Chapter Fifteen

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*narrator pov*
"Is she safe?" Loki asked upon Thor's arrival.
"Yes. She's with the avengers."
"Those idiots?"
"Idiots? They kicked your ass, remember that, brother" Thor laughed.
Loki rolled his eyes and returned to the palace with Thor.
They ran into Odin in the hallway.
"Where is she?!" Odin cried.
"She is safe. No thanks to you, you pathetic old man!" Loki spat at him.
"Father. What did you do to her? Why does she not remember anything?" Thor interrogated.
"I did nothing to hurt her. Maybe she was just asleep too long and her memories faded on their own."
"Liar!" Loki shouted. "What did you do?"
"Okay, I did what was best for her. And best for all the family."
"You keep saying that. But nothing is getting any better. Things keep getting worse, and you seem to be the problem almost every time" Thor stated.
"Then you could say I was fixing my mistakes."
"By taking her memories?!" Loki interrupted. "That didn't fix anything!"
"I took only her memories of Earth. So she would never want to return there. And she could be safe here, on Asgard."
"It's too late. She's already there."
"You took her there against her will?"
"We had no choice. She's not safe around you. You are not a good father. You were never a good father."
"So you took my daughter to a realm she knows nothing about, when she didn't want to go? And the people there probably know about her, and her powers. So you took her there and left her to be found, and used as a weapon for the humans? Left her to be experimented on and brainwashed? Or perhaps, out of fear, she causes harm first? Do you really think that is protecting her?"
"SHUT UP!" Loki yelled, in annoyance and denial.
"Loki... we should go" Thor suggested.
"You think you're protecting your sister?!" Odin continued "you have endangered her! And when something happens, you get to know that it is all your fault! You saved her from nothing! You, Loki, are the reason that she will die on Earth!"
"Loki, let's go" Thor grabbed his shoulder and pulled him back.
Loki shrugged him off and stared at Odin.
Loki stepped closer.
"She will die?"
Odin's face did not break as Loki approached him.
"How can she possibly die on Earth? If she is a goddess?" Loki whispered loudly "unless you, her so called 'loving' father, did something that made death a possibility?"
Thor diverted his eyes from Loki to Odin.
When Odin did not deny Loki's accusations, Thor stared at his father in bewilderment.
"Father..." he started "what did you do?"
"What did you do?!" Loki shrieked.
"I took her powers. Which included her immunity to basic mortal weapons" Odin explained.
"So she could die? If she was shot?" Thor wondered.
"Potentially. Yes."
"Why would you do that? She's family" Thor cried.
"I thought perhaps she would understand how dangerous Earth can be. And she would stay here. I thought I could trust my sons enough to not kidnap her and take her away from me!" Odin exclaimed.
"You shouldn't have forced us too then" Loki remarked.
"I didn't force you to do anything."
"Yes! This is all your fault" Loki conjured a knife in his hand, and threw his arm at Odin.
Thor grabbed him before Loki hit his father in the chest.
"Loki no!" Thor argued "father. This is all your fault."
Thor shook his head in anger and pulled Loki back to the Bifrost.
He paced the floor there, instead of creating the bridge.
"Well?!" Loki cried "what are you waiting for? Open the damn thing!"
"I can't!"
"Why the hell not?"
"Because if you come to Earth, the humans will kill you, but if you stay here... I can't trust you alone with father."
"There is no question. I am coming to Earth. They can't kill me. But they can kill her. So I'm going. I'm coming. You're not stopping me. I will help her!" Loki began to hyperventilate.
"Okay calm down" Thor placed a hand calmingly on Loki's shoulder "I won't argue with you. But when we get there, what do we do? Do we bring her back?"
"No of course not! Oh, but she needs her memories back. And her powers. Father's right, she's safe here, just not from him. So, s-so she can come back b-but we keep her away from father. A-and when she gets her memories back, she can decide" Loki stuttered nervously.
"Okay. We'll bring her back" Thor declared.
"Whatever happens, we protect her" Loki sighed.
"Of course."
Loki did not move from his place, and Thor went to hug him.
"Thank you" Loki appreciated it "now get off before I stab you."
Thor grinned and opened the bridge.
He and Loki went to Earth, and landed in the same place he was with you a while before.
"Good. She's gone inside" Thor smiled, then looked at Loki and laughed.
"They're gonna kill you" Thor chuckled.
"They can try" Loki sneered. "Weak mortals."
Loki headed for the door.
"Who kicked your ass" Thor called and followed him.
They entered the tower and got in the elevator.
"Hey you know what would be fun-" Thor started.
"No" Loki cut him off instantly, knowing what he was thinking.
They remained in silence for the rest of the elevator ride.
Thor walked out first.
"Hey! Long time no see! Is- what is he doing here!" Tony shot up when he spotted Loki behind Thor.
"Relax tin man. He's not here to hurt anyone" Thor assured.
"You sure about that?" Natasha stood up behind Tony.
"Positive" Thor smiled as Loki came to stand next to him.
"Yeah. Sorry about before. Sort of. I don't really regret it but you seem like decent ish people so I won't hold it against you personally. But in my defence I had a point. You people need-"
"Loki" Thor interrupted "we're trying to get these people to like you."
"So" Thor turned back to Tony and Nat in front of him "where's y/n?"
"Uhm..." Nat paused.
"With you? We haven't seen her in years... since you took her" Tony replied slowly.
"No..." Thor said questioningly "I brought her back and left her outside to come in. Then I went to Asgard, BRIEFLY, and I came back."
"She's not here?" Loki asked.
Tony shook his head.
"Where, uh, where are the other guys? The ones that y/n knew from like 100 years ago" Thor enquired.
"Steve and Bucky?" Nat asked.
"Yeah um they're not here" Tony informed.
"Where are they? Could they be with her?" Thor wondered.
"Possibly. I don't know. They didn't leave here too long ago. An hour maybe. Perhaps they ran into her?" Nat suggested.
Tony pulled out his phone and called Steve.

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