Chapter Six

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*y/n pov*
I was choking.
I couldn't breathe.
I was coughing so much, that blood started to come out in a mixture with the sick.
Finally, my mother came and put her hand on the back of my neck, and the sick in my mouth disappeared.
I stopped coughing, but I was still breathing really fast.
Despite being covered in sick, Loki hugged me gently and Thor held my hand until I calmed down.
I was crying, and noticed Loki tearing up too.
He looked up at mother and father.
"Why didn't you do something sooner? What if she had died?"
"She wouldn't have died, Loki. She's stronger than that. She doesn't just die from a bit of vomit" mother sighed.
"It's her own fault" father added and glared at me.
I pulled my knees up to my chin and buried my face behind them as I cried.
"Why did you have a party in the first place? You know she doesn't like them!" Loki argued.
"It's her millenium birthday! We must celebrate her birthdays. They're important for her" father explained.
"No it's important for you! And your reputation! You are too proud to admit that your daughter has a problem. You don't want to admit that our family isn't perfect. So you don't help her, you force her into a dress that she hates and force her to smile all evening" Loki screamed at them "you don't care for her."
"Loki we just want what's best for her" mother claimed calmly.
"She's been having panic attacks since she was a child. If you really wanted what's best for her, you would've stopped this by now" Loki snapped and neither norther nor father responded.
He bent down and whispered in my ear "let's go."
I looked up at him and he cupped my cheek in his hand, wiping away a falling teardrop.
He picked me up in his arms, one arm around my waist and the other holding up my legs, and I held my head up against his chest.
He carried me out of the room, leaving my parents and Thor, and the few remaining guests who had not left yet.
When we reached the door of my room, he put me down, but I kept my arms around him.
He opened the door for me and we walked in, and I sat down slowly on the end of the bed.
I rested my eyes and focused on the pace of my breaths.
Loki's arm reached around and his hand stroked my shoulder.
I put my hand on top of his.
"Don't worry. I'll always be here for you."
"Thank you. For everything. For standing up against them for me. You were right. They don't care about me."
"Yes but I care about you. And I am going to help you whenever you need it, okay?"
"Thank you. And I'll help you too."
"I'm sure you'll try your best" Loki laughed.
"Loki. I need to speak to her. Alone" father appeared in the doorway and I grasped Loki's hand tighter.
"No. You'll yell at her. She doesn't want to speak to you right now" Loki argued.
"Get out of this room now before I make you!"
Loki was about to object when I let go of his hand and he looked at me.
"Go. Just for a minute" I told him.
Loki reluctantly stood up and pushed past my father, glaring as he did so.
My father shut the door behind him, then slowly turned to face me.
I was staring into my lap, fidgeting with my fingers.
"I'm sorry father" I whispered, hoping he would leave it. He didn't.
"Y/n. That was extremely disrespectful. I love you and I care for you, I always have, but you are making it so hard! What more could I do for you? I have a celebration for you on this big day, and how do you repay me? You make a fool out of yourself, in front of half the kingdom. And you make a fool out of me. And I will not tolerate it. You can't just get drunk and throw around accusations of me ruining your life. I won't have it. So as punishment, you don't get to go to any more parties."
I smiled lightly.
"And you are not to set foot outside of this palace."
I stopped smiling and looked up at him in confusion.
"You heard me. You will not step out beyond these walls for many many years!"
"But- you can't do that! I'm not allowed out the palace? I can't even just stay around Asgard?!"
"One century. You will stay in the palace for one century. And IF you behave, IF you learn manners and IF you get over these silly anxieties of yours, then maybe I'll extend your privileges."
"W-what about Earth? May I never go there again?"
"No. And I heard about that boyfriend of yours. How dare you fall in love with a human! He is undeserving of your beauty and your value, it was a waste of your time, you will never see him again! You will never return to that place! Never ever again!"
"NEVER!" he yelled and slapped me across the face.
My cheek stung with pain and my tears streamed across it once more.
"Don't ever mention that place again. Or there will be serious consequences y/n. And if you even want to think about leaving the palace, I suggest you learn your place in this world" father remarked.
"Yes father" I winced as he left.
The door shut, and it started glowing as he had used some sort of magic to seal it locked.
I heard a yell, then footsteps approached the room.
"Y/n!" Loki started banging on the door. "Are you still in there? Are you okay?"
I went over to the door and leaned my forehead on it. I wanted to reply, but I had nothing to say.
Instead, I kneeled down and leant my back against the door.
Loki finally stopped knocking and I heard him shuffle around outside.
"I'm here y/n. I will always be here" he said, sounding like he was crying.

Y/n Odinsdottir Where stories live. Discover now