Chapter Four

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-a couple of weeks later-
*y/n pov*
I rolled over in bed and tiredly opened my eyes to see Bucky looking at me.
"Good morning" he smiled.
"Mhm" I cuddled closer to him and closed my eyes again.
"Happy birthday eve. How old are you actually going to be tomorrow?"
"Hmmmm. 1,000. Alive a millenium."
"No, really."
"Um. Like 25 or something."
"Are you ready for your surprise tonight?"
"What is it?"
"I can't tell you."
"Oh come on! Please" I opened my eyes properly to look at him pleadingly.
"Fine. You remember that Stark expo I mentioned the first night we met?"
"Not really."
"Fair enough. You were quite drunk. Well I thought I'd take you tonight."
"That sounds perfect."
"But I'm taking you for food on the way."
"Even better."
"And I bought you a new dress."
"You are amazing."
"I love you doll."
"I love you too."
"You realise that's the first time we've said that to each other."
"Mhm. And I'd say it again. Because I love you Bucky."
"I love you y/n."
I shuffled in bed so that I could reach his lips with mine.
"Come on. We should probably get out of bed at some point" Bucky suggested.
I groaned as he got out of bed and lifted me up with him.
He carried me out the bedroom and placed me down on the table in the other room.
He grabbed a bag from the kitchen counter and handed it to me.
As I opened it, he leaned back against the wall.
I pulled out a lovely red velvet dress and I smiled with wonderment.
"Wow Bucky. I love it!"
"You're going to look so beautiful in that tonight. Did you find the necklace?"
I looked back in the bag and saw a small box at the bottom.
I pulled it out and opened it to find a silver chain necklace with a small love heart pendant attached to it.
"Thank you Buck" I jumped off the table and kissed him.
Then, I headed back to the bedroom with my new outfit to get changed.
I slipped off my pyjamas - a shirt of Bucky's that I sleep in - and slipped on the dress.
I brushed out my hair and put half of it up in a bun.
Holding the necklace in my hand, I walked back out the room to ask Bucky to put it on for me.
He moved my hair from around my shoulders to over one side, and he pulled the chain up around my neck.
He sealed the clasp, then fixed my hair again for me.
I leaned back onto his chest and he put his arms around me as he rested his chin on my shoulder. He kissed my cheek, then spun me round to face him.
His hands worked their way down to my waist, and we started to sway with each other.
I wanted to stay in the moment forever.
But Bucky said we had to leave if we wanted food on the way.
We picked up doughnuts and milkshakes, and then drove to the expo.
We sat in the car, eating and drinking, until we saw Steve walk by.
Bucky and I got out the car and caught up with him.
"Hey guys" he smiled.
"Hi. I saved you a doughnut" I offered it out to him.
He took it and I put my arm around him. Bucky had his arm around me, and together we walked through the entrance to the expo.
First, we went to watch a presentation by the Howard Stark himself.
After, we started walking around to see what else there was.
Bucky and Steve were mid conversation when I thought I saw someone I recognised in the crowd.
I let go of Bucky's arm and started to walk towards them.
"Hey doll where are you going?" Bucky called after me.
"Uhm. Just looking at something. I'll be back in a minute. Promise."
I pushed through the crowd, searching peoples faces for the one I had seen moments ago.
I finally emerged from the large group of people, but didn't see anyone on the other side.
I frowned and turned back to find Bucky and Steve again, but someone grabbed my arm before I had the chance to move.
They dragged me back and around a corner, out of sight.
When we were alone, they hugged me tightly.
"Oh get off" I sighed.
"Nice to see you too y/n" Loki smiled.
"What do you want? Why you here?"
"I think you know why I'm here."
"Okay then. Well I'm just gonna go."
"Y/n" Loki appeared in front of me and stopped me from walking away.
"Please. Get out of my way."
"I can't do that."
I rolled my eyes and went to walk around him, but I felt my feet lift up off the floor.
"Loki!" I yelled "put me down."
He started laughing as he turned me upside down.
"I actually hate you."
He continued laughing at me as I flew higher into the air so my eyes were at the same level as his.
"You are so annoying. Put me down" I demanded.
"No this is fun!" he smirked.
"It's really not. Now put me down, or I will fucking scream. And someone will come and they'll see you."
"I don't care. Humans are stupid and brainless. I could so easily control everyone right now. Such a waste."
"Mhm. Okay I warned you. AA-" I opened my mouth to scream, but someone behind me put a hand over my mouth.
"Are you trying to get us killed?" they hissed.
I bit their finger and they took it off my mouth.
"Oh goodie. Thor's here now" I groaned as he walked around and stood next to Loki.
"Okay brother put her down now" Thor told him.
"Oh but it's fun, look" Loki laughed as I started to bounce up and down in the air.
Thor laughed with him, but eventually convinced him to put me down.
He dropped me flat on my back.
I got up quickly and glared angrily at him.
"If you'll excuse me, I'm going to get back to my friends now."
Thor and Loki stood in the way to create a physical barrier.
"Friends?" Loki asked questioningly.
"Mhm. Two friends waiting for me. And I need to go find them. So if you could just, you know, kindly, fuck off."
"No. We're going home now" Thor said.
"Nah I'm okay."
"Come on little princess. Let's get you home so you can dress up in pretty dresses" Loki mocked.
"Right that's it!" I screamed and launched myself at Loki.
I wrapped my legs around his waist and tightened my hands around his neck. I squeezed tighter as he laughed at me.
There was a flash around us, and a change in setting.
"Y/n Odinsdottir get off your brother right now!" my mother cried.
"Fucks sake" I muttered as I jumped off him. "Long time no see mother" I spoke to her.
She walked over to me and I rolled my eyes as she hugged me.
"I missed you" she claimed.
"You've been gone for nearly a year and that's all you have to say to me?"
"Fine. Sorry. I missed you too."
"You're father wants to see you."
"Thor, Loki, take her please" she said after I started walking off in the opposite direction.
I started to run, but Loki flew me up in the air again.
"LOKI!" I screamed.
He and Thor laughed as I was forced to follow them through the palace.
"I hate you both. You are shitty brothers. You can both fucking die. You know what, I hope you both get stabbed a hundred times each and impaled in the head with pitchforks and..."
Loki conjured a metal gag around my mouth.
"Much better. Thank you brother" Thor smiled teasingly at me.
We got to the end of a large hallway, and a large set of double doors opened in front of us.
Here the fuck we go again, I thought in my head as I was flown into the room in front of the throne.
My father was sat on it, looking down at me disapprovingly.
"Why is your sister wearing that around her mouth?"
"Because she's y/n. And she's annoying" Loki shrugged.
"Let her go. Now."
He dropped me to the floor again, and I flipped him off as I stood back up.
"Y/n!" my father yelled.
"Yeah hi."
"Where have your manners gone?"
"Oh sorry Hang on lemme just... good evening my dear father. How have you been on this fine day?"
"Where have you been?"
"Um. Earth. Speaking of which, I'm just going to head back there. So..."
"Ugh. What do you want?"
"I want to see my daughter on her birthday. And it would be nice if she wanted to see me."
"Okay. Here I am. Can I go now?"
"No. You're birthday is tomorrow. And you will stay until then. There is a celebration in the evening and the whole kingdom is invited. You will attend."
"Ugh. Do I have to?"
"Y/n Odinsdottir! There will be a celebration tomorrow! You will attend because it is your millenium birthday! And you will wear a dress and enjoy yourself!"
"Yes father" I gulped and stopped messing around as he snapped at me.
"Go to your room. I don't want to see you until then."
"Yes father" I curtseyed respectfully and hurried out the room.
When I got back to my room, I collapsed on my bed and started crying.
"Mother. W-what are you doing here?"
"You're my daughter. I have the right to talk to you."
I didn't say anything.
"What happened?" she asked.
"Don't pretend you care" I sniffed.
"Y/n. Of course I care about you. Why are you crying?"
"I want to go back to Earth. I was happy there. You and father always have to ruin my life."
"We don't ruin your life. That is a rude and selfish thing to say. We just want what's best for you y/n."
"If you want what's best for me, don't make me go to this stupid party tomorrow."
"It is not stupid. Your father is holding a celebration for his daughter because he loves you very much. We both do."
"If you don't mind, I'd like to be alone tonight."
My mother sighed, but left the room like I wanted.
I lay face down on my bed and continued to cry into my pillow.
After a while, I heard someone come into my room and sit next to me on the bed.
I sat up, teary-eyed, and looked at Loki.
His face was pitiful as he leaned closer and hugged me.
I cried into his arms.
"I'm sorry y/n. I know it's hard for you" he stroked my hair.
"Yeah but you fucking find it amusing" I sobbed.
"Not when you're like this."
"It's not fair Loki. I don't want any of this."
"I know."
"I don't want to be here. I don't... I- I d-don't..." I whimpered and burst out crying again.
"I know" Loki hugged me tighter.
Soon, Thor joined us in my room.
"Y/n, have you- what's going on" he noticed Loki with his arms around me and came to sit on the bed next to us.
He hugged me on my other side, so I was in the middle of them.
"What's going on?" Thor asked.
"She doesn't want any of this" Loki explained.
"At least he cares enough to do it for you. I never got any of this. Neither did Loki."
"So I'm selfish then? Mother was right."
"No you're not selfish. I'm just saying maybe be grateful that you're the favourite."
"Agreed. I mean if I ran away for a year, father would have me locked up by now" Loki added.
"Hm. Maybe he's just waiting until after the party to lock me up, so I can't escape again."
"I'm sure he'll forgive you" Thor assured.
"He's not going to have the chance. I'm leaving again as soon as this is over."
"Aha. I don't think that's the best idea" Thor objected.
"I don't care. I don't want to stay in this hell hole a day longer than I have to."
"You don't want to stay with us? You don't love your brothers enough to stay anymore?" Loki teased.
"Oh shut up. You know I love you. I just can't stand living here" I cried.
"We know" Thor and Loki sighed.
"Love you too y/n" Loki smiled. "I think it's time you cheer up though."
"Are you thinking what I'm thinking?" Thor asked secretively.
"What? What are you doing?" I looked between them smirking at each other.
Suddenly, they pushed me down and Thor pinned down my arms.
Loki jumped on top of me and started tickling me.
"Get off!" I shrieked happily "nooo!"
I laughed until they finally stopped and lay down on either side of me.
"You're so annoying" I giggled.
Loki put his arm around me and I hugged him.
"You know. The one thing I did miss, definitely the beds. They're so comfy."
"The one thing you miss?"
"Okay second thing. After you two. Third after food maybe" I smiled and closed my eyes as Loki hugged me and Thor held my hand.
They started talking and I fell asleep to the sound of their voices.

Y/n Odinsdottir Where stories live. Discover now