Chapter Forty-One

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*narrator pov*
"You still love him?" Steve asked.
"Yes, but Steve-"
Steve let go of you and stepped away.
"Steve I love you too."
"But you love him?"
"Yes. It's... ugh it's complicated! You were right. I should never have found out."
"No you shouldn't have."
"What am I going to do?"
"You've got to figure it out" Steve said, and turned to leave.
"Wait, Steve..."
He had already left.
You scoffed and turned to face Loki. You were trying not to cry. You knew it would be hard.
"Well that's just... great" you whispered. "How... the hell... do I figure it out."
"It's gonna be okay" Thor nodded as he put an arm around you.
"No it's not. I have to break someone's heart, and if I'm not careful, I'll break two. And either way, I'm going to lose someone I love."
"You won't lose anyone" Loki assured.
"Steve has already walked out! And Bucky... shit I've got to talk to Bucky!"
You pushed past Thor and ran towards the door.
You turned round excitedly.
"Holy shit my leg's okay!" you exclaimed.
"Yeah- you're kinda basically immortal again" Loki explained. 
"Fuck yeah!" you ran over and hugged him.
"Um y/n, Bucky?"
"Right. Yeah. Bye."
You ran out the room to find Bucky.
You couldn't wait to hug him, kiss him now that you knew everything again.
"BUCKY!" you cried as you ran into the med bay. But his bed was empty.
You turned and left, heading for his room. 
But he wasn't in there either.
You decided to knock on Wanda's door.
"Hey Wanda. Have you seen Bucky?" you asked.
"No, sorry."
"Crap. I don't know where he is." 
"Don't worry. I'll help you look."
"Thank you."
"So why do you need to speak to him?" Wanda asked as you started walking. 
"I remember. Everything."
"That's great! But what does that have to do with Bucky?"
"I love him."
"What? I thought you love Steve?"
"I do. And that's why I need to find him. I need to sort things out. Before I lose either of them." 
"Well where's Steve?"
"He already walked away. I'll talk to him later but I just have to see Bucky. Oh my god! Where is he?"
"Okay. Don't worry. We'll find him." 
You nodded and carried on searching around the compound.
After a while, you ran into Sam.
"Sam! Sam!" you cried as you ran up to him. "Have you seen Bucky?"
"Yeah I saw him like five minutes ago" Sam informed.
"Great. Cool. Where?"
"The kitchen. He looked like he was heading out."
"Shit. Okay thank you" you called and started to run off.
"Hey y/n..." Sam stopped you.
"I also saw Steve. You might want to talk to him."
"God yeah I know. I will" you sighed and continued running to find Bucky.
Wanda stayed back and spoke to Sam.
You saw Bucky in the hallway outside the kitchen.
"Bucky!" you cried and ran up to him. 
He turned around just as you reached him.
Before he could speak you reached up and kissed him.
You jumped up and wrapped your legs around him, not letting your lips part.
He ran his hand through your hair and held your head next to his.
When you finally pulled away, your face stayed close to his and you rested your forehead on his. 
You looked up into his eyes, appreciating every shade of blue. 
You wanted to pull him in the kiss him again, but you resisted for a moment.
"I missed you" you said softly.
"I missed you too doll" he smiled. "But I thought I told you to stay with Steve."
"You should go find him. Be with Steve."
"But Bucky- "
"This is hard doll. But I told you I would do anything to make you happy" Bucky said, and he pushed your legs off him so you were standing on your own. He moved your arms from his shoulders, and he held your hands in front of you. "I don't want to lose you. Of course I don't. But I don't want you to have to make this decision. So I'll make it for you. Stay with Steve. You told me you wanted to spend the rest of your life with him. So do it."
"But... I love you. I don't want to lose you either."
"I've got to go y/n."
He let go of your hands but didn't move. Your eyes started to tear up.
"Bucky please don't do this."
"I love you doll."
He leaned closer and kissed your cheek. Before turning to leave.
"Bucky don't you dare fucking leave me here" you yelled at him, tears rolling down your cheek.
He stopped at the end of the hallway and looked back at you.
You shook your head at him, hoping he would stay.
He didn't say anything. He just left.
And you broke down.
You stepped back until you felt the wall, and you slowly sunk down to the floor.
Steve had walked away, you didn't know for how long, and Bucky had gone for good. You loved both of them. You hated yourself for everything being so complicated. It wasn't fair. You kinda wished Steve hadn't asked you out in the first place. Then it wouldn't be that complicated.
You weren't crying, you were just staring at nothing.
"Y/n?" Wanda asked. She had finally caught up with you. "Are you okay?"
"No" you groaned.
"What happened with Bucky?"
"He left."
"Oh no. I'm sorry."
"No. Don't be. I- I'm gonna go find Steve."
You stood up and walked past Wanda.
"You don't wanna talk about it?" she called as you walked away.
"Nope" you lied and left her alone. 
You were waking through the compound when you looked out the window and saw Steve running around the lawn, so you headed outside.
No way in hell were you running after him, so you sat on a bench until he came over.
"Steve!" you yelled when he ran close to you.
He sighed and stopped running, but didn't stop moving.
You hurried over to walk next to him.
"Did you figure it out?" he asked.
"Nice to see you too."
"Yes Steve."
You stepped in front of him and picked up his hand.
"I... if you want to, um... will you still be my boyfriend?"
"What about Bucky?"
"It's... over. I love you, Steve." 
"I love you too. But you told me you loved Bucky as well."
"I know. But I had to choose. I choose you. I mean I still have feelings for Bucky. But he... I'm going to walk away."
"Mhm. I promise. I'm going to try to... forget about Bucky."
"Yeah I just said..."
Steve interrupted you as he pulled you close and kissed you.
"... that" you finished. "So are we okay?"
"We're okay" he smiled.
You grinned and jumped into his arms, then he carried you inside.

Y/n Odinsdottir Where stories live. Discover now