Chapter Two

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-the next morning-
*y/n pov*
"Going somewhere?"
"FUCKing shit! Forgot you were there" I exclaimed as Bucky called from the couch.
"That is the most shameful walk of shame I have ever seen."
"Oh fuck off."
I was trying to sneak out earlier so I had time to buy a new dress for tonight, considering I hadn't changed clothes in at least two weeks.
"You're just leaving?" Bucky asked.
"I- uh. Kinda. Got a lotta do today. Thought I'd get an early start."
"Oh so you're one of those people" Bucky smirked.
"I- what's that supposed to mean?" I protested.
"Oh you know. Girl uses guy for drinks and a place to stay for the night. Then leaves before he wakes up in the morning."
"That's not true!"
That was exactly true.
"Sure it isn't."
"I'm not lying! Like I said. I'm just busy today."
"Too busy to say goodbye?"
"You know what. Fine. I'll wait."
I walked over to the couch where he was laying.
"Move" I demanded.
"Hm. Nah" he grinned.
"Fine" I smirked and sat on his lap "comfortable?"
I started moving around on him "how bout now?"
"Mmm" he moaned.
I laughed and lay down on my back on his chest.
"You're taking me shopping later."
"What? Why?"
"Because like I said. I was busy. And you're making me stay."
"First of all, no one is making you do anything. And secondly, why would I spend money on someone I haven't even known a day?"
"Hm. Because we're friends?"
"Yeah why not."
"I barely know you."
"So?" I rolled over so I was face to face with him on top of him "let's get to know each other better."
I lowered my face over his and kissed him gently on the lips, then pulled back to see his reaction.
When he didn't object, I kissed him again, longer and better.
He rolled us over on the couch so he was on top of me.
His hand ran down the side of my waist and down my leg.
He reached the hem of my dress and his hand slid underneath.
I bit my lip, and put my hand down to stop him.
"I... can't" I sighed.
"Why not?"
"Because we're friends" I smiled and he rolled over to lay next to me. "And I just slept with your best friend like 8 hours ago. Think that's a bit weird."
"I guess your right" Bucky sighed.
"Hmmmmmm" I groaned "well. If I'm going to stay, I'm gonna go back to sleep."
He lifted his arm and I snuggled up to him underneath it.
I rested my head on his chest and closed my eyes to fall asleep again.
When I woke up again, I was alone on the couch. I sat up and looked around, but couldn't see anyone.
"Bucky?" I called "Steve?"
Steve walked out the bedroom door and I smiled at him. "Hey."
"Hi. Bucky went to, um, get pizza. For lunch."
"Oh okay."
"Then he said you mentioned shopping? So we thought we'd take you after."
"That would be wonderful. Thanks so much."
"No problem. What are you looking for?"
"Aha. Clean clothes."
"Uhh. When was the last time you washed that?" he gestured at my dress.
"You don't wanna know" I laughed and whispered "I literally live in it."
Eventually, Bucky came home with food and we all sat on the couch and ate the pizza.
Bucky gave me some of his clothes to change into and they put my dress in the wash.
Then, as promised, we went out shopping.
They took me to a dress shop not too far away from their apartment, and helped me find something.
"What about this?" Bucky pulled a very small black dress off the rack.
"Hm. So much money for so little material" Steve looked disapprovingly at it.
"Try it on" Bucky urged.
"Hm" I shrugged.
"Okay you have been staring at dresses for like the past half an hour. Let us pick some out for you, and you can give us a little fashion show?" Bucky suggested, and Steve agreed.
I finally gave in and let them pick three dresses each for me to try on.
I tried on one after the other, showing each one to Steve and Bucky.
"Okay I think we have a winner" I declared from the changing room. It was the last one that Bucky had chosen.
I walked out in the green silk dress and mockingly blew kisses at the boys. I strutted towards them and playfully posed in front of them.
"Absolutely gorgeous" Bucky grinned.
"Wow. Effortlessly pretty" Steve remarked.
"Why thank you. Can you buy it" I looked at them pleadingly.
"I will. I picked it out for you, makes sense that I pay" Bucky offered.
"Yay thanks so much Bucky!" I ran over and hugged him, and he kissed the top of my head.
I felt myself blushing as I stepped back into the changing room and got back into the clothes Bucky had leant me.
I slowly inhaled the smell of his shirt before pulling it over my head.
It smelt sweetly of cologne and some sort of strawberry soap. It smelt amazing.
After I had changed, I walked out to where the boys were waiting and they paid for my dress.
Bucky put his arm around me as we walked out the shop.
We began to walk back to Steve's apartment.
"Do you actually have an apartment of your own?" I asked Bucky.
"Yeah. Do you?"
"Aha. Funny story."
"So I was right earlier. When I said you sleep with guys for a place to stay."
"Yeah okay you were right. But what else am I supposed to do?"
"Meet one guy. And spend all your nights with him."
"Mhm. Well not many people are willing to let strangers live with them for free. Not like I'm going to meet a guy that's going to fall in love at first sight."
"Hm. You never know. Maybe you've already met them."
"No I don't think so. I don't believe in love at first sight, because what if the guy was a jerk. What if I was a jerk?"
"Are you a jerk?"
"Me? Never" I grinned at him as I stuck my leg out and tripped him up.
He still had his arm around me, so he pulled me with him as he fell to the floor.
We ended up so he was lying on his back and I was on top of him, both laughing.
I smiled down at him and he grinned back.
I leaned forward to kiss him, but burst out laughing again.
"I'm pretty sure you're arse is in a puddle" I giggled.
"Yeah I think it is" he laughed.
"No!" I screamed playfully as he pushed me off him and I landed in the puddle next to him.
We both erupted with laughter again, staring up at the sky.
"Hey Steve come join us" I noticed him still standing awkwardly on the sidewalk.
"I'd rather not get hit by a car thanks."
"Suit yourself" I shrugged, and lay cloud watching with Bucky.
We managed to lay there for a while as no cars seemed to drive past.
Eventually, we got up as we saw Steve getting bored next to us.
"Sorry Steve. Didn't mean to keep you waiting" I apologised.
"No it's fine" he groaned.
I put my arm around him and walked and talked with him the rest of the way back to his apartment.
When we got there, I jumped on the couch and started searching for the TV remote.
Steve went to the bedroom and Bucky joined me.
We were watching together for a while before he excused himself to go to the bathroom, and I was left in the room by myself.
I looked at the coffee table and saw Steve's wallet. I then looked at both the doors leading to the rooms that the boys were in.
Hurriedly, I made the decision to run, grabbing the wallet and the bag with my new dress on my way out the door.
I sprinted down the stairs of the building and out the door onto the street.
Leaning against the wall, I took a small breather before I strolled down the sidewalk.
When I noticed it was starting to get dark, I crept into an alleyway to change into my dress.
I had just slipped it on when I heard someone walking up behind me.
I spun round as a guy pushed me up against a wall.
He was visibly drunk.
"Well you're a pretty thing, aren't you?"
"Hey get off me!" I yelled.
One of his arms pushed my chest back as his other hand slid up my leg.
I tried to push him off but his grip was strong.
Suddenly, a third party threw themselves at the man and he fell to the ground.
I didn't look to see who it was before sprinting out the alleyway, but I was stopped when another man stood in the way.
"Bucky. Oh hi. I was just um, going for a walk."
"With Steve's wallet?"
Bucky looked past me down the alleyway to see Steve horrendously losing the fight.
"Stay here" he said before running off to help.
My brain was telling me to run, lose them, start over.
But a part of me was telling me to stay. So I did.
I watched as Bucky started to hit the guy, but he managed to get free and run off.
Bucky put his arm around Steve and they walked out the alleyway.
"Wallet" Bucky held out his hand, and I begrudgingly took it out my bra and handed it to him.
Then he walked off in the other direction with Steve.
Normally I wouldn't care, but for some reason, I cared this time.
"Hey! What so that's it? You just leave me here?"
Steve looked over his shoulder but Bucky nudged him to stop.
I started following them.
"I'm sorry. I was just taking a walk."
"Why'd you take the wallet then" Bucky called without turning around.
Sighing, I ran ahead to stand in front of them.
"I'm sorry. It's a natural habit. I promise I won't do it again" I looked at them plea-fully.
Bucky rolled his eyes and walked with Steve around me.
I frowned and followed them in silence the rest of the way to their apartment.
"I'll be up in a minute" Bucky said when we got to the door.
Steve walked inside and Bucky stood quietly for a moment.
"So I guess you are a jerk then?"
"Sorry. But I promise I'm not most of the time."
"How can I believe you? I don't even know you."
"Yeah and I don't know you. But there's something in my head telling me not to leave yet. When ordinarily, I'd be out of the state by now."
"Don't think that's a convincing argument. You'll just run off again."
"I- I'll try not to. I want to stay I really do!"
"Hm. You might want to find another guy you can use for a place to say tonight" he sighed and walked through the door.
It shut and locked behind him.
So I decided to wait for someone to come and unlock it. But I fell asleep before someone ever did.

Y/n Odinsdottir Where stories live. Discover now