Chapter Twenty-Nine

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*y/n pov*
When I woke up again, I wasn't on the beach anymore.
And I was moving.
My eyes opened slowly and saw a brightly painted hallway with bright lights blur past as I was quickly pushed through it.
I looked down at my arms, and they were both covered in burns. My face felt like it was on fire too.
I couldn't feel my legs.
"Wh-where am I?" I muttered and tried to sit up.
I was afraid maybe I had been found by the wrong people again. And I needed to get away.
I tried to roll off the bed, but several hands held me in place.
"You're going to be fine" someone said.
"No. No I need to leave. Let me go" I tried again to get off the bed.
"We just need to check your..."
"No!" I screamed and hit their hands away "no I need to go home!"
Even if these people were the right people, and they wanted to help, I still needed to get away. I couldn't wait around to let them find out that my DNA wasn't exactly human.
I resumed to struggle to escape, but someone put something over my face.
My eyes groggily began to close again and I stopped moving around.
Someone held my hand on either side before I could try to take it off.
I felt myself falling asleep, and everything blacked out.
Something was beeping next to my bed, and it eventually woke me up again.
As I opened my eyes, I saw that I was in bed, and both my arms were plastered in bandages. But I could still move them quite freely.
I looked around the room, and there were two people in lab coats at the end of the bed.
I pushed myself backwards to sit up in bed, and the doctors looked at me.
"Wh-where am I? What is this place?"
"Miss, you're in a hospital. Can you tell me your name?" one of them said.
"Uh, y/n. Are you- are you going to hurt me?"
"No, we tend to do the opposite of that. We tend to help people" they smiled.
"Y/n, we found your phone in your pocket, but we couldn't find any relatives" the other person said "so we called the first person in your contacts."
I didn't try to think of who that might be, I just really hoped it was Steve or Loki. Or just one of the avengers would come.
"They'll be here soon, but first we need to ask you some questions" the first doctor said.
I sat up straight in bed.
"Wh- what sort of questions?"
"Just some that regard your health and safety..."
"Like... why are your numbers that high, yet you seem fine?" the doctor pointed to the machine next to me.
I froze, not knowing what to say.
"We are going to need to run some more tests, to find out... what you are."
"No, no please. No tests!" I begged.
"I'm afraid they're not optional for you."
"Please no. I- I just want to go home."
"We would prefer it if we could do this the easy way..."
He paused as I was already trying to climb out the bed.
The doctor came over and put a hand on my chest, pushing me back into bed.
"No. No. No. No, please" I tried to push them off me, but more doctors came in.
Eventually, someone put something over my face again, and it was the same thing as before.
I felt them lift me and put me down onto something else, and I was wheeled out the room as I passed out.
I woke up again, in the room I was in before.
Someone was holding my hand.
I wondered if it was Steve, or Loki, maybe even Tony.
I opened my eyes and frowned.
"Bucky, what are you doing here?"
"They called me. I'm the first name alphabetically in your contacts list."
I groaned and faced the ceiling.
"Are you okay y/n? Are you hurt?"
"Not badly. I'm fine."
I knew I was fine, and I could go home, but I didn't think the doctors were going to let me.
I started to cry at that.
"It's okay" Bucky comforted me.
"Why are you being so nice? I thought we hated each other?"
"I never hated you y/n. You could just be annoying sometimes. At the end of the day, I still want to make sure you're okay."
"Bucky... they ran some tests."
"Bucky! I'm not fucking human! What do you think they're gonna do to me? They're not exactly going to just ignore it!" I sat up on the bed, worrying and crying and yelling.
Bucky sat up on the bed next to me and pulled me into a hug, which surprised me a little to be honest.
He didn't seem like a hugger.
"Ow" I winced slightly, but he didn't take his arms off me.
"We're going to figure something out. Everything will be fine" he stroked his hand up and down my back.
I slowly reached around him and hugged you back.
"Th-thank you Bucky..." I smiled "but this doesn't mean I've forgiven you for being a bitch. I've had a lot of drugs, so I am vulnerable! And I will regret all of this tomorrow!"
Bucky laughed, and I couldn't help laughing too.
However, I notice over his shoulder, out the window of my room, there were security guards looking in at us.
I anxiously hugged Bucky tighter.
He noticed, and turned to look at the group of people outside.
The two doctors from before came in.
"So we ran our tests..."
Bucky squeezed my hand comfortingly. I didn't care that he wasn't someone else anymore, I just cared that he was here.
"Your condition does not seem to match with any known disease."
"And we tested your DNA, but it... broke the machine."
I gulped nervously.
"What are you?" one of the doctors asked, staring curiously at me. 
I looked between the doctors and Bucky.
Someone from outside came in.
"We're ready for her."
"What?" Bucky asked.
"We're taking her to a special facility, until we figure out the level of threat" the person explained.
"Threat? She's not dangerous!"
"We don't know that yet."
Bucky turned to face me and he looked confused at my expression.
My eyes had widened and I was frozen in place. The guy in the room was there. He was there when I had been kidnapped.
I slowly turned to Bucky and leaned closer to him.
"Bucky..." I whispered "don't let them take me. Please don't let them take me."
"I won't" he whispered back. "Don't worry." 
"No you don't understand. He was there. He- he was there Bucky. He was one of the ones that kidnapped me."
Bucky looked up at the man in the doorway. Then he looked out the window of my room.
I don't know who it was, but he saw someone he recognised.
"Pierce..." he muttered under his breath. "How is he..."
"Who?" I asked.
"Uhm we need to go now" the man in the doorway walked towards me when he heard Bucky say the name.
"No. No. Don't let them take me Bucky!"
"Do not touch her!" Bucky stood up in front of the man, threateningly.
"Actually, I think you should come with us too Mr Barnes" an old man spoke from the doorway. It was the one that Bucky had called Pierce. I recognised him - he was the one who cut my arm. I grabbed it as I remembered the pain. 
"Leave her alone" Bucky sniped at him.
"Bucky..." I tried to stop him.
"Leave her alone, and I'll come with you."
"Bucky no."
The man at the doorway paused, then smirked.
"Fine" he smiled.
The doctors looked at each other, confused, but I ignored them.
"Bucky no! Please" I grabbed the front of his shirt and pulled him towards me "no you complained about risking your life for me. So don't do it. I am specifically asking you not to. I am telling you. Don't do it."
Bucky leaned forward and pressed his forehead on mine.
"Y/n... I don't care. Stay here. Wait for the others."
"I told you to let me die instead" I whispered. 
"I'm obviously not going to do that" Bucky softly said back. He let go of me and stood up.
"No don't go" I begged.
"Nobody's going anywhere" Steve appeared, in front of the avengers. "Wish I could see it was nice to see you again Pierce."
"Steve!" I cried happily as he came and sat next to me on the bed.
"You're okay" he whispered, and kissed me on the lips. I smiled and wrapped my arms around him.   
"Okay. Can we get this guy in handcuffs?" Tony said, gesturing towards Pierce. "And everyone else out there too."
Some police officers swarmed out in the hall and some came in my room.
"What are you doing Stark?" Pierce asked.
"The right thing" Tony smirked as the cops took him out the room. He turned to me. "Are you okay kiddo?"
"I am now. Thank you" I smiled at him. "Have you spoken to Peter?"
"Not yet" Tony sighed "but I asked Happy to bring him to the compound later." 
"Okay good. I really need to talk to him. Can I go home now?" I pleaded.  
"Are you sure you're okay?" Nat asked.
"Yeah I'm fine. That guy didn't get the chance to hurt me" I shrugged. 
"I was more referring to the plane crash" Nat said.
"Right. Yeah I'm fine. Just a few burns. A broken leg I think."
"You should have never been on that plane y/n. It's my fault" Tony sighed.
"Hm. Yeah it is."
"Wow okay."
"I'm kidding. I don't blame you, Tony."
"Okay, well let's get you home" he smiled.
"Wait" one of the doctors interrupted. The two of them had been standing in the corner of the room the whole time. "Our tests showed that, um..."
"Yeah we'll take care of it" Tony stopped them without looking at them, and came over to me.
He and Steve helped me out of the bed and sat me down in a wheelchair.
Steve kissed the top of my head and pushed me out the room.

Y/n Odinsdottir Where stories live. Discover now