Chapter Twelve

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*narrator pov*
"Bucky? Say something" you pleaded.
"Y/n..." Thor came up behind you "you have awoken him. And now we must go."
"Bucky please talk to me."
"Y/n we are going now" Thor grabbed you and pulled you backwards by the waist.
"No, no, no, no!" you struggled and tried to pull his arm off you as he went to drag you out the room.
But before he could take you out the door, Bucky jumped off the bed.
He grabbed your wrist in one hand and Thor's arm in the other.
He ripped Thor's arm off you and pulled you towards him.
You grabbed onto his chest, his face only centre-meters away from yours.
You could feel his breath on your cheeks.
"Bucky..." you gasped.
"What are you doing you stupid mortal?" Thor yelled.
You quickly stepped back from Bucky and looked at Thor, but Bucky didn't let go of your hand.
Thor stepped angrily towards you, but Bucky kicked him back by the stomach. Thor only stumbled slightly, but it was enough for Bucky to storm off out the room, pulling you with him.
He took you to the stairwell, and let go of you halfway down.
He paced the floor, before sitting down on the top step of the next flight of stairs.
You sat down next to him, but said nothing.
"I don't know who you are" Bucky admitted "but I recognise you. Your face, your eyes, lips, they're familiar. But I don't remember you. Or anything else for that matter."
"That's okay. I'll be here until you do remember."
"Thanks. I could use a friend" he smiled weakly.
You smiled back at him.
"So what can you tell me? About my life?"
"Oh. Uhm. Well. The Bucky I know, or knew, he was kind. Sweet. Extremely handsome" you chuckled lightly and Bucky grinned at you "and he was very caring and loving."
"So how did I know you?"
"Aha. You were my, um, my boyfriend."
Bucky paused.
"Wow" he remarked.
"I just can't believe I was lucky enough to be with someone that looks like you."
You blushed and looked down at your feet.
"So what happened?" he asked.
"Uh... I- don't know."
"Well what happened with us? Did we break up?"
"Uhm..." you hesitated.
You were saved from the question as Thor appeared and flew at Bucky.
"Wait no! Thor stop!" you screamed as he punched Bucky in the face.
"You don't touch my sister!" Thor yelled.
"Stop!" you held onto his arm before he could punch him again.
Thor nudged you back and wielded Mjölnir into his hand, then he placed it onto your chest so you couldn't move.
Bucky had stood up, and was about to hit Thor back.
Thor spun around and lunged at him, and they fell out the window behind Bucky.
"Bucky!" you cried and tried to lift the hammer off you "someone help me! Help!"
You thought about what Thor was going to do to Bucky, and you started to cry.
"Help!" your voice broke "Thor!"
Suddenly, Tony and Steve ran down the stairs.
"Y/n?!" Tony exclaimed when he saw you. "What happened?"
"Where's Bucky?" Steve asked.
You looked at the window.
"Please. Go and help him" you begged Steve, and he peered out the window.
He could see Thor and Bucky fighting on the street below.
He stepped back, then ran forward and jumped out.
(Luckily, you were only two floors up.)
Tony stayed next to you.
"Here" he said and grabbed the handle of the hammer. He grunted as he pulled it.
"Please. Please just go help Bucky" you cried.
"What is this?" Tony groaned as he continued to try and lift up the hammer.
"It's not going to work. Only Thor can lift it" you argued.
"But is it not hurting you?" Tony sighed and finally gave up.
"It is. But there's nothing I can do. But you, please help Bucky!" you pleaded again.
"Jarvis..." Tony called.
"On it" the AI responded.
A suit flew down the stairs and built itself around Tony.
He tried the hammer one last time, and you laughed weakly at him. He rolled his eyes and flew out the window.
You were left alone, laying on the floor, sobbing while facing the ceiling.
Your heartbeat quickened.
You raised your hands to your head and clenched your fists in your hair.
Trying to drown out the noise from the battle on the street below, you covered your ears with your hands and screamed.
Your head started to burn and you screamed more.
Down on the street, Tony, Steve and Bucky were fighting off Thor when they heard you screaming.
Steve and Bucky stood on the sidewalk and looked up at the broken window where you were, and Tony stopped shooting at Thor.
They could see a glowing purple light coming from your direction.
Thor dropped the car that he had prepared to throw, and he jumped up into the window.
Tony flew up after him, while Bucky and Steve ran through the door to take the stairs.
When Thor landed next to you, he lifted Mjölnir off your chest, but you didn't stop screaming.
"Y/n!" Thor shook you violently. "Y/n stop!"
"Hey. Calm down" Tony said in a more calming tone.
"Nooooooo!" you screamed and your hands flashed bright purple on your head.
Your eyes shut and your head lulled onto its side.
"Y/n?" Thor whispered.
"What happened?" Steve asked as he and Bucky finally reached you.
"She's breathing" Tony stated as he felt for your pulse and listened to your breath.
"What happened?!" Steve repeated louder.
"Sh-she... she put herself to sleep" Thor stuttered quietly.
"What do you mean?" Bucky asked.
"Like she did to you. She did it to herself" Thor explained.
"But I thought she was the only one that could undo her magic?" Steve enquired.
"Exactly" sighed Thor.
"Then how do you wake her up?" Tony wondered.
"I don't know."
"You can wake her up. Can't you?" Steve demanded to know. "Can't you?!"
"I don't know."
"So what now?" Bucky asked.
"I don't know."
"Will you stop saying that! Do you not know anything?!" Tony yelled.
"I know that she needs to come back to Asgard with me. Someone there can help her."
"Seriously! Do you not understand? The whole reason she is in this situation is because she is scared and she does not want to go back!"
"You don't know what's best for my sister Stark. So stay out of it."
"I know that this whole thing is stressing her out. And now she's hurt. Who's fault is that?"
"I dont know what you're suggesting. It's not my fault - I was trying to bring her back to Asgard, and if she had just let me then this never would have happened."
"Okay stop arguing!" Steve interrupted "it doesn't matter at the moment. If taking her back to Asgard helps now, then do it. Save her life, then you can argue as much as you want."
Thor stepped away from Stark, who watched as Thor picked you up and pointed his hammer to the sky.
Thor glared at Tony, before the rainbow bridge appeared and disappeared again, leaving an empty space where you and Thor were a second ago.
"We're never going to see her again" Tony sighed.
"As long as she's safe..." Steve objected.
"Yeah but mentally she's not. She needs help."
"Tony, it's not our problem. Not anymore."
"So what? You don't care anymore? I thought you were friends?"
"Of course I care! I believe that she will be safe where she is."
Tony was about to say something else, when he saw Bucky leaning against a wall, breathing heavily.
"What's wrong with him?" Tony asked.
"Bucky?" Steve turned to face him hopefully "what's going on? Do you remember something?"
"She left again" Bucky gulped "y/n. She left. Again."
"You remember her?"
Bucky nodded slowly.
"How much do you remember?" Steve enquired.
"Everything. Right up to the minute she left. I know I shouldn't be surprised."
"Do you remember what happened to you? After you fell off the train?"
"I woke up. Post operation or something. I had a metal arm. And Hydra... they ran tests. Injected me with some stuff. They froze me in ice" Bucky explained. "Then everything is unclear from there."
They stood in silence for a moment.
"Steve" Bucky looked up and grinned weakly. He approached Steve and hugged him with a sigh of relief.
"I missed you Buck" Steve hugged him back.
"Okay. I'm gonna need some things clarified" Tony stated, confused.

Y/n Odinsdottir Where stories live. Discover now