Chapter Twenty

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*narrator pov*
Nat and Clint took you to one of the spare bedrooms in the tower.
"My room is opposite yours. You can come see me any time you need to" Nat pointed at her door.
"Okay thank you" you smiled weakly.
"There's a bathroom just down the hall, and we'll find you some clothes to wear" she continued.
You nodded and stepped into the room. It was just an average bedroom. You walked over to the bookcase and ran your fingers across all the books it was lined with. Then, you opened the wardrobe to see the large empty space inside. You looked at the comfy bed, and sat down on it.
"You can obviously decorate it how ever you would like" Clint said.
He was stood in the doorway still with Nat.
"When you're done settling in, come see us and we can check your arm" Nat said.
"Okay. Thank you."
"Oh I'm Clint by the way."
"I'm Nat."
"Nice to meet you. I'm y/n."
"Yeah we remember" Nat smiled, and she left with Clint.
You were still trying to get your head around the fact that everyone here somehow knew who you were, but you had no clue who anyone was.
You lay back on the bed.
A while later, you had a visitor.
They knocked softly on the door.
"Come in" you called.
The door opened, and Bucky walked in.
You sat up in shock.
He took a deep breath.
"Hey. I just wanted to say I'm, uh, sorry. About what happened" Bucky sighed.
"You mean when you tried to kill me" you whispered.
Bucky looked down at his feet shamefully.
"If you don't mind..." you held back your tears "I'd like to be alone right now."
"Y/n please. I wouldn't hurt you willing-fully. That hasn't happened in a long time."
"Please. Just go."
"Go! Get out!"
Steve walked up behind Bucky.
"Hey Buck. Maybe just leave her alone for a bit?" he suggested.
"Fine! But I told you this would happen! This is why I never wanted to go in the first place" Bucky muttered as he stormed past Steve.
Steve came in and sat on the bed next to you.
"Please. I just want to be alone" you told him.
He ignored you and put his arm around you, and you didn't protest.
You leaned into his side.
"Bucky didn't mean any harm. He just... takes some time to get used to I guess."
You stayed quiet.
"We're old friends you know" Steve continued "about 80 years ago, we met. And we were quite good friends, you me and Bucky."
"I'm sorry" you looked up at him "I... I can't remember anything about this place."
"That's okay" he smiled "we'll just have to... reconnect. Get close again."
"Thanks. It would be nice to have some friends."
"Mhm. Friends" Steve gently kissed the top of your head as you hugged him. "Why don't you come back to see the others. We'll order some pizza, and you can get to know us. Again."
"Sounds good" you smiled softly.
Steve took your hand and lead you out the room, to go find the others sitting in the living room. 
"Hi y/n" Tony greeted from the couch "is your room okay?"
"Yeah, it's perfect thanks."
"Great. Come sit!" he patted the seat next to him, and you sat down. Steve sat next to you.
"Oh by the way, I'm Tony. That's Steve, Nat, Clint, Sam, and Bucky" Tony formally introduced everyone.
You looked at Bucky, sitting on a couch opposite you. He was staring just past your head, very intensely. You turned away from him.
"Nice to meet you all. Apparently you all know who I am, so..."
They laughed and nodded.
"I suggested we order pizza and get to know each other some more" Steve said. 
The others agreed.
While waiting for the pizza, Tony and Nat checked your arm and properly bandaged it up.
"Ow" you winced.
"Sorry" Nat sighed as she finished sewing up the stitches on your hand.
Finally, the pizza arrived within half an hour.
You sat with the avengers, eating the food while they told you funny stories about their missions or just a fun day around the tower.
You smiled and laughed accordingly. It was nice to have some new friends. Even if you had only just met some of them.
"Hey why don't we have a party on Friday night? To celebrate our new guest" Tony suggested.
"Really? You think that's a good idea?" Steve questioned.
"Yeah. It'll be fun" Tony grinned.
"But is it a good idea to let the public know about her yet? What if something happens?"
"Oh let loose Rogers. Nothing will happen. And we will be there. If we can't protect someone at a party, we're pretty crap at our jobs."
No one else said anything, so you spoke up.
"A party sounds good. It would be a nice distraction until my brothers get back anyways."
"Good. So that's settled" Tony nodded.
"We'll have to take you shopping for a new dress" Nat offered.
"Great" you smiled.
"We can make a day of it" Tony laughed. "We'll all go shopping."
"You want to go shopping?" Sam raised an eyebrow at Tony.
"I mean... I have the money."
The next day, the avengers all took you shopping.
Except Bucky, who said he wanted to spend the day training instead.
When you got to the mall, you went dress shopping first.
Nat helped you pick out some choices, and everyone helped you decide on the prettiest one.
Then, Clint suggested that you could look for some things to go in your new room.
Tony bought you a new phone, and you spent lunch adding everyone's numbers.
"Call us if you're ever in trouble, okay?" Tony said.
"Of course" you grinned and sipped your milkshake. "Ugh I feel so bad that you're buying all of this stuff for me. What can I do?"
"Y/n it's fine. I'm a billionaire. It's barely a dent in my finances."
"Are you sure?"
"Mhm. Don't worry about it."
"Okay. But I owe you."
Tony laughed.
"After lunch I was thinking maybe we could buy you some clothes of your own?" Nat suggested "so you don't have to borrow mine all the time."
"Sounds good" you smiled.
When you all finished eating, you stood up to continue shopping.
But you accidentally crashed into someone and spilled your milkshake on them as you were standing up.
"Oh shit sorry... Bucky?"
Bucky stared angrily at you as he picked up a napkin of the table and wiped down his jacket. 
"Bucky what are you doing here?" Steve asked.
"I finished training early. Thought I would join you shopping" he replied, still looking at you.
"Bucky I'm so sorry. I didn't mean to..." you apologised.
"It's fine" he lied. He stepped towards you threateningly and whispered in your ear "but you're going to pay for that."
You gulped as he stood up straight again and began walking next to Steve and Sam.
"Wow. I wouldn't recommend getting on his bad side y/n" Nat laughed.
"I didn't mean to" you cried "and plus. He's already tried to kill me, so like, we're even?"
"Oh Bucky won't give up that easy" Nat warned.
"I'd watch your back if I were you" Clint chuckled.
"Great" you moaned as you started walking with them.   
You strolled around the shopping mall for a bit, and eventually went into a clothes shop.
Nat and Clint helped you pick out a few outfits, some comfy pyjamas, and a few pairs of new shoes.
You were window shopping with them when you saw a beautiful necklace in the window.
"Oh look! So pretty!" you pointed at him.
"It would so suit you" Nat remarked.
"Do you want it?" Tony asked.
"Tony no! You can't possibly buy me anything else. I refuse. If you do, I- I'll run away. Then Loki will kill you for losing me." 
"Fine! Fine. I won't buy it. This time" Tony smirked.
You laughed and carried on window shopping until you decided to go home.

Y/n Odinsdottir Where stories live. Discover now