Chapter Sixteen

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*narrators pov*
The sound of music.
People screaming. Happily. Full of joy.
Coloured strobe lights.
All loud and over the top.
Two men walked to a door at the edge of the party.
They opened it and walked into the small conjoining room.
You were in there, sitting back on a chair.
Your eyes opened slowly.
Everything was blurry.
You could hear the two men murmuring.
There were four other men that were already in the room.
You groaned as your head pounded.
You started to lift your hands to rub your groggy eyes, but found they were tied behind the back of the chair.
You dropped your head, and saw your feet tied to the front legs.
One of the men came over to you, and lifted your chin with his finger.
"Our guest of honour."
His breath stunk of alcohol.
"How are you?" he grinned.
His voice was still too distorted in your head to process what he was saying, so you didn't respond.
"You are going to be of a lot of help to us."
Your eyes looked up to face his, and a teardrop rolled down your cheek.
He scoffed at you.
"So pretty. Beauty like this should not be wasted. It should be shown off. Celebrated." 
The man speaking gestured, and two of the men untied you.
Tiredness got the best of you, and your head pulled you forward.
One of them pushed you back against the chair, and put handcuffs on your wrists.
Then, someone stood either side of you and pulled you onto your feet.
You stumbled as you put your weight on your ankles, but the men held you up.
The man who had been talking to you left the room, and you heard him addressing the crowd outside.
They cheered, and you were suddenly forced to walk.
A bright light blinded you and you squinted.
The man, apparently in charge, approached you and lifted your arms up, almost victoriously.
You doubled over as someone swung something at your stomach, and the party guests laughed.
No one caught you as you fell onto your knees, then rolled onto your back on the floor.
"...she will help us... take control... most powerful... key to success... bring back the soldier... hail Hydra."
You heard snippets of what the man was saying, but didn't know what any of it meant.
You slowly sat yourself up, and he bent down in front of you.
"Smile darling" he said "don't waste a pretty face."
His fingers pushed your cheeks up your face, forcing a smile.
Your eyes slowly began to close again.
The man dropped you back on the floor, then he stood up to kick you in the side.
He stamped on your stomach, and walked away.
You were left on the floor.
The party carried on around you.
You awoke again in a different room.
It was much quieter - there was no one else in there.
This time, however, you weren't groggy. You were fully awake and aware.
You were tied to another chair in the same way you had been before.
Struggling, you tried to break free. But you were unsuccessful.
In the corner of the room, that you hadn't noticed yet, was a security camera.
And there was someone behind the screen, watching you.
"Help" you screamed hoarsely "somebody help me!"
After a while of sobs and cries for help, someone opened the door and joined you in the room.
"There she is" he smiled.
It was the man from before.
"Please" you cried "please let me go."
"Oh I can't do that. Not yet. We need your help."
"No. No, let me go. Please. I can't help you. Just let me go."
"Oh you're going to help plenty."
"No. How could I possibly help you?"
"You are going to bring us the soldier."
"What? I don't- I don't know who-"
"Now don't lie to me."
"I'm n-not. I don't know who..."
"Stop lying!"
The man slapped you across the face, and you screamed slightly.
"I thought you were stronger than this" the man sighed as he pulled a phone out his pocket.
He turned it on and held a video up to your face.
It showed you, pointing a gun at someone.
"That's not-"
"Just keep watching."
The other person in the video took the gun off you, and held it up to your forehead, but didn't shoot.
In the video, the sky rumbled and you looked up.
Then, you touched the other persons head and they fell to the ground.
The video stopped.
"I- I didn't for that! I don't know what that is!"
"Is that not you in the video?"
"It is. But I never-"
"Do you know where the man in the video is?"
"I don't know!" you sobbed "I told you I don't know who that is. I don't remember doing any of that. You have to believe me. Let me go!"
The man sighed and pulled out a gun.
He held it under your chin.
"I'm not going to let you go. Tell me the truth. Where is he?"
"Please no. Please I don't know anything. I didn't do anything. I promise. Please" you begged for your life.
The gun cocked.
"I swear I don't know anything!" you sobbed.
He hesitated, but put his gun away.
He pulled out a knife instead.
"Last chance" he warned.
"I promise! I didn't do anything. I don't know who he is."
"Agh" he exclaimed in annoyance, and he stabbed the back of your hand.
You screamed at an ear piercing pitch.
"NOOOO! Stop! Please!" you shrieked.
He pulled the knife out slowly, until it was just the tip left in your skin.
"You going to talk now?"
"You have to believe me. I don't know anything!"
He started dragging the knife up your arm, cutting through your skin.
"Ple- No! Stop! AAAAAAAAH!"
He stopped at your elbow, took the knife away, and looked at you.
"Take care of her. We don't want her bleeding to death" he said, dropping the knife and walking out.
One of the other men in the room went away briefly and returned with a first aid kit.
You screamed in pain as they bandaged up your wound.
One of them bent over you, wrapping a bandage around your hand.
"Please help me. I don't know you are or where I am, and I don't know anything that is going on" you whispered to him for help. "Please you have to get me out of here."
The man laughed and stood up straight. Then he swung and punched your face.
The other man did the same.
The first man kicked at your legs.
The second man punched you again.
They both laughed as they left the room.
You looked down at the floor, and stared at the knife, covered in your blood.
You stared long enough to watch it dry.

Y/n Odinsdottir Where stories live. Discover now