Chapter Twenty-Five

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*narrator pov*
You passed Steve and Bucky in the hallway on your way to find Loki.
"I'm sorry Bucky but I really like her. I always have, ever since we met her" you overheard Steve say.
"Then why didn't you say something?" Bucky replied to him.
"Because I knew you liked her too."
"Whatever. Don't talk to me Steve" Bucky pushed past him and bumped into you. He paused for a moment then angrily stormed off.
You made eye contact with Steve.
"Hi y/n" he waved awkwardly. "I-"
"I should probably go find Loki" you interrupted.
"Right. Of course. I think he's in the kitchen" he told you as he came over and picked up your hand.
You blushed and walked with him to the kitchen, where Loki was watching Sam and Clint making pancakes.
"Nope! Nu Uh" he shot up when he saw you enter holding Steve's hand. He used his magic to lift you in the air and fly you across the room, and he dropped your feet on the floor next to him.
"Ugh! Loki!" you screamed and whacked the back of his head with your hand.
You pulled out the empty chair from the table in front of you and you sat down, slamming your forehead down on the table.
Loki laughed at you and you looked up at him hatefully.
Steve came to sit opposite you, and he smiled at you sweetly.
You smiled back, which visibly annoyed Loki.
"Breakfast is served" Sam grinned as he slid a large plate of pancakes onto the table.
Clint carried over some toppings, then sat down too.
"So y/n you feeling better?" he asked as he helped himself to the food.
"A bit yeah" you responded.
"That's good to hear" Sam said.
Tony came in with Nat.
"Y/n are you okay?" Tony wondered.
You nodded.
"Good. Because I have a surprise for everyone" Tony grinned.
Everyone stopped eating breakfast to face him.
"We're relocating. We've built a new compound upstate. It's much bigger and better than here. And it's not in the middle of the city. So hypothetically if we were attacked, less people would be harmed."
"Wow. Sounds cool" you smiled.
"It is cool. And we need to be out of here by the end of next week. So we better get packing. Happy will be here soon to get started on helping us move."
Tony and Nat sat at the table and helped themselves to some pancakes.
"Wow these are delicious" Nat sighed.
Sam and Clint high-fived each other victoriously.
You all ate together until every last pancake had been finished.
You stood up and cleared the empty plates for everyone.
As you placed them in the sink, you heard someone walk up behind you.
Steve placed a hand around your waist as he put the used cutlery on top of the plates.
"So" he said "last night. You agreed to go on a date with me."
"Oh. Right. Yeah I did."
"Do you still want to?"
"Uhm" you nervously itched the side of your neck "yeah of course."
"Meet me out the front of the tower at 7 tonight."
You bit your lip and smiled. "Can't wait."
"Can't wait for what?" Tony made you jump.
"Oh! Um. To move into the new compound next week" you lied.
"Mhm" Tony said, not believing that's what you were talking about.
Suddenly, your feet left the ground, and before you had time to react you were pulled away from Steve and Tony.
"AAAAUUUUGHH! For fucks sake!" you screamed.
Loki calmly walked up to face Steve, ignoring you.
"I do not like you" he admitted. "You don't touch my sister."
"I-" Steve objected.
"Nope" Loki interrupted in a cool tone. "Nope. You don't touch her." He turned to face you.
Your arms were folded and you looked pissed.
"Put me down Loki. Or I swear to god..."
"What are you gonna do?" Loki smirked, and spun you upside down.
"Oh I'm gonna be sick" you gagged.
"Okay put her down" Tony warned "before you hurt her."
"Relax she's fine..."
Your eyes rolled up behind your eyelids and your mouth gaped open. You stopped moving.
"Shit y/n..." Loki put you gently on the ground and ran over to you.
He brushed the hair out of your face, and you started laughing.
You shoved him off you and stood up.
"Don't ever do that again" you said, still chuckling.
"I hate you" Loki frowned.
"Aw. Love you too brother."
Loki ran towards you, and you sprinted off laughing into the other room as he chased you.
"They have a ... cute sibling bond" Nat half-smiled.
"Yeah. Hopefully they don't kill each other" Tony commented.
It was 6.55pm and you were ready for your date with Steve. The only thing you needed to do now was sneak out undetected. You didn't think the others would be too happy about you leaving the tower, especially at night.
You carried your shoes as you tiptoed out of your bedroom, past Nat's room and down the hall.
To avoid running into anyone, you decided to take the stairs rather than the elevator.
But you severely underestimated how many stairs there were.
You gave up after about five floors when you saw how many floors there were left to go.
So you went to find the elevator.
You pressed the button and waited impatiently for it to get to you.
Luckily no one was on it so you let out a sigh of relief as you stepped on.
The doors close, but at the last second a metal hand stopped them.
They opened again, and Bucky stood outside. He frowned, but got on anyway.
You awkwardly shuffled over to the other side of the elevator.
The doors pinged shut and the elevator started moving towards the ground floor.
"Where are you going dressed like that?" Bucky asked.
"It's uh, a new dress. I wanted to show Nat."
"You haven't been shopping since you went together, and Nat's in her room. Opposite yours."
"So why are you going to the ground floor?"
"Why does it matter to you?"
"That's not a reason."
"Where are you going?"
"It's none of your business."
"It is if it you're going somewhere dangerous. Alone."
"I won't be alone. And I'm not going anywhere dangerous."
"Then why can't you tell me where you're going?"
"I don't have to! Stop bothering me!"
"I'll tell your brother."
"Don't you fucking dare."
The elevator doors pinged open.
"Stay out of it! Don't tell anyone! And don't fucking follow me!" you yelled as you stormed out the elevator.
You put your heels on and walked outside.
You smiled when you saw Steve waiting by a car.
"Wow. You came" he grinned when he saw you.
"Of course I did. Why wouldn't I?"
"I don't know. You look beautiful, though."
"Thank you."
He opened the car door and you sat in the front seat.
"Where are we going?" you asked once he had sat in the seat next to you.
"I thought I'd take you for dinner. Then maybe a moonlit walk on the beach?"
"Sounds romantic."
You both smiled and he started driving.
That evening was definitely one to remember.
Steve took you to a small Italian restaurant by the coast, where you chatted and laughed over your meal.
He told you stories of his heroic adventures of the war, and you told him about what life was like on Asgard.
Then, you walked along the sandy beach, listening to the sound of the waves as well as each other's voices.
At one point, you both took off your shoes and Steve rolled up his trousers, and you ran into the sea, splashing each other playfully.
Eventually, he drove you back to the tower and walked you inside.
You snuck back to your room with him, still giggling about the evening.
"Okay shush. We don't wanna wake Nat" you laughed quietly.
Before you opened your door, Steve put his arm around your waist.
He slowly pulled you in as you leaned forward onto his chest.
Your face got closer to his, and he gently placed his lips down on yours.
You kissed him for a moment, then stepped back and smiled.
"Thank you. For a wonderful evening" you sighed and kissed him again.
"No, thank you" he grinned.
"I'll see you tomorrow" you whispered and kissed him one last time on the cheek.
"I'll see you tomorrow."
He turned, and you watched as he walked down the hallway.
With a smile still plastered across your face, you opened your door and switched your light on.
You froze and the smile wiped off your face when you saw Tony sitting with his arms folded in your chair.
"Tony... what are you... what are you doing in here?"
He didn't say anything.
"Look I'm really sorry. I should've told you but then you would have never let me go and I really wanted to but I promise next time I'll tell you!"
Still no response.
"What the hell were you thinking y/n?!" he stood up angrily "sneaking out in the middle of the night to god knows where without telling anyone?! What if someone followed you? What if something happened to you? Someone literally tried to kill you last night and yet you still think it's okay to do this?"
You stood in the doorway, looking at your feet in shame as he yelled at you.
"You should know better than this!"
"I'm sorry Tony."
"You know what. You're grounded. You don't leave this tower until we move."
You nodded.
"Get in bed. Go to sleep. Don't leave this room again tonight."
You shamefully walked to the bed and crawled under the covers.
"Night Tony" you called quietly.
He sighed and switched off the lights.
"Good night y/n."
He shut the door and you were left in the darkness.

Y/n Odinsdottir Where stories live. Discover now