Chapter Seven

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- around 70 years later -
*narrator pov*
You sat laying on your bed, like you had done everyday for the past 70 years.
There was no point in leaving your room.
You still couldn't leave the palace, and Loki died a few years ago, so there was no one for you to see.
Your father did not let you go to his funeral, so you had to watch from your bedroom window.
It was torture.
You had never even said goodbye.
You spent the last few years locking yourself in your room, not talking to anyone.
Thor would come and deliver meals, and would have to find ways to force you to eat sometimes.
One day, he came to give you your breakfast, along with some news.
"Y/n, I have something to tell you."
You stared blankly at him, as you put a single piece of cereal in your mouth.
"Loki is alive."
You spat the cereal out and yelled "what?!"
"Good to know you haven't lost your voice. I'm going to find him today. I thought I'd let you know."
"Where is he?"
"Let me guess. Mind controlling some people?"
"Most likely. He has the tesseract, and he is endangering the lives of thousands of people."
"No shit. He always said he'd get world domination some day."
"Well. I thought I'd let you know. See you when I get back."
"I'm sorry what?"
"Hm?" Thor looked back innocently.
"You just came in here to tell me my dead brother isn't so dead, and now you're just going to leave?"
"Um yeah. You can't leave the palace remember. And you especially cannot go to Earth."
"I don't give a shit."
"Y/n. Don't make me regret telling you. I'll be home soon" he left the room.
You threw your bowl of cereal at the door behind him.
"I'm gonna kill him" you muttered, referring to both of your brothers.
You needed to find a way to Loki, a way to Earth, but to start with, you needed a way to get out of the palace.
Luckily, you had the advantage that no one knew about your new abilities.
The one useful outcome of time to yourself, was the discovery of what powers you have, and how to use them.
You hadn't had a reason to use them yet, but now seemed like a good excuse.
"Please tell me you're going to appeal to my humanity" Loki said as he walked across the floor towards Stark.
"Actually I'm planning to threaten you" Tony replied
"You should have left your armor on for that."
"Yeah. It's seen a bit of mileage. You've got the blue stick of destiny. Would you like a drink?"
"Stalling me won't change anything."
"No, no, no. Threatening. No drink? You sure? I'm having one."
"The Chitauri are coming, nothing will change that. What have I to fear?"
Suddenly, a glowing purple force came crashing through the window, hitting Loki onto the floor.
Loki quickly stood again, and you flew through the broken window.
"I'm sorry who are you?" Tony asked.
You threw a purple blast at him, and he ducked behind the kitchen counter.
Then, you looked over at Loki and made eye contact. He smiled at you, but your eyes glared at him.
You flew over to him and grabbed his neck. You raised him up, before smashing him down on the ground and kneeling on top of him.
"Loki! You son of a bitch I thought you were dead!"
He reached up and grabbed your arm, then rolled over on top of you.
"What are you doing here?" he asked.
"I came to see you" you kicked him off you, and you both stood up facing each other warily. "Do you know how shit these past few years have been?"
"More than anyone" he stepped over to you and put his arms around you "I'm sorry."
"Ugh I missed you bitch" you hugged him back "how could you do that to me?"
"Again. Dreadfully sorry."
"Have you seen Thor yet?"
"Yes. We've talked. Does he know you're here?"
"Aha no. That should be a fun surprise."
"Hang on. Hey. Hi. Still here" Tony stood up "who are you exactly?"
"Hi I'm y/n" you smiled "nice to meet you."
"Tony" he nodded cautiously.
"Hi Tony. Sorry about blasting you."
"Yeah no we don't like him" Loki told you.
"Oh right. Then I'm not sorry."
You marched towards him and put your hand around his neck.
"Jarvis. Anytime now" Tony gasped for breath.
"You will all fall before me" Loki came over and spat in his face.
You took the hint and threw him out the window.
You watched as he fell down next to the tower, when all of a sudden something flew over your heads and followed Stark.
When it reached him, it built a suit around him, and he flew back up to face you.
"You're going to have to try harder than that" Tony said, and he shot at you and Loki.
You were blown backwards into the building.
Tony flew off when he saw the big ring open in the sky, leaving you and Loki alone.
Loki stood up and walked over to the balcony to admire his work.
"I'm going to rule all of this. Isn't it great? Y/n?" He turned and realised you weren't with him "y/n?!"
He was about to search for you when he was knocked over by a force flying at full speed towards him.
"Loki! Turn off the Tesseract or I'll destroy it!" Thor yelled.
"You can't. There is no stopping it. There is only the war."
"So be it" Thor rushed over, and raised his hammer, but stopped when he heard coughing from a pile of debris. He looked over and saw you lying in the dust.
"Y/n?! What are you doing here?" Thor yelled.
You laughed as you stood up "hm. You really thought I wasn't going to come."
"I thought you would try. Didn't know you would make it."
"Yeah I know. Fathers going to kill me."
"He's going to kill me if he knows I told you. Stay out of trouble so I can take you home safe."
"That's so boring! I wanna help."
"Who do you want to help?" Loki asked.
You looked between them.
"What do you mean?" you asked.
"Y/n. Loki is behind all of this" Thor informed.
"Yeah I know."
"You need to help me stop him."
"Yeah okay but if you help me" Loki protested "we can rule together. And you never have to see father again."
"Uhm....." you paused "how bout I go down there, and fight anyone that attacks me. Sound good?"
"Y/n!" Both the boys yelled, but you had already jumped out the window.
You slowed down as you got closer to the ground, and you hovered slightly above it.
You couldn't see anyone, so you decided to join Thor's team for now and threw blasts at the aliens.
Tony was hovering in the sky above the tower, looking at you.
"Okay who the hell is that girl and who's team is she on?" he asked over the comms. "Someone check it out."
"Don't hurt her!" Loki yelled at him from the tower.
"Okay she's on Loki's side. Take her down" Tony said.
"No! Leave her alone!" Thor shouted.
"Now I'm confused" Tony sighed.
Back on the ground, you were shooting blasts of energy at the aliens flying through the air.
After a while, you stopped and looked around.
There was destruction everywhere, buildings were falling to pieces and innocent civilians were being shot.
"Wow. Loki what have you done" you remarked.
You conjured another ball of energy to throw, but something hit you in the back, and you fell to the floor.
Before you could get up, Captain America was pressing his foot down on you.
"Hey. Um just out of interest, are you on Loki's team or Thor's team? Like either one is totally chill" you wondered, but he just pushed down on your back harder.
"Who are you?" he enquired.
"First of all ow. Get the fuck off" you warned and he moved his foot. You rolled over to face him "second of all, I could ask you the same... question." You paused when you saw who it was.
Steve lowered his shield and looked into your eyes.
"S-Steve? Is that you?"
He took off his helmet and nodded.
You sat up and he offered his hand to help you up.
"W-what are you... I mean. H-how... I don't... understand" you stuttered as you stood up.
"What happened to you? You have powers? Who are you?"
"I... I..." you stumbled backwards "I can't do this."
"Y/n wait!"
"I'm sorry" you called, as you sprinted away.
You got to the corner of the building, and looked back at Steve.
He was just standing there, watching you leave.
You paused and stared at him for a minute, and you watched his face drop.
"Y/n look out!" he shrieked and ran over towards you.
You looked up as a Chitauri monster came crashing towards you.
It grabbed onto you, and you grabbed its head. You ripped it off the body and threw it away.
Then, you looked down at your feet, where a small device was beeping and flashing red.
Steve jumped towards you to protect you with his shield.
"Look at this. Look around you! You think this madness will end with your rule?" Thor forced Loki to watch the city turning slowly to ash.
"It's too late. It's too late to stop it" Loki tried to look away from it.
"No. We can. Together."
Loki looked at Thor, hope in his eyes. But then he drew a small knife and stabbed Thor with it.
"Sentiment" he sneered as Thor doubled over.
"Brother. If not for me, at least stop for her" Thor groaned.
Loki looked up and out to the city, trying to find you in the mess.
As Loki was distracted, Thor took the chance to get up and kick him backwards, pushing him onto the floor.
Loki slowly rolled off the balcony, and Thor ran to the edge to see him. He saw Loki riding on a Chitauri, followed by dozens of others.
Loki smiled as he passed Thor.
Then Thor smiled as he was tackled by Hulk seconds later.
"Has anyone see y/n?" Thor asked.
"No. But we have bigger problems. I got a nuke coming in, it's gonna blow in less than a minute" Tony informed them.
Thor watched as he flew past in the sky, and grabbed the missile from behind.
"And I know just where to put it."
He started directing the missile up towards the hole in the sky.
Black widow watched from where she was standing, by the tesseract.
Everyone had eyes on Tony, as he flew up to the portal, and he was sucked through it.
"Come on Stark" Nat whispered to herself. After a moment, she was forced to close it. She didn't hesitate to hit the tesseract, then she instantly looked back up at the sky.
The portal closed.
And Stark fell through at the last second.
"He's not slowing down" Thor pointed out as he approached the ground.
He started to spin Mjölnir to fly off, but Hulk appeared and grabbed him out of the air, and slid down a building with him.
He threw him onto the ground.
Stark lay down on the floor, looking very almost dead.
Hulk roared, and Tony suddenly sat up, and everyone sighed with relief.
"Please tell me nobody kissed me" Tony gasped for breath.
Thor laughed and helped him stand up.
"Is everyone okay?" Tony asked over comms.
"All good up here" Nat replied.
"Same" Hawkeye answered.
"Steve?" Tony enquired "Cap you there?"
There was no response.
"Has anyone seen Steve?" Tony yelled.
"Stark" Steve's voice crackled over the comms "we have a team mate down."
Tony and Thor exchanged worried glances, and looked around at everyone near them. Tony couldn't find anyone unaccounted for.
Thor could.

Y/n Odinsdottir Where stories live. Discover now