusion of Loki in front of me.
"Yeah no not really."
"Father says you need to come back to Asgard. He demands we have a celebration for you."
"Ugh, must we?"
"You're the princess of Asgard. I think celebrating your birthday makes sense."
"Why can't you just come to Earth?"
"One of you. Hundreds of people here. Come home y/n."
"Hm. Nah I'm okay Loki."
"Oh come on! You should know better than anyone I don't want this whole party crap. It's ridiculous. It's still a month away anyways. And to be perfectly honest I don't want to see father."
"Completely understood. But I think father wants to see you. And what he wants always goes. As unfortunate as that is."
"Mhm. Well you can tell father I'm not coming home yet. And right now, I'm going out. So bye Loki. Love you."
"Ugh" his illusion disappeared.
I looked myself up and down in the mirror and brushed myself off one last time before heading out.
I was going clubbing. Like I did every other night.
I mean, it's fun and I need somewhere to crash every night. So I find guys. Or girls sometimes.
You'd think the amount of times I'd been down to earth I'd have bought my own apartment. Or maybe get a bank account to buy my own drinks.
But what's the point when I never need to.
I snuck out the apartment that last nights guy had brought me back to as he had a late afternoon nap.
I stole a pack of biscuits and some cash before quietly closing the door behind me.
When I got on the street, I called a cab and asked the driver to take me to the best bar they recommend.
"Any limits?"
"Drive me across the country for all I care" I started munching on the biscuits and rifling through the cash I picked up "actually. Take me as far as twenty... two... no three! Yeah take me as far as twenty three dollars can."
We drove down from Manhattan to Brooklyn and the driver pulled up outside a bar.
"Thanks so much for the ride" I smiled and opened the car door.
"Your welcome."
I slammed the door and headed towards the bar, and I heard the front seat car window of the cab roll down.
"Hey love! You forgot to pay!"
I giggled as I pointed my middle finger at him and walked in the door.
It didn't take me too long to get settled with drinks.
After a while, I started looking for a nice enough guy who I could go home with.
My eyes scanned the crowd and found two guys looking over at me. A blonde and a brunette.
I smirked and waved at them.
They whispered something to each other before the brunette walked over. The blonde followed sheepishly behind.
"Hi" I smiled at them.
"Hello" the brunette smiled back. "James Buchanan Barnes" he offered out his hand "but you can call me Bucky."
"Nice to meet you Bucky" I shook his hand.
"I- I'm Steve. Rogers" the blonde said and I shook his hand too "can I just say I think you are the most beautiful woman I have ever seen."
"I couldn't agree more" Bucky said.
I giggled playfully at them.
"Do you want to dance?" Steve asked, and I nodded.
He took my hand and led me to a clear open space to dance.
"So whereabouts you from?" he asked as he twirled me to the music.
"Here and there" I replied "I move around a lot."
"That sounds nice. You travel the world or just America?"
"Oh all over the place."
"I've always wanted to go travelling. Maybe some day we could go together?"
"I just met you like five minutes ago, but sure why not."
Initially, I had no plans of ever seeing this man again in my life.
As the song ended and a new one started, Steve twirled me around and Bucky took my arm instead.
"You in town for long?" Bucky wondered.
"Hm. Depends if I find a reason to stay."
"Well. There's a new Stark expo coming to town. If you stick around, maybe I'll take you."
I also had no plans of seeing this man again either.
We danced to some more songs, then the three of us sat down at a table and ordered some food.
The guys took the time to get to know me.
It was nice to have a conversation, because usually on a night out I just drink and dance with guys until someone takes me home.
"Have you got any family?" Bucky asked.
"I have two brothers."
"Where are they now?" Steve wondered.
"I have no clue" I lied. I couldn't really tell them they weren't beings on this planet.
"You don't keep in contact with them?"
"Eh" I shrugged, avoiding telling them I only communicated through illusions set up by my brother. "What about you guys? Anyone in your lives? Family or girlfriends?"
"Not yet" Bucky playfully winked, and I rolled my eyes at him.
"I can tell you're good at this" I laughed at him. "Come on Steve. Bucky seems to know his way around girls so he can pick up another one while we dance."
I dragged him back to the dance floor, leaving Bucky a bit clueless at the table.
I winked at him when I caught his eye over Steve's shoulder.
I watched as as girl came over to him and started flirting, playing with her hair and giggling cutely and all, but Bucky was too preoccupied with watching us dance to notice or care.
So I decided to give him something to watch.
Steve let me take the lead and I started dancing freely to the music.
As the music started to slow down, I grabbed Steve close to me and kissed him on the lips.
After, I innocently looked at Bucky and waved. He raised an eyebrow humorously at me, and I walked with Steve back towards him.
"Great dance. Do I get one now?"
"Hm. If you want" I shrugged and marched back on to the dance floor myself, not waiting for Bucky.
He joined me moments later and watched me dance on my own for a little bit.
Then, he pulled me in by my waist and started to dance closely with me.
At the end of the song, he spun me around and lent me back over his arm. His face came closer to mine, and his lips hovered just above mine.
I paused for a moment, and we stared into each other's eyes.
He started to lift me back up, and I pulled myself up onto his lips, kissing him passionately.
Laughing, I pulled away and dragged him by the hand back towards Steve.
"You wanna get outta here?" I suggested.
"Sure" Bucky put his arm around me and I picked up Steve's hand.
It was raining as we walked out onto the sidewalk, and I ran out into the street.
Bucky and Steve laughed at me as I twirled around under the raindrops, sticking my tongue out.
I skipped down the middle of the road, following them back to their apartment.
"What a gentleman" I remarked as Steve opened the door for me and I stepped through the door. "You got anything to eat? Like ice cream?"
"Yeah in there" Steve pointed and I fetched the ice cream out the freezer.
"Bedroom?" I asked but didn't wait for a response before marching into the room.
I sat on the bed eating the ice cream as I waited for someone to join me.

Y/n Odinsdottir Where stories live. Discover now