Chapter Twenty-Four

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*narrator pov*
You collapsed onto the floor.
Loki kneeled over your body.
"Y/n? No, no, no, no. Y/n please be okay. No you have to be okay. Why does this keep happening? You don't deserve this!"
"Loki? Is she breathing?" Tony ran over to him, along with the rest of the avengers.
Loki held the back of your head and pulled you up towards his face.
He pressed his forehead against yours and slowly let out a breath he had been holding in when he heard the faint sound of you breathing.
"You're alive. You're okay. You're gonna be okay" he nodded.
"We need to take this to the lab" Tony suggested as he carefully picked up the half empty needle from the floor. "Bring y/n. We'll give her a check up and pray that she's okay. Hopefully whatever this is didn't do much harm."
Loki wrapped his arms around you and stood up, then left with Tony and Thor.
Nat, Clint, Peter and Sam stood huddled over the man on the floor.
"Uh Natasha" Peter grabbed her attention, to point out the whole party staring at them.
"Crap" she muttered "okay everyone, the party is over! Time for everyone to leave! Go home!"
The avengers ushered all the guests out the door, until they were the only ones left.
They returned to gather around the body.
"Is he dead?" Peter frowned.
Clint bent down and felt the side of the man's neck.
"He still has a pulse" Clint declared.
"We'll get him down to the med bay" Nat said "then when he wakes up, we'll make him talk."
A door across the room opened, and they all looked up as Steve walked in.
"Hey... what's going on? Where is everyone?" Steve asked.
"Uhm. Tony's in the lab. I think you should go see him" Sam suggested.
"What happened? Is y/n okay?" Steve's eyes widened when he saw the man on the floor "who is that?!"
"We don't know yet. But you're gonna wanna talk to Stark" Clint told him.
Steve frowned and hurriedly headed for the door.
"Hey wait" Nat stopped him "where's Bucky?"
"Uhm. In his room. He wouldn't talk to me" Steve lowered his head shamefully and walked out the door.
He went to the lab and saw Tony, playing around with some holograms that Jarvis was projecting.
Thor and Loki were standing next to a table, on which you were laying unconscious.
"Y/n?!" Steve gasped and ran over to you.
Thor and Loki were already holding both your hands, so Steve stood at the end of the table where your head rested, and gently stroked his hand through your hair.
"What happened?" he asked.
"Someone injected her with this" Tony waved the needle at him.
"Who? Why?"
"We don't know. But we do know that this injection wasn't made just to put her to sleep."
"What are you saying?"
"It was designed to kill her. Luckily, all of it had to be injected for it to work."
"So she's going to be okay?"
"Hopefully, yes. She should be."
"I can't believe someone would do this to her" Loki cried "she's gone through so much, she doesn't deserve any of it."
"No one deserves this" Steve frowned. "Will she wake up soon?"
"Unlikely that she'll wake up before morning. The alcohol in her system means she will be passed out for longer. Normal stuff after getting drunk."
"But she's definitely going to be okay?" Thor asked.
"Yes" Tony sighed. "She just needs rest."
"I'll take her back to her room" Steve offered.
"Thank you" Thor nodded and Steve lifted you up.
Loki started to follow him out the room, but Thor grabbed his arm.
"Please look after her brother. Try to make sure she doesn't get hurt, but also, don't hurt anyone yourself."
"Of course I will. But I can't promise I won't hurt anyone" Loki smirked.
Thor laughed, thinking he was joking, and pulled him in for a hug.
Loki looked very disgusted, but sighed and hugged him back.
Steve took you back to your room.
He held you as he pulled the duvet back on the bed, and he lay you down on the sheets.
You stretched your legs out and rolled over.
You grinned slightly in your sleep, and Steve smiled softly at you.
He sat on the bed next to you; he wanted to stay with you for a while to make sure you were okay.
You rolled in bed again, and your hand rested on Steve's arm.
Your fingers felt cold on his skin, so he pulled the duvet up to your neck to keep your warm.
He decided to rest his eyes for a while, and ended up falling asleep next to you.
The next morning, you slowly opened your eyes as the sunlight through a hole in the curtains reached your face. You stretched your arms out and felt someone next to you.
You quickly opened your eyes and sat up in shock when you saw Steve asleep in your bed.
"Shit" you muttered.
You quietly climbed out of bed and snuck across the hall.
Without knocking, you entered Nat's room as she pulled a shirt down over her head.
She noticed you in the doorway.
"Y/n! You're okay!" she exclaimed and came to hug you.
"Shhhh" you hushed her as your head was pounding with dizziness "Nat, what happened last night?"
"You don't remember?"
She held your hand and pulled you to sit on the bed.
"What happened? Did I do something like really stupid?" you moaned.
"What? No!"
"Then why is Steve in my bed?"
"You- Steve is what?!" Nat's face turned from serious to shock really fast.
She ran from the bed to the door.
"Nat no!"
You joined her in your doorway, as she smirked at the soldier in your bed.
"Now how did that happen?" she whispered.
You dragged her back to her own room.
"I don't know!" you cried when you were on her bed again "I just remember drinking way too much. And Steve and I danced at some point. Oh god, he asked me on a date!"
"He what? That's- y/n..." she temporarily hid her excitement to tell you what happened "y/n... you were, um..."
"What? Nat what is it?"
"Y/n you were drugged last night. You could've died."
"I'm sorry..."
"Oh my god. Oh my god, what? I- what?! But- but then why is Steve in my bed? Who- who drugged me? Is everyone else okay?"
"We think it was someone sent by Hydra who drugged you. They're the people that kidnapped you when you got to Earth."
"But... why? Why do these people keep trying to hurt me?"
"I don't know. But it'll stop soon. I promise, we are here to protect you" Nat put her arm around you and you dropped your head sadly on her shoulder.
You saw Loki walk past the open door and knock on the door of your bedroom.
"Loki" you called from in Nat's room.
He turned confused, and saw you through the doorway.
"Y/n. You're in here...?" he walked in slowly.
You got up and pulled him by the hand out into the hallway.
"Why weren't you in your room? Are you feeling okay? You remember what happened?"
"No. But Nat told me. And my room is, um..." you lowered your head in embarrassment "occupied."
"What?" Loki exclaimed. He opened the door to your room slightly and saw Steve lying on the bed.
You stopped him before he would march in.
"Loki wait! Nothing happened. He probably just got tired and fell asleep."
"Fine. But I'm telling you now, I don't like him anymore. To be honest I never liked him in the first place" he frowned.
"Mhm. Didn't think so" you groaned. "Behave yourself while I have a shower?"
"No promises" Loki laughed and walked off.
You went to the bathroom and took off your dress from the previous evening.
You turned on the shower and stepped in.
You slowly unwrapped the bandages around your arm to clean your cut.
It stung as the water hit, but it hurt less than the first time you had cleaned it. It had healed quite a bit quite quickly.
The water ran down from your hair, and the side of your neck started to sting too.
You grabbed it in pain, and started to itch it with your fingers.
You found a small hole in your skin.
Your head pounded as memories from last night suddenly all came back - someone gently stroking your arm - whispering something in your ear- you started laughing - someone screamed your name - a sharp pain in your neck - everything blurry - you fell to the floor.
You stumbled in the shower as the memories overwhelmed you, so you decided to get out and go back to your room.
Steve was still asleep on your bed, but you needed to get dressed, so you tiptoed past him.
You held the towel tightly around you as you snuck over to your wardrobe.
Despite being as quiet as possible, Steve still woke up from the small noises you were making.
When you picked out an outfit, you turned to go and change in Nat's room but saw Steve awake on the bed.
"Crap! Steve!" you exclaimed, then became aware you were in a towel "shit! I'm in a towel!"
"I, uh, I can see that" he half laughed at you.
"Uhm. Can you get out? Please?"
"Right. Of course" he laughed and got out the bed.
He paused at the door and smiled at you.
"Right I'm going. Sorry."
He opened the door and saw Bucky walking past in the hallway.
Bucky was startled as the door suddenly opened, and he paused just outside.
He looked at Steve, then over his shoulder at you, standing in a towel.
Bucky glared at Steve and stormed off angrily.
"Bucky!" Steve called after him. He closed the door behind him, and you were finally alone in your room.
You shrugged off your confusion, and got dressed before going to find Loki.

Y/n Odinsdottir Where stories live. Discover now