Chapter Twenty-Eight

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*narrator pov*
-Friday night-
"Ned, the guy in the wings is Liz's dad!"
Peter had finally made the connection.
"I know. I gotta tell Mr Stark. Call Happy Hogan, he's Mr Stark's head of security, and tell me who picks up. And, uh, get a computer to track my phone for me."
"Are you gonna be okay?" Ned asked, worriedly.
"Hurry! We gotta catch him before he leaves town!" Peter cried as he swung away.
Peter stole Flash's car, and started driving, really badly.
"Hello, Ned? Hey, hey, hey, hey, can you hear me?" Peter asked over the phone.
"Go for Ned."
"Ned, I need you to track my phone for me."
"Yeah, but where is it?"
"Back of Liz's dad's car. He dropped us off."
"Genius move" Ned remarked "Okay, he just passed the GameStop on Jackson Avenue."
"Hey where are the headlights on this thing? I'm in Flash's car."
"You stole Flash's car, awesome."
"I've barely learnt to drive! Get out of the way! Move move! I've only driven with May in parking lots- woah!" Peter screamed as he almost hit someone.
"Peter are you okay?"
"Yeah. Have you gotten through to Happy yet?"
"I'm working on it."
"Takeoff in nine minutes! Y/n! What are you doing?"
"I'm downloading Netflix to watch on the way to the compound. It's this new series-"
"Yeah I don't really care. Just be ready to go. Nine minutes everyone!"
Happy turned to his phone screen. "Who is this?"
"Uh... Mr Happy. It's Ned."
"I'm an associate of Peter Parker. I've got something very important to tell y-" Ned started.
"You've gotta be shitting me" Happy sighed and hung up the phone.
"Who was that?" you asked.
"I don't know. Peter's friend."
"His friend?"
"Yeah- can you hurry up please?!"
"Hey Ned. How we coming on with those headlights?" Peter asked.
"Uh... round knob to the left of the steering wheel, turn clockwise" Ned informed.
"Left. Okay. Okay, perfect, so where's my phone now?"
"Um... he stopped in an old industrial park in Brooklyn."
"What? That makes no sense. I thought he said he was going out of town!" Peter cried over the phone.
"Weird. Oh, I reached Mr. Happy. Don't think he likes you, by the way. It sounded like he was catching a flight. He said something about taking off in nine minutes."
"He was surrounded by a bunch of boxes."
"Boxes? It's moving day. It's moving day! He's gonna rob that plane! I gotta stop him! Ned, try to call Happy again, but ask for y/n. She'll listen to you."
"All right, wheels up in eight minutes. We just got to load Tony's old Hulkbuster armor, prototype for Cap's new shield..."
"Oh! That reminds me! I need to call Steve!" you interrupted and rang Steve.
"... and the Meging... the Meg... the... Thor's magic belt" Happy finished.
His phone started ringing again and he pulled it out annoyed.
"Y/n. Please deal with this. Tell them to stop calling."
"Yeah okay. Bye Steve. I'll see you soon" you hung up your phone and took Happy's.
"Hi Happy's phone. This is y/n speaking. Who's this?"
"Y/n! Hi. I'm Ned, Peter's friend."
"Hey Ned, Peter's friend. Um, how do you know to call this number? How do you know who I am?"
"Long story. I know Peter's Spider-Man. And he needs to tell you something."
"Okay... is Peter alright?"
"Um, he..." Ned paused as the lights in the room suddenly turned on. He quickly spun in his chair and faced the teacher.
"What are you doing?" she asked "there's a dance."
"I'm... looking... at... porn" Nat muttered awkwardly, bravely sacrificing himself for Peter's sake.
There was silence on the other end of the phone, so you shrugged and hung up. You just had to hope that it was nothing more than perhaps another ATM robbery.
"Okay y/n you ready to go?" Happy asked.
"Yeah. Let me just grab my earphones."
"Fine but hurry up" Happy hesitated "and I bought you those sweets you like. Don't leave them behind."
"Aw thanks Happy! You buy them with your babysitter earnings?"
"Don't make me regret buying them for you."
Peter lie crushed beneath the rubble.
"Hello! Hello! Please! Hey, hey, please. I'm down here! I'm down here. I'm stuck. I'm stuck! I can't move! I can't..." Peter's voice broke, and he took a moment to catch his breath.
He looked down into a puddle where his mask was.
"If you're nothing without the suit, then you shouldn't have it" Tony's voice spoke inside Peter's head.
"Come on Spider-Man" Peter repeated several times, as he yet again tried to lift the debris off him.
Eventually, he got free, and stood up in the rubble.
He spotted the Vulture suit on a billboard and webbed towards it.
He managed to web onto his suit, and held on as he flew up into the air.
"Got a visual on the plane. Feeling a little resistance" the man in the suit said.
"It's probably just a drag on the new turbines" someone said over comms. "Look out for the cloaking cameras. Stay in the blind spots."
He landed on the plane, and Peter grabbed onto it too, after bumping a couple of times.
You were sat leaning against a wall with your earphones plugged in, and a bag of sweets on your lap. You placed one in your mouth, then took out one of your earbuds when you thought you heard something.
You shrugged, and put it back in to carry on watching Netflix on your phone.
The avengers were waiting at the compound for your arrival.
"How long until y/n gets here? I can't stand Loki when she's not around" Sam sighed, tired of Loki annoying him.
"Yeah well I can't stand him at all" Steve laughed "I just got off the phone with her. She's on her way and she said she'll be here soon."
"Good. I haven't spoken to her since we fought. I think I might need to apologise at this point. But to be fair, so does she" Tony complained.
"Aw. Did she hurt your feelings" Loki mocked.
"See what I'm talking about?!" Sam exclaimed.
Toomes (vulture suit guy) put the matter phase shifter on the plane, and it created a small rectangular window through which he entered the plane.
Peter tried to follow him, but he lost his grip and almost fell off the plane.
Toomes walked to the empty cockpit, and started pressing things on the dashboard, rerouting the plane.
Outside, a small decoy drone launched next to Peter.
The man left the cockpit and looked at the rows of boxes in front of him.
"Hot dog" he smiled, and started to walk past and open boxes.
His eyes widened at the Chitauri guns and countless arc reactors.
He walked past some more boxes to the back of the plane.
"Who are you?"
Peter kicked the Vultures wing suit, affecting the air pressure of the cabin.
Then, he desperately tried to hold on to the outside of the plane, waiting for Toomes to come outside.
"Just a typical homecoming..." he muttered to himself "...on the outside of an invisible jet. Fighting my girlfriends dad."
Suddenly, a force hit him, and he let go of the plane.
He shot a web to try and hold on, then he shot a web at Toomes.
He was suspended in the air. Until the web snapped.
He was sucked towards the engine.
"Oh god!"
He shot some webs that stopped the propeller blades.
"Wow. I can't believe that worked" he remarked, proudly. Before the propeller fell off and Peter had to kick it off his body.
The vulture flew at him again, and Peter managed to narrowly avoid him.
Another attack.
It caused one of the engines to burst up in flames.
Peter grabbed onto it, but eventually noticed the direction of the plane.
It was headed straight for the city.
"Please turn! Please turn!" Peter cried as he shot a web at the wing of the plane and pulled it to change its direction.
It was still heading for the ground, but luckily it would miss the city.
Out of nowhere, Peter heard a girl scream.
"What?" he muttered to himself, and tried to pull himself closer to the ground.
But as it made contact with the ground, he lost his grip and fell off, landing in the sand.
Everything erupted in smoke and flames.
Happy looked out the window at the Avengers tower.
His proud grin disappeared as he saw the jet crash into the ground.
Peter's ears were ringing.
He staggered to his feet, but suddenly, the vulture flew up behind him and attacked him.
His suit was sparking, but he didn't seem to notice.
"Hello Peter" he grinned.
"Who- who was on the plane?" Peter muttered.
The vulture didn't answer as he attacked Peter again.
He lifted him up into the air, then slammed his body to the ground repeatedly. He picked him up by the hood of his suit, but spotted the crate of arc reactors over his shoulder.
"Bingo" he smiled, and dropped Peter onto the floor.
Peter rolled over to watch him, and his eyes widened as he saw the sparks that rained down from his suit.
"Your wing suit" he muttered quietly, then repeated louder "your wing suit! It's gonna explode!"
Peter shot a web at Toomes, trying to hold him close to the ground.
"I'm trying to save you!" he cried.
Toomes cut the web, and started to fly up, when his suit exploded.
He fell to the ground.
Along with his suit.
Into the flames.
Peter hurriedly stood up and ran into the flames to go and find him.
He emerged again moments later, holding his body.
Peter lay him down on the floor of the beach, as the vulture coughed from the smoke.
He stopped coughing momentarily, and they were silent.
The cry was faint, but loud enough for Peter to hear.
His head snapped towards the direction where the sound had come from.
He remembered the scream he had heard just before the plane crashed.
He webbed the vulture to the ground and ran into the flames once again.
"Help. Please. HELP ME!"
Peter got closer to the sound, as he got closer to the remains of the plane.
He heard coughing and gasps for breath.
"Hello?!" he called out.
"He-hello?! Hello?! Help! Please!"
Peter saw you on the floor, your legs being crushed by a scrap of the plane.
He ran over to you and lifted the metal off you.
You tried to crawl out, and Peter helped you as he put an arm around you.
He chucked the part of the plane away and picked you up properly.
"I got you. I got you. You're okay."
He held the back of your head, pushing your face into his chest to try and protect you from the smoke.
He coughed and wheezed the same as you, as he carried you away from the larger spawn of flames.
He came to the open clearing of sand where he had laid the vulture, who was still there.
He bent down not far away and lay you down on the floor.
"P-Peter your m-mask..."
"It's okay. I'm not leaving you."
"No... someone will see you..." you protested.
"Peter go..."
Peter hesitated, but stood up.
You watched as he swung around, hurriedly gathering things from all the broken crates and stacking most of them together.
He then webbed the guy that was on the floor next to you against one of the crates.
He returned to you.
"Are you sure you're okay?"
"I'm fine. Someone will be here soon."
"I can take you with me?"
"N-no. Just get out of here..." you slowly closed your eyes.
"Y/n? Y/n!"
"I'm fine" you said with your eyes still closed "I'm fine. Go."
Peter put his hand on your chest and felt your heartbeat as you slowly passed out.
But he heard cars approaching.
He left, hoping, knowing you were going to be okay.

Y/n Odinsdottir Where stories live. Discover now