Chapter Twenty-One

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*narrator pov*
-Thursday morning- 
You rolled over in bed and slowly opened your eyes. 
You pushed back the duvet and sat up.
Yawning, you stretched your arms and got out of bed.
The bags of clothes you had bought a couple of days ago were still on your bedroom floor, not yet unpacked. 
You stepped over them and left your room, heading to the bathroom. 
After you had locked the door, you undressed and put your pyjamas in the laundry basket. 
You stepped into the shower and turned it on. 
A couple of minutes later, you stepped out the shower and wrapped yourself in a towel.
Humming, you returned to your room.
Before you got dressed, you dropped your towel and danced around for a bit as you hummed the tune to a song in your head.
Finally, you bent down to pull some clothes out of your bags. But you found that they weren't on the floor.
Confused, you looked in your wardrobe, then under the bed. But you couldn't find them. It was weird because you didn't remember moving them.
You picked the towel up off your floor, and wrapped it back around you.
You walked across the hall and knocked on the door.
Nat answered.
"Hey Nat."
"Hey y/n. Nice outfit."
"Yeah about that, have you seen my clothes?"
"What do you mean?"
"Well they were in the bags on the floor, then I went to shower. When I came back they weren't there anymore." 
Natasha smirked.
"What?" you asked.
"I think I might have an idea what happened to them" she grinned.
Bucky was in the kitchen pouring a drink when you walked in.
You looked unimpressed as you leaned against the door frame and crossed your arms.
Bucky looked up at you, sipped his drink, then looked down at the table shaking his head.
"I don't know how things work where you're from, but on Earth, we have these things called clothes."
You stopped leaning against the doorframe and approached him, getting closer until you could see the blues in his eyes.
"Okay what did you do with them?" you asked.
"Excuse me?"
"Where are my clothes?"
"Uhm. In your room?"
"You know damn well they're not" you hissed at him.
"Hm. Okay" he nodded "well you spilled milkshake on my favourite jacket. You ruin my clothes, I take yours. Seems fair." 
"No. No that does not 'seem fair'. Give them back."
Bucky leaned forward and his lips hovered near your ear. You felt him breathe down your neck.
"No" he whispered, and paused momentarily before saying "and I can see down your towel."
"Ugh!" you stamped on his foot and he stepped backwards "I hate you!"
Bucky licked his lips and smirked as you stormed out of the room.
You returned to Natasha's room.
"Hey Nat. Can I borrow an outfit? Bucky's not giving mine up" you sighed.
Nat laughed and leant you some of her clothes. You changed into them in her bedroom while she waited outside.
You joined her in the hallway, where she was talking to Bucky.
"See you found some clothes y/n" Bucky nodded.
"Shut up" you groaned and pushed past him into your own room.
When you opened the door, you saw your bags on the floor where they were before.
You slowly turned around to face Bucky with a look of anger.
Bucky looked over your shoulder and mockingly pulled a surprise expression.
"Well would you look at that" he said "your clothes are in your room. Did you even check in there after you got out of the shower?" 
"Fuck off Bucky" you slammed the door in his face.
Nat rolled her eyes as Bucky walked off grinning, then she opened your door and came in.
"Why is he such a dick?" you groaned from the bed.
She laughed and sat down next to you.
"You know what Nat, this is war" you frowned.
Nat continued to laugh.
"No I'm serious! I need to get him back. This was so not cool. Do you have any ideas?"
Nat sat back and smirked.
"I think we can come up with something."
You both leant against the headboard of the bed and started thinking of a plan.
—later that day—
You were sitting with the avengers in the living room, and you heard a small explosion from the training room.
"What was that?" Tony shot up.
You looked at Nat and you both started laughing.
"What did you girls do?" Tony asked suspiciously.   
"Payback for taking my clothes this morning" you smirked.
Seconds later, Bucky walked in.
You held back your laughter as he entered dripping with pink paint and confetti. 
He stood in the doorway and glared at you. He raised a finger and pointed at you.
"I. Am going. To kill you" he said, then spat some paint from his mouth and wiped his lips with the back of his hand. He marched towards you. 
"Crap!" you yelled. You jumped up on the couch and over the back of it. 
You sprinted out the room and Bucky chased you.
"For fucks sake" Tony sighed as he got up to follow you.  
You ran down a hallway and opened the door at the end.
It was a dead end.
You turned around, but Bucky was already in the room with you. 
"I am going to kill you" he muttered and stormed towards you.
"Really?" you questioned as you slowly backed up against the wall "because I wouldn't put it past you to try." 
Your back hit the wall and Bucky put his hand on the wall next to your head.
"See now I'm really going to hurt you."
"Mhm? You know it's hard to take you seriously when you look like a character from a kids book."
Bucky rolled his eyes and slowly moved his painted hand round the back of your head.
"Jerk. I just washed my hair this morning!"
He pulled your head onto his paint covered chest.
"Ugh you dick!" you coughed as the paint got in your mouth "get off."
He ran his hands up and down your arms, then picked you up and turned you around to cover your back in paint and confetti too.
"AAAUUGGHH! Get off!" you screamed.  
"What the hell is going on here?!" Tony cried from the doorway.
Bucky dropped you on the floor.
You stood up and slapped him across the face, and you started to storm off when he grabbed your arm.
"This isn't over" he muttered in your ear.
You shrugged him off and went to march out the room, but Tony stopped you.
"Uhm no. You're not leaving until you tell me what the hell just happened? Why is their paint and confetti all over my tower?"
"It's his fault! He started it! He's the one that..."
"No you know what, I just realised. I don't care. Barnes go and get cleaning supplies. Y/n will join you in a moment. You are not sleeping until this place is spotless."
Bucky left, glaring at you as he passed you.  
Tony put his hand up to his forehead and sighed. 
"Tony I-"
"N-n-no, no! Shush. The adult is talking!"
"Excuse me? I am older than y-"
Your eyes widened and you shut up. 
"What the hell were you thinking y/n? I thought you would be more responsible than this. I was trying to look out for you. But you can't just disappear for eight years, then come back and cause problems."
"I'm not the problem. Bucky is! He is so fucking irritating" you stamped your foot in annoyance.
"Y/n seriously. You're acting like a child. And you look like one too."
You looked down, embarrassed.
"Y/n just... behave. Please."
"Yes, sorry Tony."
"Okay. Now go help Bucky." 
You left the room with your head low and went to find Bucky.  
He was in the training room, where the initial explosion had taken place. 
You nodded at him and picked up a sponge.
You bent down and started scrubbing at the floor. 
"It doesn't help that you're still covered in paint. You're dripping all over the floor" Bucky pointed out.
"Yeah but so are you!" you shouted without looking up.
Bucky stopped scrubbing the floor and he stood up.
He walked over to a bucket of water and lifted it up.
He then approached you, and laughed as he tipped the water over your head.
You paused for a moment, but continued scrubbing the floor with your head down.
Bucky stood over you confused.
You sniffed as you carried on cleaning.
"Y/n?" Bucky bent down next to you. "What's wrong?"
You looked up at him with red eyes.
"Are you kidding me? What's wrong?"   
"Oh shut up Buck. Don't act like you care."
"Excuse me?"
"You heard me. I hate you!"
"I can't believe you right now" Bucky laughed and shook his head.
He stood up straight.
"I risked my life to get you out of that Hydra base."
"Oh yeah? Well I didn't ask you to!"
"So you'd rather I didn't save your life?"
"Yeah sure! Leave me to die next time! That would solve everyone's problems wouldn't it?!" 
You stood up and left the room, to continue cleaning the mess in the other room.
You didn't notice Steve in the hallway as you walked past him.
Steve entered the training room to see Bucky still bent over next to where you were moments before.
"Buck... What was that all about?" he asked. 
Bucky didn't say anything as he stood up and walked out the room.

Y/n Odinsdottir Where stories live. Discover now