Chapter Twenty-Three

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*narrator pov*
Meanwhile, as you were catching up with your brothers, Steve and Nat were talking on the other side of the room.
Nat sat next to him with a drink in her hand.
"So... y/n huh?" she smirked.
"What?" Steve laughed.
"I saw the way you looked at her in her room before the party. And you got her that new necklace."
"Yeah. It's because we're friends Nat. And that necklace was like, a welcome gift."
"Mhm" Nat sipped her drink.
"Why did she say anything about me?"
"Oh you so like her" Nat laughed.
"Okay fine. Maybe a little bit. But who doesn't. She's kind, and pretty, and her laugh is adorable. Her presence just... makes me smile."
"Wow that's sweet Rogers."
"I- I have kinda always had a little bit of a crush on her. Don't tell anyone I said that!"
"I won't- so you liked her in the 1940's?"
"Yeah. You know, it was me she danced with first, and kissed first, and we spent the night together. But then she ran after Bucky. And I wanted to see him happy more than me. So I didn't fight for her."
"And now that she's forgotten Bucky..."
"Maybe I have a chance?"
"And what about him?"
"Well he seems to hate y/n now. So I don't think he would care too much. Would he?"
"You know him better than I do, Steve. It's up to you to figure out."
"You're right. Have you seen him anywhere? I haven't ran into him yet."
Nat scanned the room and shook her head.
Steve went off to go find Bucky, so Nat joined Tony, Peter, you, Thor and Loki.
"Hey kid" she smiled at Peter.
"Hi Miss Romanoff."
"Peter, please call me Nat."
"Right, sorry Nat."
"Do you guys wanna play a game?" Nat suggested.
"Sure" you smiled "what were you thinking?"
"Truth or dare?"
"Cool. I've never played that before..."
"It's easy. Come on."
You all went to sit down on the couch, and took it in turns to ask each other questions.
The game was fairly easy for you to understand, and if you didn't want to answer your truth or do the dare, you had a drink.
"Okay Nat" you grinned "truth or dare?"
"Okay um. Out of all the avengers, who would you most want to... marry?"
"Hm. Easy. Tony. He has the most money, so I could just kill him in his sleep and take all of it."
"Okay remind me never to date her" Tony laughed.
"Has anyone seen Bucky?" Steve asked as he approached the table.
Everyone shook their heads, including you as you hadn't seen him since the night before.
"No. But we're playing truth or dare. Wanna join? If you back out, you drink" Nat said.
"Sure. I guess" Steve sat down next to you, and put his arm up on the couch cushion behind you.
"Steve, truth or dare."
"Uh truth."
"Who would you most like to go on a date with out of anyone in this room?" Nat smirked at him, then at you.
You glared at her and mouthed "what are you doing?"
Steve looked around the room, then back at Natasha, "I drink if I can't answer right?"
Nat laughed and nodded, and Steve took a shot from off the table.
"Ooh does that mean you have someone in mind that you're not telling us about?" Clint accused jokingly.
"No. I just... can't answer" Steve sighed.
"Sure" Nat nodded.
"Okay... maybe I don't want to play after all" Steve got up and left to go the bar.
The game carried on, but you pitifully watched Steve sit alone at the bar.
However, a while later, you noticed Bucky enter the room and sit down next to him.
You made eye contact across the room.
"Y/n... y/n! Hello?! Y/n!"
You snapped back to reality and looked away from Bucky as you realised Nat was calling your name.
"Hey you okay?" she whispered as she moved across the couch to sit next to you.
"Yeah I'm fine."
She looked at where you had been looking.
"Right. You know, I have an idea that could annoy him if you want."
"Oh anything to annoy him! Please!" you begged.
"Okay, pick dare on your next turn."
"Okay..." you agreed cautiously.
Nat moved and sat next to Tony.
It was your turn again shortly.
"Y/n, truth or dare?" Tony asked.
"Dare" you smiled.
Nat muttered something in his ear, and a huge grin came across his face.
"I dare you" he laughed "to go and flirt with Steve."
"What?!" you exclaimed, and you glared at Nat, knowing what she was doing.
You gestured her over so you could whisper to her.
"How is that going to piss off Bucky? This is just because you think I like Steve?!"
"No. Trust me. He's going to be annoyed. And maybe there's a side benefit, but that's less important."
You rolled your eyes but stood up, and the avengers cheered as you walked over to Steve.
You pointed your middle finger at them without looking back.
Steve and Bucky were mid-conversation when you stood in between them and leant over the bar.
"Two shots please" you asked the bartender, then turned to Steve. You had your back turned to Bucky.
"Hi Steve" you grinned.
"Hi y/n..."
"I forgot to mention earlier, that uh, that shirt looks really good on you. It really outlines your abs" you winked.
"Uhm thank you?" Steve laughed nervously.
The bartender handed you your shots, and you offered one to Steve.
He took it, and you drank them at the same time.
You stared into his eyes.
"Y/n, are you okay?" he asked.
"God, Steve you are so sweet. And caring" you sighed. "I wish I was with a guy like you."
You leant forward and kissed his cheek, then stepped back so you were in front of Bucky.
"Oh hi Bucky. Didn't see you there" you grinned and walked away back to the table.
"Nicely done" Tony nodded and clapped.
"I hope you're right" you hissed at Nat as you sat next to her.
"I'm always right" she smirked and pointed.
Both the boys were still looking at you - Steve seemed happy, but Bucky did indeed seem a bit pissed. You waved flirtatiously at Steve, and then pointed your middle finger at Bucky.
Then, you high-fived Nat victoriously.
Steve came over a few moments later.
"Hi. I was wondering if either of you ladies would like to dance?" Steve nodded at you and Nat, but his gaze was clearly more in your direction.
Nat shook her head and turned to you.
"Sure" you shrugged. You stood up and let him take your hand.
You started dancing to the music, until a slow song came on.
Steve looked at you hopefully, and you stepped closer to let him put his arms around you.
You rested your head on his chest and swayed to the music.
"Y/n, I have a question" Steve said softly.
"What is it?" you looked up at him.
"When you were flirting before, that was just a dare right?"
"Well yeah. But that doesn't mean I didn't mean what I said."
Steve smiled at you.
"I was wondering, if you wanted, would you want to maybe go get dinner, maybe, some time?"
"Like a date?" you giggled.
"Uhm. Yeah?"
"I'd love to go get dinner, Steve" you smiled.
He grinned, and you danced with him for the rest of the song.
Over his shoulder, you noticed Bucky at the bar, glaring at you intensely while drinking a beer.
"Excuse me for a moment?" you asked.
You walked over to the bar, sat down, and ordered another drink.
You looked at Bucky, sat next to you, then straight ahead again.
You sipped your drink, then paused.
"What is your problem?" you asked.
"Excuse me" Bucky replied.
"What is your problem? You clearly have a problem with me. And I want to know what it is. Why do you hate me?"
"I don't hate you y/n."
"Yeah sure. Because you dump buckets of water on all your friends."
"Hey you're the one that put a literal mini bomb in my punching bag that exploded when I hit it."
"You stole my clothes! And made me walk around in a towel!"
"You ruined my favourite jacket."
"It was an accident! I apologised! Nothing is ever good enough for you is it?!"
"You're ridiculous."
"Ugh! You're unbearable!"
The fact that Bucky remained mostly calm infuriated you more.
"I don't know why you hate me! But I hate you because you are a selfish jerk!"
You angrily poured the rest of your drink down your throat and stood up to return to the others.
"Hey y/n are you okay?" Loki asked.
"I- I am fine!" you declared as you collapsed onto the couch next to him.
He shifted so he was leaning on his side, facing you.
"No you're not."
"Yes I am Loki. Now shut it."
"Rude. No you're not. And if you don't tell me what's going on, I will embarrass you in front of everyone that's here" he smirked.
"You wouldn't..." you frowned.
"Wouldn't I?"
You slowly felt the couch disappear from beneath you as Loki lifted you up.
"Okay fine!" you yelled before anyone noticed, and Loki put you down.
"What's wrong?"
"Bucky is being a jerk" you pointed at him sitting at the bar.
"Why? What did he do?"
"He's just... a jerk."
"Oh so he didn't actually do anything, you're just holding a grudge for no reason?"
"It's not for no reason! I hate him! And he hates me for some reason that he won't tell me."
"Hm. Maybe he is a jerk then."
"Thank you!" you exclaimed.
Loki laughed at you and put his arm around you.
You sat with the avengers for a while, and eventually Bucky came to sit with you.
You rolled your eyes when he sat opposite you and stared directly at you.
"I'm getting a drink" you stated as you stood up.
"Really? How many have you had?" Tony asked.
"Not enough" you sighed.
"Let me get it for you" Steve offered.
"No... Steve. I can get it myself" you groaned and walked off to the bar.
"She's gonna get really drunk" Nat laughed.
"Ooh that's always fun" Thor chuckled.
"Okay but we should make sure she doesn't get in any trouble" Steve said cautiously.
"Oh relax. Drunk y/n is very entertaining" Loki added.
"Maybe we should make sure she doesn't do anything stupid" Thor looked over at you.
"Ooh look at that! Steve you're being replaced" Nat exclaimed as a man sat next to you at the bar.
"What? Don't be ridiculous Romanoff" Steve sighed, embarrassed.
"Okay what is going on that you're not telling us?" Clint asked as he looked between Nat and Steve.
"Nothing" Steve lied.
"Steve has a crush" Nat grinned.
"I do not."
"Don't deny it Steve."
"It's hardly a thing."
"You? Have a crush? On y/n?" Clint stared in disbelief and started laughing "wow. Who would've guessed?"
"I did" Nat said proudly "obviously. I know everything."
Bucky turned to look at Steve, and when Steve met his eyes, he looked down.
Everyone noticed and went silent.
Before he could say anything, Bucky stood up and left the room.
"I should go talk to him" Steve sighed and followed him.
"That was awkward" Tony muttered.
"You shouldn't have said anything" Clint laughed to Nat.
"Wait what just happened?" Peter questioned innocently.
"Oh kid I forgot you were here" Tony admitted.
The avengers started talking again about their own thing, and Peter yet again faded into the background.
But after a while, he started to feel funny.
"Uh Mr Stark" he said "something doesn't feel right."
"What is it? Is it your Peter tingle?"
"My spider sense... yeah."
Tony started to look around worriedly.
"Where did y/n go?" he asked when he noticed her not by the bar anymore.
"Oh the man she was with escorted her right over there" Nat pointed to where you were laughing with someone by the door.
Tony turned to Peter.
"What's the problem then?" Tony asked.
"I don't know-"
"Y/n!" Loki screamed.
He saw that the man next to you was pulling something out of his pocket.
The man looked at Loki when he screamed your name, and quickly pulled the thing up and stabbed your neck.
It was a needle, but he hadn't pushed it in fully before Loki reached you.
He lifted the man up in the air and started choking him to death.
His body fell to the floor, and Loki turned to you.
You stumbled and fell onto him.
"Loki... I-" you muttered, before falling unconscious onto the floor.

Y/n Odinsdottir Where stories live. Discover now