Chapter Thirty-Two

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*narrator pov*
Later that same day, Bucky and Steve were walking out of the training room together.
"Nice work today. You fought well. Really beat the crap outta me" Steve sighed.
Bucky didn't respond.
"Hey Buck... there's no hard feelings? About y/n and I being together. I mean the stuff between you is in the past. She's over you, and you're over her... right?"
Bucky looked up at Steve, staring at him intensely.
"Right" Bucky said.
Steve looked back at him doubtfully, but shrugged and walked off in a different direction.
Bucky carried on down the hallway and turned the corner.
"Why did you lie?"
Loki was leaning against the wall in front of Bucky.
"What are you talking about?" Bucky asked without stopping. Loki hurried to walk next to him.
"You lied. You're not over her."
"I see the way you look at her. You still love her."
"No I don't."
"And she loves you."
"No she doesn't. You heard her this morning. She loves Steve."
"Not as much as she ever loved you."
"Just leave it Loki."
"Why won't you just admit your feelings for her?"
"Because I'm not going through that again! I've lost her too many fucking times! Steve... Steve will keep her safe."
"What happens when she remembers?"
They both stopped walking.
"What happens when my brother returns with her memories? And she remembers your history. What happens then?" Loki asked.
Bucky glared at him, then stormed off.
"For the record" Loki called, and Bucky stopped walking momentarily. "I much prefer you than the Captain."
Bucky paused, but carried on walking.
He found you alone in the living room, watching a movie.
"Hey Buck, how was training?" you smiled from the couch. "Where's Steve?"
He didn't say anything as he sat down next to you.
"Bucky? What's wrong? You look... angry?"
"Do you love Steve?"
"Uhm" you laughed nervously "yes. Why?"
"Y/n don't hate me."
"Who says I don't alrea-"
You were cut off as Bucky threw himself against you, crashing his lips down on yours. You lay down on the couch, with Bucky leaning over the top of you. He brushed the hair out of your face and you grabbed onto his shirt. But you pushed him back. His eyes looked at you hopefully.
"Bucky, I-" you gasped for breath.
"Do you remember?" Bucky interrupted.
"What? No... Bucky... wh-why... why did you..." you started crying.
"Shit" Bucky mumbled and pulled you in for a hug.
"Why did you do that Bucky?" you sobbed.
"It doesn't matter. I'm sorry. Please don't tell Steve."
"St- Steve... Steve is my... my boyfriend. Bucky, I- I have to tell Steve."
"Y/n please. Don't tell Steve."
"Why did you do that Bucky?"
Bucky jumped up off the couch and hurried out the room.
"No! Bucky wait! No that's not fair!"
You didn't think there was any point trying to follow him in your wheelchair.
So you stayed lying on the couch, alone and still crying.
Tony was the first to find you.
He walked through the door behind the couch, so didn't notice your tears at first.
"Hey y/n what you up to?"
He walked around the couch and sat down, and that's when he saw you were upset.
"Hey... hey what's wrong?" he reached his hand out and touched yours gently.
"I- I-" you sobbed. "I dont-"
"What is it? You can tell me kid."
"I d-dont- I- I- dont- I want- want to..."
"Okay breathe. Calm down. What do you want?"
"I w-want to kn-know. I want t-to know. W-what happened? T-Thor. I- I want Thor. I w-want my bro- my brother."
You sobbed uncontrollably on the couch, raising your hands to your head and pulling on your hair.
"Hey no don't do that" Tony grabbed your hands and held onto them. You squeezed his hands back tightly, and he pulled you up.
"Y/n what's going on? Talk to me."
You shook your head slowly and continued to cry.
"Come on. Stop crying now. This is getting silly."
You tried to stop, holding your breath and holding back your tears. But it only made you sob more.
"I-I'm sorry" you apologised.
"No. I'm sorry. That was mean. Here" he hugged you, and stood up with you in his arms.
You dropped your head onto his shoulder, and your tears seeped into his shirt as he carried you back to your room.
He put you down on your bed, and you rolled over to bury your face in your pillow.
"I'll, uh, I'll go get Steve."
"Nooo!" you screamed, muffled into the pillow. "Not Steve! I don't wanna see Steve!"
"Why not? Did you have a fight? What happened?"
"I don't know!" you rolled over so your face wasn't in the pillow anymore "I don't know what happened!"
"Okay, okay... who do you want to see then?"
"I want Thor... I need... I need to see Thor."
"Okay, but Thor's not here right now..."
"I need my brother Tony!" you shouted at him.
"Don't yell at me. I'm just trying to help you" Tony spoke softly, despite your tone.
You pulled the duvet over your head and continued crying your eyes out.
Tony left briefly, and came back with Loki.
"What's wrong?" Loki asked as he sat next to you.
"She wouldn't tell me. She kept asking for Thor" Tony explained.
"Thor?" Loki questioned "hey y/n. It's me. I'm here now. It's Loki."
"Go away Loki" you mumbled.
"Y/n come on. What's wrong?"
"Go away!"
"Go away! I want Thor! I n-need Thor!"
"Thor can't be here right now. But I'm here. Talk to me. You can tell me. I'm your brother."
"You are not my brother Loki!" you revealed your burning red face from under the sheets and came eye to eye with him.
He was heartbroken. You were his sister, his best friend. You were the most important person in his life. He didn't care that he wasn't biologically related to you, he still loved you regardless.
"No... you don't mean that..." he whispered.
"You are not my brother. Go away" you spat.
"Thor. He is my brother. Not you! I want to see my brother!"
Loki teared up and ran out of the room.
Tony followed him, leaving you alone.
You rolled over to continue crying in bed.
Every time you tried to stop, you cried more.
After a while, someone else joined you.
Steve didn't hesitate to get in bed with you and wrap his arms around you.
"It's okay" Steve consoled you.
"Get off me Steve! It's not okay!"
Steve reluctantly let go as you shrugged him off.
"What's wrong? Tell me, please."
"I want to know what happened! I want- I want Thor to come back!" you cried.  
"He's coming back as soon as he can. But I'm here now."
"No! Just go away! I don't want you here now!"
"Y/n I can't just leave you alone."
"Get out!" you screamed and your voice broke as you did.
As Loki did before, Steve looked hurt, but he left all the same.
You pulled the covers over your head again and weeped until you fell asleep.
The avengers were all sitting around a table in the meeting room.
"Does anyone know what happened to y/n?" Tony asked. 
"She was asking for Thor. Maybe she's just home sick?" Nat suggested.
"She was completely fine this morning though. She was in a good mood. Something must've happened to change that" Steve inputted.
"And we need to figure it out quick. She upset Loki and I don't know if that will... trigger him to... do something" Tony added.
The others exchanged cautious glances.
"I'll look at the security camera footage. See if that reveals anything" Tony declared. "Someone keep trying to talk to y/n. Calm her down a bit. Find out why she's upset."
"I tried. She doesn't want to see me" Steve said.
"Someone else try then. She's not okay. She needs someone" Tony looked at Bucky, who had been sitting quietly in the corner of the room. "You try to talk to her."
"Me? No she hates me" Bucky protested.
"Bucky, maybe..." Steve started.
Bucky stood up and left the room. The others all followed him out the door and went their seperate ways.

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