Chapter Twenty-Six

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*narrator pov*
The next day, around midday, you slowly dragged yourself out of your bedroom and into the living room where the avengers were sitting.
You smiled when you saw Steve, and you sat opposite him, next to Nat.
"Hey kiddo. Wanna go get lunch in a bit?" Nat asked.
"I... can't."
"Oh. How come?"
"Tony kinda grounded me."
"What? Can he do that?" Sam asked.
"Why would he ground you?" Clint wondered.
"Did you do something bad?" Nat smirked.
"No. Yes. Uhm-" you hesitated.
"She snuck out last night" Bucky said from a chair in the corner.
You faced him and your jaw dropped in disgust.
"Oh my god. You told him didn't you?!"
Bucky looked away.
"You bitch."
"He deserved to know" Bucky shrugged.
"No! He could've lived without knowing. Now I can't leave the tower until we move!"
"It was for your own safety."
"My safety?! God I hate you."
"Y/n, he may have had a point. You shouldn't sneak out when there are people out there who want to hurt you" Nat inputted.
"But I was fine! I was Steve all night!"
"You were what?" Nat smirked.
"Crap" you muttered and sunk back into the couch cushions when you realised what you just revealed.
"You were with Steve" Sam grinned "all night?"
You looked at Steve, but he didn't seem embarrassed.
He was smiling at you, and it made you smile too.
"I knew it!" Nat exclaimed.
"Wait, was it a date? Are you dating?" Clint enquired.
"No" you sighed, as Steve simultaneously said "yes".
"Hm. That's not good" Sam whispered to Clint.
"Oh, I mean. It's new. But I guess, yes" you nodded at Steve. "It was one date. But I'd do it again. I want to... I will do it again. Right?"
"Right" Steve laughed, and you smiled at each other until Loki stood between you.
"N-n-no, no. No you won't" he objected.
"Ugh Loki relax" you laughed and pulled him to sit next to you.
"No y/n. I'm serious. You're not going out with him again. I- I agree with Stark for once. Don't tell him I said that. But you're grounded. You stay in the tower."
"Wow" you chuckled "real mature."
"I'm not joking."
You stopped laughing and rolled your eyes at him.
"Where is Tony anyways?" you asked.
"India" a voice came from the doorway "gone to a wedding."
"Who are you?" you peered over the back of the couch to look at him.
"You don't look it."
"I'm guessing you're y/n?"
"Nice to meet you."
"Sure. Let's go."
"Where?" you asked, confused.
"Tony says I need to... supervise you... until he gets back."
"He said babysit, didn't he?" you groaned.
"Ugh. Fine" you stood up and walked over to him.
"Lose the attitude. I'm not putting up with that all day" Happy groaned, and you left together.
Everyone looked back to Steve.
"So" Nat grinned "how was the date?"
Steve chuckled and sat up on the couch.
"Nat I'm not going to gossip with you" he laughed.
"Fine. I'll just ask y/n later. And she'll be much more... descriptive."
"We didn't do much. I took her to dinner, then we walked along the beach. Then I took her back here right after that."
"And then..." Sam laughed suggestively.
"Then I walked her to the door, like a gentleman, and I left her there. We... kissed. Nothing else."
"Hm. Well. Maybe on the second date" Clint laughed.
The avengers talked for a while more, before they dispersed to do their own activities for the day.
When Steve left, Loki got up to follow him.
"Hey!" Loki hissed from behind him.
Steve turned as Loki grabbed his arm and pulled him to the side of the room.
"I meant what I said. Do not touch my sister."
"It's her choice to make, not yours."
"Stay away from her."
"I like her and I'm not screwing it up..."
Loki banged his hand on the wall next to Steve's head threateningly and leaned over him.
"What do you think is going to happen when she gets her memories back? Last thing I knew, she was still in love with the other soldier. She would've told me if that changed, because she tells me everything. So what are you going to do when she remembers?"
"I don't know. But I really like her. And I know she likes me too. When it comes to it, she'll choose who she wants to be with. I trust her to choose the person who she knows is best for her. And now it's my turn to prove that I am that person."
"She is not an object that you can claim, or take turns with. She is vulnerable right now. Don't you dare use that to your own advantage!"
"I wouldn't dream of it. She is her own person, and she can make her own choices" Steve spat, and pushed Loki's arm away from him. He glared at him as he walked past him out the room.
You sat on a spinning office chair with your legs up on a desk, biting the lid of a pen.
Several people kept coming in and out of the room at a time to talk to Happy.
Finally, he came over to the desk where you were sitting.
"Why do they call you Happy?" you asked as he started gathering paper on the table.
He ignored you.
"Is there something I can do? You know, to help?" you offered.
"Sit there. Be quiet. Don't bother me. Don't make a mess" he said, and walked away.
He came back shortly and handed you his phone.
"Deal with this."
"Okay... who is it?"
"The other kid I'm babysitting."
You slowly took the phone and looked at the name that came up. You remembered him from the other night. You held it up to your ear.
"Happy, the craziest thing just happened to me. These guys were robbing an ATM with these high tech weapons- "
You started laughing at the person's excited voice coming through the phone.
"Happy? You're not Happy..."
"Hey Peter" you giggled.
"Y/n? What are- where's Happy?"
"Busy. I think he has more important things than ATM robberies. He's got moving day to worry about."
"Wait. Wait, who's moving?"
"Don't you watch the news" you laughed "Tony sold Avengers tower. We're relocating to a new facility upstate."
"But... what about me?"
"What about you?"
"Well what if Mr Stark needs me or-"
"Why would Tony need you?"
"Because I'm Spiderman."
"You're spider what now?"
"I'll explain later."
"Right. Why did you call again?" you asked.
Happy walked over to you. "He's still on the phone? Okay put him on speaker."
You did as he said.
"Peter it's me."
"Yeah. Look just stay away from anything too dangerous. I'm responsible for making sure you're responsible, okay?" Happy said, and he walked off again.
"I am responsible. I- oh crap. My backpack's gone."
"That doesn't sound responsible" you smiled as you spun around on the chair.
"I'll call you back."
"Feel free not to" you grinned and hung up the phone.
When Happy came back towards you, you decided to tease him a little bit.
"You know you have the job of a 12 year old girl - babysitting. Do you get paid extra if you tuck me into bed tonight?" you laughed.
"Please shut up y/n."
"Uhm. You can't talk to the kid like that. You won't get your bonus to spend on sweeties with your friends" you mocked.
"Sorry. When does Tony get back anyway?"
"Couple of days."
"Great. Then he'll take over babysitting duties?"
"Eh he'll probably still stick you with me anyways."
"Great" you sighed sarcastically.
"You know what. Please find a way to make yourself useful."
"I don't know. Just go do something. Not here."
You shrugged and went to make some coffees for everyone.
The next day, you had to sit around with Happy again. He left you in charge of his phone, and it buzzed on and off all day.
You picked up when he called.
"Hey Happy. I was wondering... wait. Is this Happy?"
"Y/n?" he sighed.
"Aw you sound so disappointed."
"Happy is busy again?"
"Apparently" you replied as you watched him run around in front of you. "What did you want?"
"So I got invited to this party right. And I didn't know whether to go or not."
"You called Happy for social advice?"
"No! No. I just, wanted to know if I could take a night off. Like, does he think I should patrol the neighbourhood instead. You know. Just in case something like last night happens again."
"Peter, I don't think Happy cares if you go to a party or not."
"I really don't" Happy yelled from where he was standing.
"That's a little mean..." Peter objected.
"Aw you're sensitive. That's so sweet. Happy agreed with me though" you grinned.
"Wow. Is he like that with you?"
"Hm. I don't know... yeah of course I'll come to the party with you Peter!" you raised your voice to make sure Happy could hear you.
"Aha. No you are not. You're grounded" Happy called.
"I don't know whether or not to be flattered or offended" you shrugged.
"What did he say?" Peter asked.
"He wants me to stay at home with him."
"Trust me. I don't want you to" Happy said.
"Aha I heard that" Peter laughed.
"Rude" you frowned.
"Okay. I'm gonna go to the party."
"You rubbing it in my face?"
"A little. Have fun being grounded."
"I thought you were sweet and sensitive! What happened in the last two minutes?"
"We became friends."
You smiled and wanted to object, but he hung up the phone.
Happy came over to you with a bag of McDonald's take out.
"Aw Happy. You shouldn't have."
"I didn't. You're boyfriend did" he sighed.
You saw Steve at the door and waved at him, before Happy told him to leave.
"Happy. Why can't I eat with Steve?"
"Because I'm not supervising you with a boy. I don't want to see that."
"Oh so I have to suffer?"

Y/n Odinsdottir Where stories live. Discover now