Chapter Thirty-Three

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*narrator pov* 
The next day, around noon...
Tony and Steve were in the kitchen, talking.
"Did you get anywhere last night?" Tony asked as he poured himself a drink.
"No. She kept kicking me and everyone else out, so I just sat with my back against her door the entire night. She never came out" Steve responded.
"Poor kid. We really need a way to call Thor back to Earth."
"Yeah. I think I agree."
Bucky walked into the kitchen at that moment, and he sat down in a chair at the side of the room.
"He might be the only one that can figure out what's going on" Tony added, giving a subtle side look to Bucky as he did so.
"Did the security footage not reveal anything?" Steve wondered.
"No" Tony lied, still looking at Bucky.
"Okay. I'm gonna go for a run. Clear my head" Steve declared as he stood up. "Can you check on her in a bit?"
"Yeah okay" Tony nodded.
Steve left.
Tony poured two more drinks. He handed one to Bucky and sat in a chair opposite him.
Tony sipped his as Bucky quickly finished his off.
"Thank you" Bucky said after a while of sitting in silence.
"You looked thirsty" Tony claimed.
"You know what I'm talking about."
"I know."
Tony took his glass and took it to the sink.
"Why would you do that?" Tony sighed.
Bucky remained quiet.
"You just had to kiss her?"
"I wanted her to remember. I thought it would help her."
"Yeah well it didn't. And look at the mess you started."
"I didn't mean for that to happen. But she has the right to know what happened."
"I thought you hated her."
"I never hated her."
"She's with Steve."
"I know that."
"But you still like her?"
"Then why kiss her?"
Bucky didn't respond. He avoided eye contact with Tony.
"Have you been to see her yet?" Tony asked.
"No. She doesn't want to see anyone except Thor."
"I reckon she'll make an exception."
"And why would she do that?"
"Try. See what happens."
"Barnes. I'm not asking."
Bucky got up from his chair, and Tony followed him out the room.
They went to your room.
Bucky knocked, and entered when there was no response.
Tony waited outside.
Bucky walked into your room, and saw a lump under the duvet, you.
It was shaking slightly.
Bucky sighed, and sat down on the bed.
You kicked him from under the sheets. 
He pulled back the covers and threw them off the bed so you couldn't pull them back over your head.
You turned to face him.
"Go away Bucky" you mumbled.
"Get out!"
"Get out of my bed! Get out of my room! Go away!"
"I'm not leaving."
"Fuck off!"
You punched him weakly and kicked him desperately with your one good leg. 
He grabbed your arms and pulled you towards him. 
"Get off!" you struggled to fight him off. "Bucky! Get the fuck off me!" 
He pulled your head onto his chest with one hand, while his metal arm held your back.
You stopped struggling.
"Then tell me."
"Tell you what?"
"What the fuck happened?"
"I can't tell you."
You leaned into his jumper and let some more tears fall.
"Why not?" you whispered. 
"I'm sorry."
"That's not an answer. Why can't you tell me? I'm going to find out anyway, when Thor returns, so why can't you tell me now?"
"If I tell you, it doesn't mean you'll remember."
"That doesn't make any sense Bucky!" 
"It means when I tell you I love you, it doesn't mean you'll love me back!" Bucky screamed.
In his head.
So you didn't hear.
"I know" he said instead. "I'm sorry."
"No you're not. You're not sorry" you shook your head. "Get out."
"I told you I'm not going anywhere."
"For fucks sake Bucky get out of my room. I don't want you in here."
"Let go of me then."
Your hands were both clutching his jumper tightly, your fingernails were digging into him slightly.
You stopped pinching him, but your hands stayed touching him. Until you pushed him back gently and rolled away from him on the bed.
"Get out."
"Get out! Get out! GET OUT!" you screamed repeatedly. You kept screaming. "GET OUT! GET OUT! GET OUT!"
Bucky groaned and left you in bed. He slammed the door on his way out. 
"I told you. She doesn't want to see me" Bucky sniped as he pushed past Tony.
Tony sighed and opened your door.
"Geez okay" Tony shut the door again and walked off.
A few hours later, you had been asleep and woken up again.
You heard something outside your window.
You slowly pulled the sheets off your face and peered at your closed curtains.
The window behind them started rattling, and it opened.
You froze in bed - you were on the third floor, so how could someone possibly be outside your window right now.
The curtains waved in the wind.
You nervously shuffled in bed, and picked up the small clock from the bedside table.
Someone jumped into your room, through the curtains, and you screamed as you threw the clock at them.
The person caught it.
He took off his mask.
"Seriously y/n? You'll have to try harder than that."
"God Peter! You scared the shit outta me!"
"I'm sorry" he stepped towards the bed and bent down to hug you. "I didn't mean to scare you."
"What are you doing here?"
"You weren't picking up your phone. I was worried."
"Sorry I don't have it. You don't need to worry about me. I'm fine."
"Mhm. You don't look it. You like like crap."
"Sorry that was harsh" he sat down on the bed opposite you. "What's going on y/n?"
"Nothing you can help me with. So, you can go."
"Oh come on. I came all the way up here."
"Well sorry to waste your time."
"Fine. I'll go" he stood up "but you're coming with me." 
Peter shot a web at you, which pulled you out of bed.
"No. What are you doing?"
"Hold on" he grinned.
He put his arm around you, and ran out the window.
"AAAAAAAH!" you screamed as you fell through the air.
Just before you hit the ground, Peter shot a web and you swung up towards the sky.
Your arms held onto him as tightly as they could, as he only had one arm around you.
He laughed, and he pulled you up to the roof, where he finally put you down.
"God Peter! What are you doing?" you cried, trying to stand up straight with a broken leg.
"Come on. You're saying that wasn't fun?"
"No! It was not!"
"Okay I'm sorry."
"Get me down."
"Get me down off this roof Peter!"
Peter ran towards you and hugged you. He sat down, and helped you sit down next to him.
Your legs were dangling over the side of the roof.
"Please. I just wanna be alone right now. Take me back."
Peter remained where he was next to you.
You had to accept the fact you weren't getting down anytime soon.
He put his arm around you and you dropped your head onto his shoulder.
"Why don't you tell me what happened. I can't help you, but I can listen."
For the next minute, you were silent.
"Have you ever had something that everyone but you knew about, even though it was something in your life, not theirs?" you asked.
"Uh... no."
"There is something, a secret, everyone seems to know about me. But no one will tell me what it is."
"What kind of secret?"
"Just... my entire life."
"How is that possible?"
"Apparently, before I came here, my father took my memories from me. Because apparently, I've been here before. And I met everyone before. I just don't remember."
"And they're keeping something that happened when you were here before?"
"They're keeping everything that happened. I just want to know. It's my life."
"I'm so sorry y/n."
"Don't apologise. It's not your fault Peter." 
"It's not yours either. Is anyone trying to help you get your memories back?"
"My brother, Thor."
"Is that it?"
"Mhm. The others would rather watch me kill myself than tell me."
"That's not true."
"Yeah? I'll prove it."
"What? No! Y/n. Please don't ever say that. Don't ever hurt yourself. Okay?"
You sat up straight, lifting your head up from his shoulder, and looking away from him.
"Y/n. Promise me. You will never do that."
"I just want to know what happened" you whispered.
"Here. I'll take you back now" Peter sighed.
"Thank you."
He grabbed a hold of you and swung you back to your room. You entered through your window.
"Peter, I really do want to be alone now. Please can you go."
"I don't want to leave you alone. Especially after what you just said."
"Maybe it's the only way I get answers" you thought in your head. 
"I'll be fine" you said out loud.
When Peter didn't move, you limped over to him and hugged him.
"Thank you. But I'm fine."
"I don't believe you. But okay. I'll go. Find your phone because I'm calling you as soon as I get home."
You smiled and nodded at him.
He hugged you back, then left.
Peter was leaving the compound when he ran into Tony and Pepper.
"Hey kid. What are you doing here?" Tony smiled at him.
"Visiting y/n" Peter nodded without stopping walking.
"Really? Did she speak to you?"
"Yeah, she did" Peter paused and faced Tony "no offence, Mr Stark, but she needs better."
"Excuse me? What did she say to you Parker?"
"She said you are keeping secrets from her. About her own life. That just doesn't seem very fair."
"You don't know the whole story kid..."
"Okay so tell me. Why won't you help her remember?"
"There is too much in her past for us to be able to explain it all. It's best if we wait for Thor to return, with the solution."
"It's not best! She'll hurt herself! To get you to tell her, she will hurt herself. Mr Stark you have to help her" Peter pleaded. 
Tony looked at him, then at Pepper.
"You should check on her" she said.
"No it's fine. I can get Steve to go up..."
"It's too late" Peter whispered, and he sprinted off back into the compound. He had felt a tingle.
"Go!" Pepper urged, and Tony ran off behind him.
They got up to the hallway where your bedroom was, but paused at the bathroom.
You were in there, Bucky and Loki beside you.
Peter and Tony slowly stepped into the room.
"Y/n..." Bucky muttered "put the knife down."

Y/n Odinsdottir Where stories live. Discover now