Chapter Seventeen

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*narrator pov*
Steve and Bucky were walking through a park. That had become a regular thing since you had left.
-flashback to their first walk-
"I told her I loved her" Bucky explained "on the morning of the day she left. It was the day before her birthday, and we took her to the Stark expo. She walked off and never came back."
"Did she tell you how old she was turning?"
"She told me she was turning 25. Well, she said 1000 first but I thought she was a joking. Who knows what else she lied about."
"I don't think she had a choice for most of it."
"She could have always had the choice."
"So did you make the choice to kill all those people?"
Bucky looked at his feet, visibly hurt.
"I'm sorry. I didn't mean it like that. I know she wasn't brainwashed or anything like you. But maybe it was best for her safety" Steve suggested.
"Whatever" Bucky shrugged "she still left. Several times. I don't think I can forgive her again."
Steve and Bucky were walking in silence, simply admiring the view.
Steve's phone rang.
"It's Tony" Steve declared, and he answered the phone.
"Tony. Hi. What do you need?"
"Hi. Is y/n with you?"
"Y/n is she with you?"
"Y/n? No. I haven't seen her in years. Thor took her back to Asgard, and she's been gone ever since. Why, is she back?"
Bucky looked up at the mention of your name.
There was silence on the other end of the line.
"Tony? What is it?"
"Thor brought her back."
"Why would she be with me? Is she not with Thor?"
"Obviously not! Or I wouldn't be calling you. You haven't seen her?"
"No I- do you think she's in trouble?"
"I don't know. But we need to find her. Last time she was on Earth, there were people who wanted her dead."
"Yeah but we dealt with all that years ago?"
"We both know there are countless threats out there..."
Steve glanced over at Bucky.
"Okay. We'll be there soon."
"Good. Oh and Loki's here."
"What?" Steve exclaimed, but Tony had already hung up.
Bucky and Steve started walking again.
"So y/n's back" Steve said after a while.
"I gathered."
"They lost her already. Think that maybe she's in trouble. We gotta help find her."
"What's wrong?"
"You want me to help find her?"
"Bucky. What happened was years ago..."
"No. You want me to help find y/n, just so she can leave again. I'm not doing that! And what if it's Hydra? It could be a trap. Or maybe, she could already be dead."
"Let's not jump to conclusions..."
"Steve. No. I can't get involved. It's better for everyone if I just let you and the others handle it."
"Okay" Steve sighed "I understand."
They returned to the Avengers tower, where Sam and Clint had joined the others.
"Finally. Honestly, I thought the serum was meant to give you guys super speed or something" Tony rolled his eyes.
"What's he doing here? Why isn't he locked up?" Steve pointed at Loki.
"Why, I hardly..." Loki objected.
"Shut it brother" Thor stopped him "he's here to help. He may have done some bad things, but that was years ago, and y/n is still his sister, so..."
"I just want to find her" Loki clarified.
"Fine. But no funny business" Steve warned.
"Okay. How do we find her?" Sam wondered.
"We... uh what are you doing?" Tony watched Bucky open the fridge, take out a beer, then go and casually sit on a couch at the side of the room.
"He said he's not helping. He can't go go through any of that... stuff. Not again" Steve lowered his voice.
"But it's been years" Tony pointed out.
"Go through any of what?" Loki overheard.
Steve sighed but turned to face him.
"Bucky and I knew y/n from before. About 100 years ago. We were friends. But she was more than that with Bucky."
Loki slowly turned his head to where Bucky was sat.
"You..." he started "you were the one she loved."
Bucky glared back at him as he sipped his drink.
"She told me that she loved you. The first man she ever loved, she said. All she ever wanted to do was come back to see you again."
The avengers all stood around staring, shocked at what Loki had just revealed.
"She wanted to marry you" Loki finished.
"Excuse me?" Bucky jerked his head and sat up straight.
"Well she was quite drunk at the time" Thor argued.
"She wanted to get married?" Steve asked. "To Bucky?"
Loki nodded.
"You're lying" Bucky denied and went back to sipping his drink.
"Believe me. I wish I was. But I had never seen her that happy before in my life."
Bucky faced away from the group, and sipped his drink again. He didn't know what to think.
"Hang on" Clint interrupted "if she's your sister, she's a goddess right?"
"Yes. She's the goddess of dreams" Thor explained.
"That's sounds so pretty" Nat smiled "yet it was so potentially dangerous..."
"Yes well anyways. If she's a goddess, does that not mean she's immortal. And has all those powers she had before?" Clint wondered.
"Why not?"
"It's a long story. We'll explain after we find her."
"So she's totally kinda useless at the moment?"
"Not useless... in danger."
"Do we have any idea what actually happened to her? She didn't just wander off?"
"She wouldn't do that."
"But what if-"
"She wouldn't do that!" Loki yelled.
All the avengers grabbed their weapons and pointed them warily at Loki.
"Brother..." Thor approached him calmly.
"She- she wouldn't do that" Loki sighed.
"So how do we find her then? If she is in danger?"
"I don't know" Thor admitted.
Everyone's phone bleeped, all except Thor, Loki and Bucky.
"What is it?" Loki asked.
"Well. I think we found her."
Loki snatched Steve's phone off him, and studied the screen.
"I don't understand. What is this? What does it mean?"
"It's Hydra" Nat frowned.
"I thought all the Hydra against were taken down" Steve said.
"Apparently not" Tony sighed.
The avengers all looked up and at Bucky.
Bucky slowly looked at them, then got up and Nat showed him her phone.
They had all apparently received the same message.
"Let's trade. We want the soldier. You get the girl."
"The girl? Y/n?" Loki gasped.
They all stood in silence for a moment.
"No. I'm not getting involved" Bucky shook his head and sat down again.
"But... you are directly involved" Tony pointed out.
"I don't care. Even more reason I should stay away from this."
"Okay. Well we need a plan" Steve suggested "we need to get y/n back. They can't possibly think we'd ever give up Bucky, so they'll be expecting our attack."
"Helpful" Tony remarked sarcastically.
"You got any ideas?" Steve asked.
"Locate her. Attack the building. Save her" Tony said smugly.
"No" Bucky interrupted.
"Excuse me?" Tony raised an eyebrow at him.
"They'll kill her as soon as you get there" Bucky continued.
"I thought you weren't getting involved" Tony questioned.
"I thought you'd be smarter than that. They're not going to let you walk in and take her" Bucky responded "they'll kill her, then you."
"Help us then Bucky. You know Hydra better than everyone else" Steve stated.
Bucky rolled his eyes and started to walk towards the elevator.
"Where are you going?" Sam asked.
"To save that bitch's ass. You coming?"
Everyone looked around at each other, then followed Bucky.
When they were all crammed in the elevator, Loki leaned over Bucky's shoulder.
"Thank you. I appreciate this. But never call my sister a bitch again" Loki whispered threateningly.
Bucky sighed, but apologised.

Y/n Odinsdottir Where stories live. Discover now