Chapter Twenty-Seven

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*narrator pov*
Another day with Happy. Unfortunately. But now, you were helping out more as you had got bored of sitting around doing nothing.
Happy handed you his phone.
"Oh let me guess. Peter?"
"Mhm. Ask him why he's left New York."
"So he's not allowed on road trips?"
"Just ask him why?"
You groaned and dialled Peter.
"Hey Peter it's me again."
"Hey y/n. What's up?"
"Uh. Happy said you left New York? He wants to know why?"
"Oh so you're tracking me now?"
"Where you going Pete?"
"Uh. Yeah. No. It's just a school trip. It's, uh, nothing."
"School trip huh? Sounds fun."
"Yeah. Look y/n. I gotta say, you tracking me without my permission is a complete violation of my privacy."
"It's not me to be fair. It's Happy."
"That's different..." he muttered.
"What's different?"
"Nothing. Look, it's just the Academic Decathlon. It's no big deal."
"Wow that sounds boring" you turned in your chair to face Happy "hey Happy! Academic Decathlon. Is that fine?"
"What? Yeah. Sounds like no big deal."
"He said it's no big deal. But remember Peter. We're watching you" you warned in a silly voice.
"Right. Bye y/n."
"Bye Peter. Have fun nerd" you hung up the phone and tossed it back to Happy. "Hopefully he'll be preoccupied and won't bother us for a while."
"And hopefully you're right. Now you're my only problem."
"Hey! I thought we were finally getting along."
"Why would you think that?"
You rolled your eyes and got back to work.
A few days later, you were working with Happy on packing up the lab. By this point, the avengers had moved out and were living at the compound, so you were slowly moving more furniture from one place to another.
Some moving people picked up the last table, and the room was cleared.
"Well. I'll tick that off the checklist" you smiled.
"Mhm. Only like, a dozen more floors to go" Happy sighed.
"Eh. It'll be fine. We'll get it done in time" you assured him.
"I'm sure you will" someone said behind you.
"Steve!" you ran over to him, and he placed a gentle kiss on your lips.
"How's my girl?"
"I feel like I haven't seen you in ages."
"It's only been a few days."
"Still. I missed you."
"I missed you too" he grinned.
"Can we get out of here?" you pleaded.
"Aren't you still grounded?"
You looked at Happy, who was squinting at his phone.
Then you looked at Steve and raised a finger to your lips as you hurried him quietly out the room.
"Hey y/n can you call Peter. He hasn't sent me any annoying messages in a while or tried to call and I need to make sure he hasn't done anything..." he looked up and noticed you were gone "...stupid. Oh Tony is gonna kill me. Y/n!"
Happy started searching around the mostly empty tower for you, but couldn't find you anywhere.
He hadn't yet realised that you had escaped to the outside.
"Oh my god. Fresh air! I might have missed that more than you Steve" you cried.
You walked down the street holding his hand.
"Do you want to get some lunch?" Steve offered.
"Ooh yes! I haven't had non microwaveable food in what feels like forever!"
"Fair enough. I can't imagine it tastes all that good."
"It does not" you laughed. "Oh but we can't be long because I remember Happy saying, Tony should be coming back to the tower for a bit today. I don't want him to know that I left the tower when I'm meant to be grounded."
"Oh it's too late for that" Tony's voice sounded behind you, and you turned guiltily.
"Tonyyyyy... good to see you..."
"Get in the car."
"Right. Yep" you agreed with no hesitation.
Steve opened the door for you.
"Not you Steve. I don't want you with her right now."
Steve didn't argue with Tony, and walked off down the street, giving you a small wave first.
You felt like you were in a cop car or something, being taken to prison.
Prison, personally, you thought it was a good analogy.
Tony got in the car next to you.
"Tony I-"
"Zip it."
The car drove on in silence, until Tony pulled out his phone to call someone.
"Be quiet" he told you as the phone rang.
His face instantly changed to more upbeat when Peter answered.
"Mr Parker. Got a sec?"
"Uh, I'm actually at school."
"Nice work in D.C."
"My dad never really gave me a lot of support... and I'm just trying to break the cycle of shame."
You rolled your eyes, and Tony glared at you briefly.
"Uh, I'm kinda in the middle of something right now" Peter said.
"Don't cut me off when I'm complimenting you. Anyway, great things are about to-"
A ferry horn blared through the phone.
"What is that?" Tony asked.
"Uh, I'm at band practice."
"That's odd... Happy told me you quit band six weeks ago. What's up?"
"I gotta go. Uh, end call."
The call ended, and you started laughing.
"Great. Just great" Tony sighed sarcastically.
"What?" you asked.
"Gotta go yell at another kid. You, go find Happy and stay with him until I come back to yell at you" Tony ordered.
The car pulled over, and you and Tony walked off in different directions once you had gotten out.
You found Happy, looking out of breath.
"I found you... oh my god. There's so many stairs in this place. Don't run off like that! If Tony finds out..."
"Uhm. He kinda already did. He saw me walking outside with Steve, then brought me back here. He's gone off again to go yell at Peter or something, I don't know."
"Next time, don't run off. And especially don't go outside when you know you're not supposed to."
"Sorry Happy."
You waited with him until Tony returned.
"Okay Happy you can go now" Tony said, and he left you two alone.
"Y/n" Tony rubbed his forehead disappointedly with his fingers "care to explain what you were doing outside? Even though you are grounded."
"I'm sorry Tony. But I have been locked inside for almost a week. I just wanted to go outside for like, ten minutes!"
"I told you! You are grounded!"
"Okay but who says you can ground me anyway? You are not my father!"
"No. But I'm still looking out for your safety. And when you don't listen to me about things that are specifically regarding your safety, then you get grounded. To keep you safe."
"That's not your problem Tony."
"Yes it is. I care about you y/n. I don't want to see you get hurt. Don't make me the fool for caring."
"Just... leave me alone Tony" you sighed in annoyance and turned away.
"You are still grounded!" Tony yelled.
When you had gone, he sighed sadly to himself.
He really did care, as much as you didn't.

Y/n Odinsdottir Where stories live. Discover now