Chapter Fourteen

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*narrator pov*
-several years later-
Thor walked through a door, down a hallway, through another door.
He sat down leaning against a wall, facing forward.
Opposite him, Loki was sitting in his cell.
He was staring in Thor's direction, but he was zoned out.
"Things are boring without you brother" Thor sighed.
Loki didn't reply. Or move at all.
"It's been years, but still no one's allowed in or out the palace unless father permits it. So no one has come to visit. And he won't let me leave either. He's afraid I'll tell someone about y/n. And how he's not doing anything. I'm surprised no one has found out already. It's been so long since anyone had seen her. He's scared for his reputation. But maybe he does want to help her. Perhaps he just doesn't know how, and he doesn't want to admit it. He would definitely have woken her up by now, surely, after all it's been almost 10 years. I don't think father would ever voluntarily do this for no reason..."
"SHUT UP! Odin is a foul and loathsome being, he doesn't care for anyone but himself! He knows damn well how to help her yet he still refuses! So don't you dare defend him!" Loki screamed.
"He wouldn't. Our father would never..."
"That man is not my father!"
"Loki I-"
"Leave me alone. Do not visit me. I do not want to see you."
Thor stood and stormed off angrily. But he was upset. He had lost both his siblings, and there was nothing he could do.
His mother seemed to be very absent a lot now, and his father did not wish to speak to him because all Thor ever did was complain about helping you.
He had few friends on Asgard, none of which could visit him anyway.
So Thor was wondering the halls alone.
After a while, he bumped into someone.
"Hello Thor."
"What are you doing here?"
"I have come to see your father."
"Oh. Well. I haven't seen him."
"I can find him."
"Of course" Thor nodded as Heimdall started to walk past. Then he stopped him as he wondered something.
"Heimdall, wait!" Thor ran up to him "I have a question..."
"Yes Thor?"
"How are you awake?"
"You're awake. I thought y/n put you to sleep? And I was just wondering how you woke up all those years ago?"
"I really must get going Thor."
"I thought only she could undo her magic. How did you wake up?"
"I do not think your father wants me to disclose that information to you."
"Is there someone on Asgard that can oppose her powers? Tell me. Who awoke you?"
"I can not say. I mustn't" Heimdall hesitated "but may I recommend you have a conversation with your brother."
Heimdall walked off, and Thor's eyes followed him until he was out of sight.
Then, Thor turned back in the direction he had come from, and retraced his steps.
"Brother!" Thor yelled as he faced Loki for the second time in the day.
"I told you. I do not want to see you."
"You can undo it?"
Loki looked away from him.
"You can undo it! And you didn't tell me? I have visited you every single day of every year that has passed yet you didn't tell me?!"
"What would be the point? It's not like I can help."
"Why would father do this? If he knows how to wake her, why doesn't he?"
"Like I told you, Thor. He doesn't care for anyone but himself. And his reputation."
"But this... he must care for her."
Loki looked down and shook his head.
Thor frowned and went to find his father.
Heimdall was with him; they were alone.
"Father!" Thor yelled.
"Thor. What is the meaning of this? It is rude to interrupt and yell" Odin sighed.
Thor stormed towards him, stopping when he was close to his face.
"You know how to wake her?!" he spat.
Odin didn't respond to him.
"You know how to wake her yet you still don't?!"
"I've told you Thor. She deserves this punishment."
"No! She didn't do anything!"
"She disrespected me. She is ruining the reputation of this family. I will not have it!"
Thor started chuckling lightly to himself.
"What? Why are you laughing?" Odin asked confused.
"I am stupid. I am so stupid. Loki's right" Thor laughed.
"What did he say?"
"He said you never cared for her. And he's right. I was just hoping maybe you didn't want to admit that you just didn't know how to help her. But you really don't care. You do care only for yourself. Loki was right."
"How dare you accuse me of that Thor! I do care about her. I am doing what is best for her, and for this family."
"You are doing what is best for yourself" Thor sniped and left his father again.
He returned to Loki's cell.
"For crying out loud! Thor! What are you doing back here? Have I not said it enough? I don't want to see you!" Loki yelled.
Thor didn't say anything as he unlocked the door of the cell.
"Thor? Is this some sort of trick?"
"Tricks are your thing brother" Thor said. "Come on."
"Where are we going?"
"To save our sister."
Loki hurriedly stood up and followed Thor to your room.
Sure enough, you were still there. On the bed. Lying unconscious. Untouched since the day you were brought back to Asgard.
Loki ran to you, and hugged your chest. He quickly raised a hand to your head, and it hovered over your face as it faintly glowed green.
Before checking you had awoken, Loki returned to hugging you.
Your arms wrapped gently around him.
"Loki?" you sighed tiredly.
Thor smiled and joined you.
"What are you guys doing?" you giggled as they hugged you.
"Don't worry y/n. It's going to be okay" Thor assured as he picked up your hand.
"What do you mean?"
"Y/n. We're getting you out of here" Loki smiled comfortingly at you and held your other hand.
"What? Why? What's going on?" you laughed nervously.
"We're taking you to Midgård" Thor explained.
"Earth" Loki informed.
"Ear-" you began to question.
"Just until we sort things out with father" Thor added.
"Sort things out?" you stopped walking "will one of you please tell me what's going on?"
Loki turned to Thor, confused.
"Y/n?" Loki asked "what's the last thing you remember?"
"Uhm. Going to sleep last night?"
"What did you do before sleeping?"
"The same as always. Dinner with you and Thor and father and mother. Why? What's going on Loki?"
Loki and Thor exchanged worried and puzzled glances.
"We need to get you out of here. Now. Before father does any more harm" Thor decided, and Loki nodded in agreement. They each grabbed one of your arms and dragged you down the hallway.
"Harm?! Wait! Stop! I want to see father!" you demanded.
You struggled, and Thor picked you up over his shoulder, and he carried you to the Bifrost.
Heimdall wasn't back yet, so Thor took charge.
"Loki, stay here" Thor ordered, and he was taken to Earth, with you in his arms.
"Nooooo!" you screamed on the brief journey.
You landed on Earth, in front of a large tower, unfamiliar to you, but Thor recognised it as the Avengers Tower.
He put you down on the sidewalk.
"I will be back very soon. Go inside" Thor pointed at the door "they will look after you."
"Wha- w-who? Who will look after me? Where are you going? Take me back! Thor!?" you blurted out, but he disappeared out of sight with the rainbow bridge.
"What the fuck?" you muttered to yourself as you turned to take in your surroundings.

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