Chapter Twenty-Two

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*narrator pov*
-Friday afternoon-
"Where the hell is y/n?" Tony marched into the kitchen where Steve and Nat were sitting. "I haven't seen her today, and there is still a mess in the training room."
"Tony, she hasn't left her room all day" Nat told him.
"She got into a fight with Bucky" Steve explained.
"Yeah no shit. What do you think that whole paint thing was?" Tony sniped.
"No Tony. It seemed a lot worse than that."
Steve described what he heard the night before.
"And no one has checked on her today?" Tony sighed and left when the others shook their heads.
He went to your room and knocked softly.
There was no response.
"I hope you're decent I'm coming in" Tony said as he opened the door.
You were sitting curled up in a ball under the duvet.
Tony sighed and sat on the bed next to you.
He put his hand on top of the duvet. He stroked it gently, then lifted it up.
Your eyes were open and you were staring blankly ahead of you.
The sheets beneath you were wet, as you had not dried off since Bucky poured the water on you last night.
Your clothes were also drenched.
"God y/n you're a mess."
You pulled your knees closer to your chest, hiding your face.
"I'm sorry. I didn't mean it like that" Tony apologised "but you should probably get up soon."
You rolled over and faced him.
"Mhm. I guess you want me to clean up my mess at some point."
"No, y/n. I'll handle it."
"It's fine y/n."
"No it's not fine. I can't have people constantly dealing with my problems for me!"
"It's already been dealt with. You don't need to worry."
"Ugh" you pulled a pillow down on your face.
"Y/n come on don't be like this."
You moved the pillow off your face and frowned at him.
"Why does my life have to suck, Tony?"
"I ask myself the same thing everyday."
"Oh yeah. I'm Tony - a fucking billionaire who everyone loves" you mocked him.
"Okay that was uncalled for."
"No, you called for it."
You sat in silence for a moment.
"Come on. You better get ready. Guests will be arriving soon."
"Oh crap I forgot about that."
"Well if you really don't wanna go, you don't have to."
"No it's fine I'll go."
"Good. Get ready then."
"Come here kiddo" he raised his arm and you sat up to hug him.
"You know I'm like 1000 years older than you" you laughed.
"Yeah. But you're immature enough to be a child."
"Wow thanks" you sighed sarcastically.
"I'm kidding. I'll see you at the party" he smiled and left you alone.
Before you had the chance to get out of bed, someone else knocked on your door.
"It's open" you called.
Nat walked in with a bag.
"Hey y/n. Nice to see you're up" she grinned.
"Mhm" you nodded as you got out of bed.
"I thought we could get ready together?" she suggested.
"Yeah I'd love that" you agreed.
You stood up and walked to your wardrobe.
"Uhm y/n..."
"You might wanna shower. You kinda have some paint and, uh, confetti in your hair."
"Right. Okay. Good idea."
You showered, then returned to Nat.
She did your makeup, then her own, as you brushed through her hair.
You hadn't had the chance to change into your dress when Steve came to the door.
"Hey ladies. Nat, can I talk to y/n in private?"
Nat nodded and left the room temporarily.
Steve came and sat down next to you.
"Hey Steve what's up?"
"I, uh, bought you something. I thought you could wear it tonight?"
"Really? You didn't have to."
"Yeah, but I wanted to."
He handed you a small velvet box.
You opened it, revealing the pretty necklace that you had seen in the window while shopping the other day.
"Wow, Steve. It's so beautiful."
"It will be even more beautiful when you're wearing it."
You felt your cheeks blush slightly.
"Thank you Steve. Can you..."
"Of course."
He took the necklace from you and pulled it out the box.
He moved your hair to one side and reached his hands round your neck.
When he had fastened the clasp, he kept his hands on the back of your neck and rested his forehead on yours.
You looked up into his eyes, barely inches away from yours.
"Uhm... Steve" you whispered.
"What's going on here?" Nat appeared at the doorway, smirking.
"Nat!" you pushed Steve backwards and he rolled off the bed "Steve! Are you okay?"
"Yeah I'm fine" he grunted as he stood up "I'll, uh, see you guys at the party."
"Okay. Bye" you called.
"Romanoff" Steve nodded as he walked past her in the doorways.
Nat looked at you, with a huge grin on her face.
"What was all that about?" she asked.
"What are you talking about?" you replied innocently.
"You and Steve?"
"What? No!"
"Aw how cute. You're blushing."
"I am not" you lied as your cheeks grew a brighter shade of red.
"Aw you like him y/n?"
"No! Nat! We're just friends! I barely know him, remember. I haven't even known him a week yet."
"Mhm. You are so smitten" she grinned "and that necklace is adorable."
"Oh shut up Nat" you giggled.
You finished getting ready for the party, laughing the whole time.
Then, you headed to the main room where the party was being held.
You weren't far from the door when you heard a thousand conversations overlapping, with the sound of music playing over the top.
When you were at the door, you took a deep breath.
"You alright y/n?" Nat asked.
"Yeah I'm fine" you nodded, trying to convince yourself as well as her that you were.
"Okay" she said cautiously, not totally believing you.
She opened the door, and a large wave of sound hit you.
Nat grabbed your hand and you walked in.
"There they are!" Tony saw you immediately. "Well don't you two look nice."
"Thanks Tony" Nat smiled.
You went to sit on a couch in the middle of the room, where some of the other avengers were.
"Hey y/n, you look good" Steve smiled.
You blushed and sunk back into the couch cushions, and noticed that Nat was smirking at you.
You rolled your eyes at her.
After a while, you were starting to get bored of the party. You had been listening to the avengers talk for nearly half an hour, and had remained quiet the whole time. Only occasionally laughing and nodding at things people said.
"I'm gonna get a drink" you declared after about 10 minutes of blankly staring at nothing.
You got up and walked to the bar.
The bartender poured you a drink, and you finished it all in one gulp.
Then you sighed and played around with the glass in your hands.
"Not having fun?"
You looked up to see a guy sitting next to you. He didn't look old enough to be drinking.
"Not really. You?"
"Me neither."
"Well you look half the age of most of the people here so I'm not surprised" you laughed.
"Yeah. I wasn't planning on coming but Stark insisted."
"You know Tony?"
"Of course. I mean, who doesn't."
"I suppose you have a point there" you shrugged.
"How do you know him?" he asked.
"I guess he's friends with my brother."
"Who's your brother?"
"Aha. You wouldn't believe me if I told you."
"Okay then" he sipped his drink.
You raised an eyebrow at him questioningly.
"Relax. It's just juice" he laughed.
You ordered another drink, and drank it all quickly.
The guy next to you looked at you as you drank, but more kindly and innocently then creepy.
"What?" you asked when you noticed him staring.
"Nothing. You're just... really pretty. I mean, respectfully. I- I'm not hitting on you or, or anything like that. Not that I wouldn't. I mean you are just... wow. But like, you're way out of my league. A-and too old..."
"N-not old. Just... older than me."
"It's fine kid" you laughed at him as he was clearly flustered. "I am old to be fair."
"You, um, don't look it...?"
"Sure" you chuckled. "You're not so bad yourself."
"Thanks" he blushed and looked down at his hands.
You went to order another drink, but Tony stopped you.
"Don't think I didn't notice the amount of glasses already in front of you. I think that's enough for now" he laughed.
You groaned and banged your forehead on the table.
"Hey Mr Stark" the guy next to you said.
"Peter! I see you've already met y/n."
You smiled at him, and shook his hand.
"Nice to meet you" he grinned.
"You too" you nodded.
"Y/n... I have a surprise for you" Stark added.
"Really? What is it?" you asked.
"Come see" Tony grinned.
You got up and followed him through the crowd, and Peter came behind you.
"Thor!" you squealed when you saw him talking to Steve.
You ran and hugged him.
"Wow. Is that Thor?" Peter exclaimed.
"It's good to see you y/n" Thor smiled at you.
"I'm so glad you're here!" you cried.
"What, you forgot about me?"
You turned and saw Loki behind you, and you ran to hug him.
"Loki! I would never forget about you!" you hugged him tightly too.
"Isn't that the guy you were fighting a few years ago because he was trying to take over the Earth?" Peter whispered to Tony.
"Yeah... it's complicated."
"I missed you guys! So much" you admitted.
"It hasn't even been a week" Loki pointed out.
"You used to leave for whole years at a time to come to Earth, y'know" Thor stated.
You smiled awkwardly, as you didn't really know how to respond to that.
"Well" you continued "what happened? Did you fix everything? Can I come home?"
"Uhm not yet" Thor sighed "things are still very much... not fixed."
"For one thing, Odin wants me locked up again."
"Again? What? Why?"
"Oh right. You can't remember" Loki realised.
"Loki came to earth not long ago. Attempted world domination. All that" Stark said from behind you.
"Loki!" you yelled in disbelief.
"Hm. Says the person that put the entire of Asgard to sleep just so she could come to Earth" Loki smirked.
"Yeah right I didn't do that."
Thor and Loki stayed quiet.
"Shit. Did I really do that?" you asked.
"Yeah. I thought it was quite funny to be perfectly honest. It pissed off Odin so much..." Loki stopped when he saw you were looking heartbroken.
He hugged you.
"I'm sorry. You didn't mean to at the time."
"So I caused all this. I'm the reason that I can't go back home?"
"No it's father's fault" Thor said.
"Yes. He's gone mad" Loki stated.
"Did- did I hurt anyone else?" you asked, still hugging Loki.
"No. No you never hurt anyone. You could just put some people to sleep until you woke them up" Loki squeezed you tighter as he realised this information was upsetting you. "I'm sorry y/n. We should've told you sooner."
You stood in Loki's arms for a while.
"Oh and one time" Thor recalled "you put yourself to sleep. That's when father took your memories of Earth, and your powers. He had no plans of intentionally waking you up. So Loki had to do it, as he's the only one who could. Then we escaped, and brought you back to Earth."
"Thank you" you looked up at Loki. "Maybe I don't want to go back so soon anymore."
"Good. Oh and I think it's best if Loki stays on Earth with you for a while."
"What?!" Tony exclaimed from behind you "no. No, he is not staying."
"Our father will only try to lock him up if he returns to Asgard."
"Uh, as he should. Loki is the bad guy here" Tony protested.
"He won't do any harm. If he does, then of course I will come back and take him home. But he will behave himself, because he understands that he must for y/n's sake."
You rolled your eyes.
"I don't need a babysitter Thor."
Thor bent down and whispered in your ear, but loud enough so Loki could still hear: "don't worry. You're doing the babysitting."
"Excuse me!" Loki cried; you and Thor both laughed.
"I do not need a babysitter! I am older than her!"
"Yeah. Someone needs to keep an eye on you though" Thor smiled.
"Oh this is going to be fun" you grinned at Loki.
"Hm" Loki frowned.

Y/n Odinsdottir Where stories live. Discover now