Chapter Eleven

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*narrator pov*
A few days later.
All the avengers met at the Avengers tower.
"I like what you've done with the place" Clint admired.
"Do you guys know why we're here?" Bruce asked.
"No clue" Tony admitted.
"We need your help" Steve walked in with Nat.
"What's the problem?" Clint asked.
"We need to find y/n" Steve continued.
"Y/n? Isn't she on Asgard?" Tony enquired.
"She came back a few days ago. But now she's missing again."
"Why do we need to find her?"
"Nat and I found Bucky. He's alive. At first, we were just looking for y/n to tell her that. But Bucky hasn't woken up since she knocked him unconscious."
"She knocked Bucky unconscious?"
"Something like that. She didn't know it was him at the time. But he hasn't woken up, and we think she's done something to him."
At that moment, the window smashed and Thor flew in.
"Are you kidding me with that? We just got those fixed" Tony sighed.
"Thor. Have you seen y/n?" Steve wondered.
"That's exactly why I'm here. I never found her the other day" Thor answered.
"Thor. What do you know about y/n's powers?" Nat asked.
"I know that she has the power to put people to sleep. That's why I need to find her. She put the entire of the Asgardian kingdom to sleep before she came to Earth last time. They're awake now, but that doesn't mean she isn't dangerous. Why do you ask?"
"We have a similar situation" Steve informed him "our friend. Bucky. Before you arrived the other day, y/n did something to him, and he hasn't woken up since."
"I'm sorry. Can we rewind to the fact that she put an entire kingdom to sleep?!" Tony exclaimed.
"We need to stop her. Fast. Before she does anything really serious" Nat explained.
"I agree. The sooner I can take her back to Asgard, the better" Thor added.
"How do we find her?" Clint asked.
"I don't know" Thor admitted.
"Well I'm assuming wherever she is there will be a high energy reading. So we could start with that? Try and locate somewhere that is highly radiated or where there's a lot of energy?" Bruce suggested.
"Good idea doctor" Nat smiled at him.
"I'm going to go check on Bucky. Let me know if you find anything" Steve left the room and went downstairs, where he had put Bucky.
He was lying on a bed in the middle of the room, still with his eyes closed.
Steve walked over and sat next to him.
"With you til the end of the line" Steve whispered.
His phone pinged, and he pulled it out his pocket.
A message from Sam popped up, and he clicked on it.
"Could this be what you looking for?" the message read, along with an attached photo of what seemed to be an abandoned warehouse.
There was a faint purple glowing outline around it.
Steve messaged Sam back, telling him thanks and to wait there.
He hurried to get ready, and drove across town to where Sam was.
"I thought this might be what you're looking for" Sam said as Steve got out his car.
"Yeah. Exactly. She has to be in there" Steve sighed.
He looked back at Sam.
"You coming?"
"Hell yeah I'll come" Sam smiled.
"Okay. We'll split up, tell me if you find her" Steve said, before heading into the building.
He ran down hallways, checking the rooms behind every door.
He ran up one set of stairs, and checked every room on that floor, then the next.
"Any luck" he asked Sam over comms.
"Not yet" he replied.
Steve sighed and carried on trying doors. He reached one that was locked.
"Y/n?" he knocked and tried to force it open.
He used his shield to break the hinges, and pulled the door away from the frame.
You had jumped when you heard Steve knocking, and were now standing with your back against the wall.
"Steve. W-what are you doing here?" you whispered.
"Y/n. Stand down. And come with me."
"N-no. I can't" you slowly creeped backwards into the corner.
There were no other doors in the room you could run out of.
"Y/n..." Steve warned.
You leaned into the corner of the room, and slid down so you were sitting huddled up in a ball.
"Please don't make me go."
Steve slowly walked over to you.
He saw you cowering in fear, your eyes teary.
He realised, you were scared. You didn't want to hurt anyone. He knew that. He looked at you more closely, less angry and more pitifully.
"AAAAAAAH" you screamed as the wall on the other side of the room exploded.
Thor came crashing in, followed by Stark in his Iron Man suit, hovering behind him.
"Y/n!" Thor yelled as he stormed over to you. "What has become of you?! What did you do? Putting the whole of Asgard to sleep? What the hell were you thinking? What if there had been an attack? Someone could have died y/n!"
"I-I'm sorry" you cried "I promise I didn't want to hurt anyone. They were meant to wake up on their own after I left. I didn't know what happened!"
"Y/n I said no!" Odin yelled "you know what I said about Earth! I told you never to mention it again!"
"But Loki is alive! Thor told me! I want to go and see him!"
"Thor is handling the situation! You aren't going anywhere!"
"I hate you!"
"Go back to your room!"
"AAAUUGGHHHH!" you screamed in annoyance and threw your hands up in the air. Your eyes were clenched shut up as you started to storm out the room. But you heard something drop to the floor behind you.
You turned and saw your father, lying on the floor.
"Father?!" you gasped and ran over to him.
You felt for his pulse, and let out a deep breath when you found he was still alive.
You looked around the room and saw all the guards that had fallen too.
You left the room, and everyone in the halls and everyone you could see out the windows were all on the floor as well.
You gulped, but thought that now you had the chance to go to Earth. Before everyone woke up.
You could escape.
You ran to the Bifrost and saw Heimdall on the floor too.
You ran past him, and left for Earth.
"I'm sorry!" you repeated.
"Sorry isn't good enough. You must be punished for what you have done!" Thor exclaimed.
"But I didn't do anything! Not purposefully! No one is hurt! I undid it all!"
"Y/n..." Steve interrupted.
You looked up at him with a burning red face.
"I don't know how to say this."
"What?" you asked.
"Bucky is alive."
Your face dropped and tears streamed silently down your face.
"What?" you repeated.
"He was the man who attacked us. The last time we saw you. But you put him to sleep."
Steve nodded.
"He hasn't woken up?" you cried.
"No. You need to come with us now and fix it."
"And then you are coming back to Asgard!" Thor shouted.
"No. No. No. No. No. No. No" you muttered over and over again.
You put your hands on your head and started rocking back and forth against the wall.
Your breaths got quicker and shallower.
"What's going on? What's happening to her?" Steve asked.
"She's having a panic attack" Tony whispered.
Thor marched over to you to pick you up, but Tony flew in the way.
"What are you doing metal man? Get out of my way."
"Okay point break. You need to leave her alone. Just for a minute" Tony told him.
"Don't tell me what to do. Move away from my sister."
"Thor" Steve spoke up "she's scared. She doesn't mean any harm."
"She's dangerous" Thor spat.
"She needs help" Tony argued.
"I'm trying to help her!"
"If you take her away, you are helping no one."
Thor hesitated, but he stepped back and turned away.
Tony looked down at you, still shaking.
He sat on the floor next to you, and you looked at him.
You were still crying and breathing unevenly.
He held up his hand, and you reluctantly took it.
Your eyes darted around the room, looking between Thor and Steve, thinking about Asgard and Bucky.
"Y/n" Tony spoke gently from beside you "look at me."
You turned slowly to face him.
"It's okay. Just breathe" he comforted you.
You nodded and paid attention to your breathing, all the while still looking at Stark and holding his hand.
It took a few minutes for you to cam down, but Tony didn't leave your side.
"There we go. You're fine" he smiled as your breathing returned to a normal pace.
"Thank you" you mouthed at him.
"Okay come on. Let us go now" Thor demanded, but his voice was softer and more sympathetic than before. "If you are ready?" he added.
You looked at him, then at Steve.
"Bucky... I need to help Bucky..." you whispered.
"He's back at the avengers tower" Steve informed. He walked up to you and helped you to stand up.
You grabbed his chest and he put his arm around you to help you walk.
You went back with him and Sam joined you in his car.
Steve took you to the room that Bucky was in.
You paused outside the door for a minute.
"What's wrong?" Steve asked.
"What's wrong?" you repeated back to him "it's Bucky. Bucky is alive. W-what if I wake him up and he still doesn't remember? He obviously didn't remember me when he attacked me. Or worse, what if he does remember, and he remembers how I left him before? I just... I- I-"
Steve put his hand on your shoulder.
"It's okay. Everything is going to work out."
"How do you know?"
"I don't. But you've gotta hope."
You looked at him, with eyes full of hope. You reached up and kissed him gently on the lips.
"What was that for?" Steve asked, but did not protest.
"I'm sorry. I don't know. For this. For helping me get through all of it" you shrugged.
You took his hand and placed your other one on the door handle.
You gulped before opening it, and you saw Bucky lying on a bed in front of you.
Sam came up behind Steve in the doorway, and they stood together as they watched you kneel over him.
You put your hand on his head and stroked through his hair.
You cried as you bent down and kissed him, and your teardrops fell on his face.
Bucky slowly opened his eyes and you smiled as he looked up at you.
"Now that is some good sleeping beauty shit right there" Sam remarked.
"You like sleeping beauty?" Steve raised an eyebrow.
"Eh. If I had to choose, it'd be Cinderella" Sam nodded, seemingly proud of his choice.
"Bucky" you whispered to him. "Bucky it's me. Do you remember?"

Y/n Odinsdottir Where stories live. Discover now