Chapter Thirty-Eight

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*narrators pov*
"You bring her to me. Alive."
"Yes sir. What's the plan?"
"We have added you to the guest list of the party tonight. You will go alone and unarmed. There will be security, so you cannot go with a gun. Tell us when you see her, then we will temporarily disable their security system so you can sneak into the weapons room and get what you need. Then, you will return to the party and find her. Talk to her. Get her alone. As close to an exit as possible. Drug her."
"This sounds an awful lot like the last plan. Which may I remind you failed."
"You don't fail. Or you die."
"Yes sir."
"This time, we do not want her dead. We've watched her. She's valuable, has potential. So we keep her alive. If she dies..."
"I die. Got it."
"Exactly. As I was saying, get her close to an exit, drug her. Sneak her out somehow. Get her back to your car and put her in the backseat. Go to the docks. I'll be waiting for you there."
"Is that it?"
"Yes. And if anyone gets in your way, you kill them."
"Roger that."
He did as told.
He was on the guest list, under a fake name obviously, but he still got into the party.
Sure enough, he was checked twice before he even entered the doors, and once more after. Luckily, he was unarmed as instructed.
He got to the party, and made base temporarily at the edge of the bar.
2 hours passed, but no sign of you.
He radioed back, but was ordered to stay.
He watched Tony Stark for a while, to see if he could lead him to you.
And he did.
He approached a doorway, where a girl was standing.
The man looked down at a picture on his phone.
Then back up at the girl.
It was the same person. You.
He watched you cross the room, and talk to Captain America.
You left with him, so he followed.
He followed you back to a hallway of bedrooms.
You and Captain America went in one, and Captain America left alone.
The man quickly stepped into the bathroom and pulled the door to, avoiding being seen.
Steve didn't notice.
The man pressed a button on a walkie talkie.
"She's alone in her room. I'm headed to the weapons room now" he said.
He went to step out the room, but someone new appeared. A boy.
"Wait" he told the walkie talkie.
The boy walked to your room, and he went in.
The man watched, but the boy did not come out.
"She's in her room. But not alone anymore" the man said to the walkie talkie.
"Then wait until she is" was the reply.
The man waited in the bathroom, leaning against the wall and peering out a small crack in the door.
Luckily, no one came to use the bathroom he was in.
About an hour later, the boy came out.
The man waited until he left, then went to your room.
You were asleep.
He hurriedly walked away.
"She's asleep. I'm going to the weapons room now."
He got to the weapons room and tried the door, but it was locked.
"Hello?" he yelled into the walkie talkie.
"Sorry. It's unlocked now."
He tried the door again, and it opened.
He stepped inside to a room lined with guns, grenades, bows, all types of things.
The man grabbed two pistols, and put both in his jacket after loading them with bullets.
Then he sprinted back to your room.
"Getting the girl now" he said to the walkie talkie, then put it away in his pocket.
"Hurry up" a muffed reply came from his jacket "they know you're there."
He ran to your bed and picked you up, gently but quickly.
You stirred slightly but didn't wake up instantly.
He arranged some pillows and covered them with the duvet, before carrying you out the room.
He heard footsteps come from around the corner, and he stepped into the bathroom.
A minute later, he heard the footsteps run past again.
When he was sure they were gone, he stepped out the bathroom and ran in the other direction.
He found the staircase and started to run down.
But you woke up.
"Who are you?" you muttered tiredly. 
"The party has been compromised. I was sent to keep you safe" he tried to lie.
You looked up at him, trying to read his face.
"No. No I don't believe you!" you screamed "get off me! HELP! Let me go!"
You punched the man. Repeatedly. He dropped your legs, but one arm was still around you. He put his other hand over your mouth. So you bit him, and he let go.
"Son of a bitch" he mumbled and shook the blood off his finger.
He ran after you, down the stairs.
He got close to you, and he pulled a bottle and a cloth from a trouser pocket.
He poured the bottle over the cloth.
He dropped the bottle, and grabbed you, forcing the cloth over your mouth.
You wouldn't pass out, he knew that, but you couldn't say or hear anything. And your limbs went weak.
You were helpless.
You could still watch what happened around you, but do nothing about it.
The man put an arm around you and tried to stand you up.
When that failed, he picked you up with an arm around your chest and an arm holding under your knees.
He got to the bottom floor, and there was a door by the stair well that led outside.
He opened it and when he saw that no one was around, he went out.
He got to the corner of the compound, and peered round.
He could see his car, but he could also see security guards by the front door.
He took a deep breath, then walked out with a fake laugh.
"Hey!" two security guards approached him.
The man paused, then quickly bent down to kiss you.
You went to slap him, but you were so weak it looked like you were simply cupping his cheek.
He hid your face in his chest and looked up at the officer.
"Oh sorry" the man holding you laughed "my date just had a bit too much to drink."
The security guard looked at him curiously.
"I think it's best if I take her home to bed. I wouldn't want her to embarrass herself in front of the Mr Stark" the man lied.
"Okay" one of them said. "Take care."
"Thank you. Thank you so much" the man smiled and headed for his car.
You tried to scream for help, but nothing came out your mouth.
"Not a bad kisser" the man whispered to you as he sat you down in the back seat of his car.
You urged your body to move as he pulled the seat belt across, but you couldn't do anything.
The man got in the front seat of the car and took off his jacket. Two guns came out with it.
He put them down on the seat next to him, and he started the engine.
The car moved.
You could do nothing.
"She's gone?!" Nat exclaimed. "How?"
"She's not in her room" Peter said. "Someone took her."
"She didn't just go for a walk?" Nat asked.
"No. You saw the message earlier. And he's got the Peter tingle" Tony pointed out.
"Spider sense" Peter corrected.
"Is Pepper safe?" Tony asked, and Nat nodded.
"Do we tell the others?" Nat asked.
"Tell us what?" Steve walked up behind them, with Bucky, Wanda, Vision, Clint and Sam.
"Y/n's gone" Tony sighed.
"What?!" Steve exclaimed "did you check her room?"
"Hm. No. I just got a feeling... OF COURSE I CHECKED HER ROOM. That's how I know she is gone!" 
"Now is not the time to be yelling at each other" Nat stopped them.
"How do we find her?" Peter asked. 
"We look" Tony nodded. "Steve come with me. We'll search the compound. Wanda and Vision, deal with the guests; check them all before they leave. Sam and Bucky go outside and stop the ones that are already leaving. Nat and Clint, security cameras."
Everyone nodded and ran off.
Bucky and Sam went outside, and went to the group of security guards.
"Hey. Have you seen anyone leave?" Sam asked.
"Yeah. Like a group of people every other minute."
"Anyone particularly suspicious?" 
"I don't know. There was a guy, said his date got drunk. He left out the side door."
"His date?" Bucky wondered.
"Almost passed out in his arms. Not really dressed for a party."
"When did they leave?"
"Like two minutes ago."
Bucky sprinted off without saying anything more.
"Seriously?!" Sam called after him, and started running too.
Bucky ran along the road leading away from the compound.
He eventually saw the back of a car. And he saw the girl sitting in the back of it.  
If somehow possible, he ran even faster. 
He came within inches of the car, and he launched himself into the air.
He crashed down onto the top of the car.
Inside, you looked worriedly at the driver as he grabbed a gun from the chair next to him.
You could still barely speak or hear, but it was slowly coming back. 
The man driving pointed the gun so the barrel touched the ceiling, and you watched him pull the trigger.
You heard the shots. Faintly. 
The man pressed his foot down on the brake.
Your eyes widened as you watched Bucky tumble off the front of the car.
"Wait here" the driver said and he got out the car. 
"Not like I have a choice" you whispered. Then you realised.
Bucky got up from the floor.
He looked past the driver, at you sitting in the car.
The man held up a gun, and Bucky looked back at him.
He lunged at him before he could shoot and hit the gun out of his hands. Bucky punched him across the face and he fell to the floor. 
The man pulled out a knife and instantly threw it at Bucky, and it landed in the side of his stomach.
Bucky, in turn, fell to his knees.
The other man stood up, picking up his gun as he did so.
"Kill anyone that gets in my way" he chuckled.
And the gun fired. 
But Bucky was not touched.
The driver fell to the floor, his head crashing onto the ground.
"Y/n..." Bucky whispered.
Your finger trembled over the trigger. You looked at the gun in your hand, and you dropped it in shock.
Your face was mortified.
You slowly bent down and touched the back of the man's head. The blood spread to your fingers.
You raised your hand to your mouth, smearing the blood on your face.  
You looked at Bucky, at the man, at the gun, and you slowly stood up again.
"I- I, I k-killed someone."
Tears started to drip down your face, mixing with the blood.
Bucky winced on the ground as he pulled the knife out his side, and he got up.
You stepped back as he stumbled towards you. 
"No. Y/n. Y/n come here."
You stopped moving and he put his arm around you.
He saw that you were still staring at the man on the floor, so he held the back of your head and pulled your face into his chest. 
"I killed him" you mumbled. 
"You didn't have a choice. You saved me doll. You did the right thing."
You stepped back to look into Bucky's eyes.
He held his hand up to your face and brushed a loose hair behind your ear. Then he stroked his finger down your cheek.
You froze at the feeling of the blood on your skin.
"Bucky... you're bleeding... this, this is not okay. I can't- I... I..."
You stumbled backwards, and put your hand on your forehead. 
"I- I can't do this" you shook your head.
"I know" Bucky whispered "let's just go inside, okay?"
You remained where you were, so Bucky stepped over to you once again and held onto your shaking body. 
Sam flew overhead, and landed beside you.
"What happened?" he asked, staring at the dead body on the floor.
"Sam. Can you... deal with that?" Bucky asked. "I should help her."
You had gone back to staring at the guy on the floor in shock.
"Come on let's go" Bucky put his arm around you.
When you didn't move, Bucky picked you up off the floor. 
He groaned from the pain but carried you back regardless.
The avengers were at the front door, and they ran over when they saw Bucky carrying you back.
Your face was still in shock when he put you down.
"Oh my god y/n I'm so glad you're okay" Steve ran over and hugged you. "Trust me I will kill whoever did this to you."
You instantly started to sob uncontrollably.
"Hey. Hey it's okay" Steve consoled.
"I did what you said" you cried. "I stayed in my room. But it happened anyway. It's not fair. I only left once. You were right. I shouldn't have gone to the party. Not even for one minute. This is all my fault."
"Y/n. No. It's not your fault" he reached his finger up to your face and touched the blood. "Is this yours?"
"N-no. Bucky..." you spun around to face him "Bucky is bleeding. A-and the guy... the guy..."
"The guy that took you? Where is he?"
"H-he's... he's... he's dead."
Your fingernails dug into Steve's shirt as you held onto him with fear. You cried onto his shoulder, and he looked at Bucky confused.
"What happened?" Steve asked.
"She shot him" Bucky groaned through the pain.
"I killed him. I killed someone." 

Y/n Odinsdottir Where stories live. Discover now