Chapter Ten

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*narrator pov*
Steve walked you into the living room of his apartment, and sat you on the couch next to Nat.
"What happened?" she asked.
"I don't really know. Someone was out there. And they started shooting" you explained.
"Did you see who it was?" Steve asked, and you shook your head.
"I don't... no one on earth should know who I am. No one should have reasons to want me dead. Right?"
"Y/n when you were at the shield base, did you talk to anyone?" Steve wondered.
"You ran into those guys" Nat answered for you "you said you overheard something. What were they talking about?"
"Someone called the Winter Soldier. They said they would send him after a captain" you looked at Steve worriedly.
"Anything else?" he asked.
"Hail Hydra. That's what they said before they walked out. Nothing else."
Nat and Steve looked at each other in silence.
"What? What does it mean?" you asked.
"I don't know exactly. Something bad" Steve told you.
"Something very bad" Nat added.
The next morning, the three of you were in the car driving to the shield facility.
"So what's the plan?" you asked from the back seat.
"Shield is obviously hiding something. We need to figure out what" Nat decided.
"How can I help?"
"I'm not sure if you can. Unless you have spy training?"
"Unfortunately not" you sighed.
"You can't freely walk around the shield base. You're not an agent. I don't see how you can..." Steve started, but stopped at the sound of the gunshot.
You looked down at your shoulder, where a bullet was lodged into the seat.
Another gun shot.
It came through the side window of the car, and flew millimetres from your face.
"Steve!" you yelled at him, and he pulled over the car.
He and Nat got out, and looked around outside.
You tried to get out, but the car door was locked.
"Hey! Open the door!" you shouted and banged on the window.
Nat reached for the handle, but her hand was hit out the way as something was thrown at her.
A small device bounced to the floor in front of her.
She picked up the grenade, and threw it up in the air.
It exploded overhead, luckily not too hugely to hurt anyone on the ground.
She looked at where it had come from.
Someone jumped off the bridge and landed on a car in front of her.
He started firing his gun, but Steve jumped in the way with his shield, protecting her from the bullets.
He threw the shield at the masked figure, but he caught it in front of his face.
The shooter tossed it aside, and jumped towards them.
Steve ran to get the shield while Nat started to fight the guy.
She pulled her gun from her holster, and shot at him. He dodged each bullet, then grabbed the gun from her hands. He picked her up around the throat, and tossed her backwards off the road. Then, he was knocked over by the shield hitting him in the back. He stood up and faced Steve, who was holding the shield once more. The shooter picked Nat's gun of the floor and shot at Steve until the bullets ran out. Steve lowered the shield and walked towards him. The shooter ignored him and ran in the other direction. He jumped on top of the car you were trapped in. You had managed climbed into the front, but before you could open the door, the guy smashed his arm threw the front window and grabbed you by the top. He abruptly pulled you out, and the glass cut your face. He grabbed your neck with a metal hand and held you up in the air. You struggled and gasped for breath. Steve threw the shield at him again, but he caught it in his other hand.
"Y/n!" Steve sprinted towards the car.
But before he got there, you had taken action. Your hands started to glow purple. You held them up to the guys stomach, and blasted him backwards.
He let you go, and you fell onto the car. You rolled off the hood onto the floor, and landed on your back facing up.
Steve stood over you, and you grabbed his hand to pull yourself up. Nat joined you, and the three of you stood together and looked at the man standing opposite you.
He was unarmed, so you slowly began to approach him.
You kept your eyes on him as you bent down and picked his gun off the floor.
Maintaining eye contact, you raised the gun and pressed it against his forehead.
You stared into his eyes. There was something familiar about them, that made you hesitate to pull the trigger.
After a moment, he took your hesitation as his advantage. He tackled the gun off you, and held it against your head instead.
Nat and Steve looked at each other, but didn't move in case he fired the gun.
You took a deep breath and closed your eyes.
But he didn't pull the trigger either.
Suddenly, clouds formed together in the sky and you looked up.
"Shit!" you shouted.
You quickly looked back at the guy in front of you, knocked the gun out of his hands, and put your hand on the his head. He fell to the floor, unconscious.
Then, you sprinted off away from them.
"Why is she in a hurry?" Nat raised an eyebrow.
Steve ignored her and ran to the guy on the floor and felt for a pulse.
"He's not dead" he stated.
Before he had the chance to take the mask off him, his attention was drawn elsewhere.
Out of nowhere, a strike of lightning flashed in front of them.
"Where is she?"
Thor appeared before them.
"Where the hell is she? I know she's here!"
"Who? Y/n?" Steve asked.
"Yes. Have you seen her?" Thor demanded to know.
"Yeah. She was here like two seconds ago. Ran when she heard the..." Steve waved at the sky. "Is there a problem?"
"Yeah. Her."
Thor swung Mjölnir, and flew up into the air.
"That doesn't sound good" Nat frowned. "But I don't think we get involved."
"Well not yet" Steve said.
Nat knelt down next to Steve, and she took the mask off the shooter.
"Shit. Is that..."
"Bucky" Steve confirmed.
They stared at him, confused, as he lay sleeping on the floor.
Steve looked up in the direction you had run off in, but you were nowhere to be seen.
"Bucky's alive" he muttered as he looked back to him.
"How is that possible?"
"Hydra tested on him. Maybe that's how he survived the fall. And I don't know, they somehow kept him alive all of these years."
"They must have brainwashed him too. Why else would he try to kill anyone? Especially his best friend" Nat suggested.
"We need to find y/n."

Y/n Odinsdottir Where stories live. Discover now