Chapter Three

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*y/n pov*
I awoke the next morning in a strangers bed.
I sat up quickly and took in my surroundings.
There was no clock and the curtains were pulled shut, so I had no idea what time it was.
I wasn't in my own clothes - I was in a large plain black t-shirt with no trousers.
When I couldn't find my dress, I searched the drawers in the bedroom and pulled out a pair of joggers.
I pulled them on and left the bedroom, walking into a large open space.
I didn't look around much before walking out the front door.
I started running down the stairs, and looked back up to see the door I had left open. In the process of doing so, I lost my footing and tripped down the stairs.
But before I could fall down, an arm grabbed my waist and held me up.
"Careful" the person said.
"Thanks- Bucky? What are you doing here?" I asked when I saw it was him who had caught me, and Steve was standing behind him.
"My apartment" he nodded and pointed to the open door at the top of the stairs.
We made eye contact for a moment, before he continued "sorry. I interrupted you leaving again."
"Excuse me?" I called when he rudely pushed past me.
"What? I gave you a second chance. You're walking out again" he shrugged and didn't stop walking.
"Hey no! Wait!" I ran up and tugged his arm. "That was a crap second chance! I woke up in a strangers bed, no one was home, and you expect me to not walk out? That's not fair! That's bullshit!"
He didn't stop until he entered the apartment.
"Bitch" I muttered and went to walk down the stairs.
Steve was still in the way.
I stepped aside for him to walk up, but he didn't move from where he was.
"Steve?" I raised an eyebrow as he was staring at the floor.
He looked up "are you really leaving?"
"Yeah. That a problem?"
He didn't reply, so I went to push past him, but he grabbed my arm.
"Don't go."
"Why the hell not? You clearly don't want me here!"
"We do. He does. He likes you."
"Bucky likes you."
"He likes me?"
"Yeah surprised me too. But it's true. You know he used to sleep around almost as much as you do. But I have never seen him look at a girl the way he looks at you."
"Hm. Bullshit."
"It's true."
"Then why is he so pissed at me?"
"Because he thinks you don't like him back."
"He's right."
"Is he though?"
Steve finally ascended the stairs.
When he got to the door, he looked back and asked if I was coming.
I rolled my eyes and climbed the stairs behind him, then walked into Bucky's apartment.
"What are you doing here?" Bucky complained from the couch.
"Um. You have my dress."
"No I don't. I have a dress. That I bought."
"Seriously? You're going to be like that?"
"Well you have my clothes."
"Not willingly. Did you undress me?"
"Gross. How the fuck did you even get me here?"
"I carried you."
"Shit really?"
"Mhm. It's not that far."
"Wow you're strong."
He grinned and sat up on the couch, and I went to sit next to him.
"I'm sorry" I whispered as I hugged his chest. "I shouldn't have left."
"We still friends?"
"Uh" I hesitated "yeah of course."
"You wanna stay here for a while? Take a break from sleeping with a new guy every night?"
"Oh my god. Really? Are you sure?"
"Yeah why not?"
"Because I get no income and I eat a whole lot of food."
"Hm. I can deal with that. Maybe I'll help you get a job."
"Are you serious? Thank you Bucky!" I hugged him tightly. "I guess you're the guy."
"You know. The one guy. Like you said yesterday. You're the one guy. That I'll spend all my nights with. No more sleeping around" I promised.
"Yeah! We're roomies now. We're gonna be best friends! You too Steve. Get over here!" I urged him over and we embraced in a group hug.
"I mean. We've still barely known you 2 days. Could be a murderer" Steve objected as I hugged him.
"Best. Friends." I repeated and smiled at the boys.
Within the week, Bucky had managed to get me a job at the bar where we had met. He and Steve came to visit during my first shift.
"Wow. Imagine you serving the drinks instead of downing them. That's a change" Bucky remarked.
"Mhm. Well if I'm ever thirsty..."
"I don't think you can get drunk on the job" Steve laughed.
"They'll never know" I smirked as I took a shot of vodka from some I had lined up for another customer. "And you know, people give hella tips when they're hammered!" I pointed at the almost full tip jar.
Steve grinned as he put some money in it.
I smiled back, then looked at Bucky.
"Can I help you?" he asked when he saw me staring.
"Oh you see" I started in a babyish voice "I really need the money to support my husband and my two kids."
Bucky laughed at me.
"They have cancer. All of them" I playfully continued.
He sighed and rolled his eyes as he put some money in the jar too.
"Yay!" I squealed and leaned over the bar to kiss his cheek.
"I'n gonna head home now. See you later" Steve waved as he walked off.
"You're not going too?" I asked Bucky.
"Nope. I could stay here and watch you all night" he grinned.
"Sweet. Also creepy. And I've got paying customers waiting for your seat so unless you're buying something..."
"I will have a beer then" Bucky smiled smugly. "And just keep bringing them over until the end of your shift."
"Wow you're gonna get drunk" I laughed as I handed him his drink.
I returned to work and served other customers, but as promised, still handed Bucky his drinks throughout the night.
When it was getting close to 1am, the end of my shift, the bar was a lot emptier.
I returned to Bucky, sipping his fiftieth ish beer for the evening.
"Hey" I smiled.
"You're pretty."
"So are you" I laughed.
"No but you're really pretty. Like. I could kiss you pretty."
"Very funny."
"No. No I really like you."
"And I think we should make out."
"What? Not like we haven't done it before."
"That was before we were friends."
"Well I don't want to be friends. I want to be able to kiss you and buy you flowers and spoil you rotten."
"Are you asking me out?"
"If you say yes then I'm asking you out if you say no then I'm kidding."
"You're not kidding."
"Is that a yes?"
"Why not?"
"We can talk when you're sober."
"Drunk words are sober thoughts, though. Right?"
"Right. So ask me when you're sober, and maybe I'll say yes."
"Can't wait" Bucky bit his lip as he smiled, then rested his forehead on the table.
"Bucky?" I shook his shoulders "Bucky!"
He had passed out.
I groaned as I jumped over the bar. I made sure no one was looking before I picked him up and threw him across my shoulder, and carried him out and all the way home.
I woke up in the morning when I heard a knock on the door.
I had fallen asleep the night before on the couch with Bucky next to me, but now he was no longer there.
I rubbed my eyes as I approached and opened the door.
"Bucky. What the hell are you doing?" I asked when I saw him standing outside "this is your apartment. You don't need to knock" I sighed and started heading back to the couch.
Bucky grabbed my hand.
"Y/n wait. Drunk words are sober thoughts" he pulled his other arm from behind his back, revealing a bouquet of red roses "and I soberly think I would very much like to call you my girlfriend?"
I looked at him as he looked at me. He was cutely nervous.
"And I think..." I smiled at him "I'd very much like that too."
I cupped his cheek in my hand and kissed his lips gently. Then I took the bouquet of roses from him and pulled him by his hand into the apartment.

Y/n Odinsdottir Where stories live. Discover now