Chapter Thirty-Seven

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*narrator pov*
You were too focused on the movie to notice him at the door.
Peter rolled his eyes when he realised that, and he jumped from the doorway onto the bed.
"SHIT!" you yelled and the laptop accidentally hit him in the face as you jumped up. "OW" you exclaimed when your broken leg moved in a way it definitely shouldn't have.
Peter collapsed with laughter next to you.
"What the hell dude?!"
"What are you doing in here?"
"I thought you were gonna kill me!"
"Ooh I love Star Wars!"
"Just- UGH!"
"What?" Peter laughed.
"Don't do that again. Honestly thought I was gonna die for a minute."
"I'm sorry, I forgot about that. Is that why you're not at the party?"
"Yeah. Ste- I... I wanted to just watch movies."
Peter knew what you were going to say.
"I guess that makes sense" he nodded. "Mind if I watch them with you?"
"No, yeah, of course you can" you smiled.
He got in the bed next to you, and you shuffled closer to him so he could see the screen.
He put his arm around you and you leaned into him.
"So how are things with you and uh Captain America" Peter enquired.
"Good. I mean, amazing. He loves me, and I love him. Couldn't be better."
"You're happy?"
"Very. Why do you ask?"
"Just curious."
"What about you?"
"What do you mean?"
"I mean do you have anyone you like in your life?"
"I did. This girl called Liz. But it's not gonna work out."
"Why not?"
"You remember the plane crash?"
"Aha. Yes" you gently shook your broken leg and presented the faint burn marks on your arms.
"Her dad was the man in the suit."
"Shit, really?"
Peter nodded.
"That's... unfortunate. I'm sorry" you pitied him.
Peter didn't say anything, as he continued to watch the movie.
"Why don't you go back to the party? Maybe you'll meet someone?"
"Mr Stark doesn't know very many 15 year olds."
"Good point" you laughed lightly.
You watched the movie for a while, before Peter spoke again.
"Do you think you'll stay with Steve? Like, forever?"
"Peter what's with all the questions about Steve" you laughed.
"Are you gonna, like, marry him?"
"Are you?"
"I don't know. I guess if he asks, I wouldn't say no."
"You really love him?"
"Yes. I really love him. Peter what's going on?"
"Peter. Please tell me. What is it? What happened?"
"No it's really nothing."
"Remember I said I don't like people keeping secrets from me. When they're about my life."
"Y/n don't worry. I was just being overly curious."
"Mhm. You better not be lying to me."
You snuggled up to him and returned to watching the movie.
You fell asleep before it finished.
Your head fell into Peter's lap, and you curled up beside him. 
He smiled at you and turned off the laptop.
Peter slowly and carefully slid off the bed, resting your head onto the pillow.
He cleared away the empty sweet wrappers, and gathered all the full ones.
He moved everything off the bed and pulled the duvet up to your shoulders.
He left your room and returned to the party, to tell Mr Stark he was going to head home.
It was late, so there were fewer people, but still enough to be a crowded party.
He pushed through everyone, but couldn't find Tony. 
He found Clint and Nat first.
"Hey have you seen Mr Stark?" he asked.
"Hey kid. Where have you been all evening?" Clint asked, ignoring his question.
"I was with y/n."
"Aw. Is she okay?" Nat wondered.
"Yeah. She's asleep now."
"How? It is extremely loud in here" Clint stated.
"It's quieter there."
"Why do you need Tony?" Nat asked.
"I was going to head home soon. I wanted to say goodbye before I did" Peter explained.
"I'll help you find him" Natasha offered, and was already pulling Peter by the hand before he had the chance to say no.
She pulled him over to Wanda and Vision.
"Have you guys seen Tony?" she asked.
They both shook their heads and they moved on.
They spoke to Steve and Bucky next, but they hadn't seen Tony or Pepper either.
"Oh by the way" Peter said "Captain Rogers, sir. I was with y/n. She's uh asleep now. And I turned off the movies and cleared the bed and everything."
"Thanks kid" Steve nodded. 
Peter looked him up and down warily. He couldn't believe that what he had heard the other day came from Steve. Peter looked at Bucky, and simply nodded before he left with Natasha again.
They finally saw Tony and Pepper, but didn't reach him before he stood on a small platform.
"Ladies and gentleman" Tony declared out to the room "thank you everyone for coming. And here's to my beautiful soon-to-be wife."
He raised a glass to Pepper and gave her a kiss on the cheek.
Peter got goosebumps. But not because of the speech.
Tony carried on with his toast and everyone cheered.
Peter was looking around, cautiously and confused. 
Nat still had his hand, and when Tony was finished she pulled Peter towards him.
"Peter wanted to talk to you" Nat declared.
"Hey kid. What do you need?" Tony smiled. "Kid?"
Tony noticed Peter wasn't really paying attention to him.
"Are you okay Peter?" Pepper asked.
"Mr Stark, I don't want to ruin your party..."
"Hang on" Tony stopped him as his watch bleeped.
He pressed a button, and a hologram appeared, displaying a warning. 
"Security system hacked" it read "unauthorised person in the weapons room."
Tony put his hand over the watch, hiding the hologram. 
"You were saying?" Tony asked Peter.
"Someone is in danger" Peter confirmed.
"What do you think it is?" Nat asked.
"You gotta go" Pepper urged Tony.
"Get somewhere safe" Tony told her.
"I'm not going to leave you."
"Come on" Nat held Pepper's arm and hurried off with her.
"Come with me" Tony nodded at the kid.
They started walking, and left the party.
"Shouldn't we get everyone out of here?" Peter asked.
"No. We don't want to alarm anyone."
Tony pressed his watch again, to see a new warning bleeping up.
"Unauthorised person on third floor, east wing." 
"Third floor? Isn't that..." Peter wondered.
"We need to go. Now." Tony ordered.
"Should we get the others?"
"We don't have time. Hurry." 
As they ran down the hallway, the Iron Man suit caught up and built itself around Tony.
They got to the east wing of the third floor.
The bedrooms.
They were so close.
Moments away.
They got to your door.
Peter went to grab the door handle, but Tony blasted it off it's hinges.
But they paused when they saw the figure under the sheets.
"What the hell?" Tony muttered.
Peter ran to the bed and pulled the sheets off the bed.
He shook his head at Tony.
Nothing but pillows were underneath.
Peter and Tony stared at each other.
They ran back to the party.
"Did you find anything?" Nat ran up to them.
Tony looked around, then looked at her and lowered his voice.
"She's gone."

Y/n Odinsdottir Where stories live. Discover now