Chapter Nine

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*narrator pov*
Thor returned to his father, who was now standing with his mother. They both still looked confused.
"How is she?" Odin asked.
"She's fine. She just wanted to stay in her room alone for a while" Thor answered.
"Okay. She's safe there."
"Do you remember anything father?"
"What's the last thing you do remember?"
"I was in here. Not doing anything. I think you had just left for Earth to get the tesseract."
"Were you alone?"
"I was. Oh. But then I saw y/n in the hallway. And I called her in. I-" Odin paused.
"What then?" Thor urged.
"I remember arguing. Because you told her about Loki!"
Thor gulped and stood up straight.
"I'm sorry father. I thought she had the right to know."
"Yes well. There is nothing that can be done about it now" Frigga put her arm on Odin's shoulder to calm him down.
"She said she wanted to go to Earth. To help you. I said no."
"Then did she go back to her room?"
"I- I don't remember anything after that."
"She probably did go to her room. And then whoever did this must've come in afterwards."
"No. No y/n was definitely here. I don't remember her leaving."
Thor didn't respond, as he paused to think. He wondered how you had gotten past father, had you done something?
Odin noticed his puzzled expression.
"Thor... don't you dare lie to me. Was she on Earth with you?"
Thor opened his mouth to say something, but he hesitated.
"Don't lie to me!" Odin warned.
Thor closed his mouth and nodded.
Odin angrily stormed out the room; Thor and his mother exchanged worried glances before following him.
They went to your room, and Odin swung the door open.
They all stepped inside.
You weren't there.
"Y/n!" Odin screamed.
*y/n pov*
I looked back at the palace one last time.
"Princess y/n. What are you doing here?"
I groaned and turned around.
"Heimdall. I'm really sorry. But I'm going to need you to step aside."
"I'm afraid I can't do that."
"Please don't make me do this" I pleaded and lifted my hands in front of me.
He conjured a large sword and I sighed.
"Just go home y/n."
"You know I can't do that."
He lunged at me with the sword, and I threw a purple blast of energy at him, pushing him backwards on the floor.
He got up and swung at me again, so I blasted him back once more.
I flew up into the air, and crashed down on him, tightening my hands around his neck.
I closed my eyes as he gasped for breath - it wasn't something I particularly wanted to watch.
Suddenly, I felt a sharp pain in my side.
I opened my eyes to see Heimdall holding a bloody knife.
I clutched my side, and felt the blood oozing out.
I fell off Heimdall and rolled over onto the floor.
I stumbled as I stood up to face him.
"I'm going to need to tell your father."
I looked down at my feet, then up at him.
I reached my arm out to grab onto his shoulder and steady myself.
"I'm sorry" I whispered.
I grabbed the back of his head with my other hand.
I fell through the sky over Earth.
My side was still bleeding out.
I crashed into some water, and I let myself sink to the bottom.
I saw the rays of sun shine through the water above me, but then a shadow obstructed the light.
Someone swam towards me and grabbed my waist.
They pulled me up and carried me out of the water.
I was laid down on the grass, and I sat up coughing.
I rubbed my eyes and looked up at the person who had got me out of the water. He was on the phone.
"Yeah you might want to come over. Someone just fell out the sky...I don't know...A girl" he saw me looking at him "hey are you alright?"
I nodded and stood up.
"Ok see you in a minute" the man hung up the phone.
"Thank you" I smiled and turned to walk away.
"Hey wait."
I stopped.
"Who are you?"
"Doesn't matter."
"Kinda does. You just fell out the sky. I need to know if you're dangerous or not."
"Why?" I laughed "you gonna try fight me?"
"If it comes to it. What's your name?"
I nodded.
"Steve mentioned you. If it is you."
"You know Steve?"
"Yeah. That's who I called just now."
"He's coming here?"
"I've got to go. He can't know I'm here."
"Y/n wait!"
"Sorry! Thank you!" I ran off.
I hadn't been running 5 seconds when someone came running up behind me and grabbed my shoulder.
I fell over backwards, and Steve caught me.
"Hi" he smiled at me and stood me up straight.
"Uh hi" I half smiled and turned away from him, grabbing my stomach.
"Oh uh, y/n your bleeding."
"No shit."
"We need to get you to a hospital."
"No!" I yelled "sorry. No. I can't go to a hospital. You know, the whole not being a human thing. Who knows what they'd do to me."
"Sorry. You're right. But you still need help."
"Mhm. Okay" I let him help me walk back to his car.
He drove me to a large building, that seemed to be swarming with agents of some sort.
"Steve. No Steve that's too many people" I told him as he opened the door.
"It's fine" he said and he took me by the hand to lead me inside.
He had his arm around me and I leant into his chest.
I tried not to care about the people staring at me.
"Who's this?" Someone came over.
"A friend. She needs help" Steve explained.
"Clearly" the person stated, looking at my wound.
Steve pushed past them and we walked into a room.
He lay me down on the table and I held my side.
Steve picked up my hands and moved them. Then he gently pressed down with a cloth.
I winced and grabbed Steve's arm.
"Shit" I muttered under my breath.
"Language" Steve smiled at me. "So what are you doing back on Earth?"
"What I'm not allowed to come visit?"
"You can. But this makes it seem more like an escape than a visit."
"Nope. It was just an accident. I cut myself on my out- OW!"
"Sorry. It doesn't seem like just a cut."
"Well it is."
Steve sighed and finished bandaging the cut in silence.
I sat up on the table.
I thanked him and pulled my shirt down.
"You can't wear that. It's covered in blood. Let me find you something" Steve offered and left the room.
I hopped off the table and left too, and I started wandering the halls.
I saw a door slightly ajar and looked into it.
There were two men talking quietly inside.
I leaned against the wall outside to listen in.
"Is everything ready?"
"Yes. We'll send the Winter Soldier for him tomorrow."
"Good. When the captain is dead, our plan can run smoothly. No complications."
"Exactly. And shield will have full control."
"Hail Hydra."
"Hail Hydra."
I heard footsteps coming towards the door, and I hurriedly walked off.
"Who are you?"
I turned around to look at them.
"Um. I... got lost" I gulped nervously.
One of them reached into their jacket and I stepped back, bumping into someone.
The guy took his hand away and put it back by his side.
"Agent Romanoff" he nodded, and he walked off with the other guy.
I turned to face the woman, and she tilted her head at me.
"Your Thor's sister?" she asked.
"Uh yeah..."
"I'm Natasha. I helped him fight Loki."
"Y/n" I offered out my hand.
"Nice to officially meet you. What are you doing here?"
"Uhm. Steve brought me here."
"I thought you went back to Asgard?"
"I did."
"Why did you come back?"
I paused, and avoided the question.
"Nat I need to tell you about something. Something I overheard..."
"Y/n there you are" Steve smiled from behind her "I couldn't find anything for you to change into but we can go back to my apartment. Oh hey Romanoff."
"Rogers" Nat nodded at him then turned to me "what did you need to tell me?"
I looked at her, then Steve, then back at her.
"Oh uh nothing."
I smiled weakly at Steve and took his hand.
Nat joined us and we started to head out the building, and we passed the two men I heard talking earlier, talking to a third person.
They pointed at me, but Steve and Nat didn't seem to notice.
I lowered my head and left the building with them.
Steve opened his car door for me, and I climbed in the back seat.
Steve and Nat sat in the front.
We drove in silence.
I debated whether or not to tell them what I had heard, but in the end I decided not to.
We got to his apartment, and Steve showed me into his bedroom so I could change clothes.
I picked out a pair of joggers and a large T-shirt and quickly dressed myself.
I bent over to pick my clothes off the floor, and I heard a gunshot.
I stayed low next to the bed, and turned to see where a bullet had hit the wall behind me.
Steve knocked on the door. "Y/n are you okay?"
I peered over the top of the bed, and another bullet shot through the window, barely missing my head.
Staying close to the ground, I crawled over and underneath the window sill.
I grabbed the gun on top of Steve's bedside table and stood in front of the window.
There was someone on the rooftop opposite, and I shot at them.
They shot back at me, but I held my hand up to stop the bullets right before they hit me, and I dropped them to the floor.
"Y/n!" Steve banged on the door. He tried to open it but I had locked it to get changed.
The person on the roof ran off, so I unlocked the door for Steve.
He grabbed me and pulled me into a hug. "I heard gunshots. What happened? Are you okay?"
I looked past him and out the window.
The shooter was gone.

Y/n Odinsdottir Where stories live. Discover now