Chapter Thirty-Six

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*narrator pov*
-Saturday morning-
You were sitting on the couch with Steve, the morning of the party.
You were cuddled up under his arm, leaning on his chest while he played with your hair.
He brushed some hair behind your ear and you looked up at him.
"You're so cute" he smiled at you.
"So are you."
"I don't want to lose this."
"Neither do I."
"Y/n, I was thinking..."
"What about?" 
"Are you happy?"
"Mhm. Why?" 
"I don't think you should get your memories back."
"What? Steve-"
"No wait, listen. Your memories will just complicate things. We are happy together. Don't change that."
You ran your finger over the cut on your wrist.
"Steve I've been patient. I have to know."
"Okay but I love you. Is that not enough? Am I not enough for you?" 
"Steve. Don't do that. That's not fair."
"Trust me. There is nothing from our past that is worth remembering."
"Our past?"
"Y/n I told you we met before. I didn't tell you... the first time we met, we kissed, and I took you dancing."
"We were together before?"
"Not really, we didn't have much time. But I knew I wanted to be with you. Since I met you. I just think your memories will over complicate things. But in the end, we love each other. And that's all that matters."
"Are you sure there's nothing else?"
"You think I'm lying?"
You looked up at him, staring into his eyes.
"No. I trust you Steve. I don't need to remember."
"I love you."
"Love you baby."
"Aw you guys are so cute together" Nat smiled as she walked in. "Hey y/n, Wanda and I are going to get ready for the party together later. Do you want to join us?"
"Oh I'm not going. But thanks anyway."
"Why not?"
"I cant. Not after what happened last time."
"But that's not going to happen again. We'll all watch you and there's extra security th-"
"Natasha, I don't want to go."
"Are you sure?"
You smiled and nodded.
"Oh that reminds me" Steve added. "I got you a present for tonight."
He leant forward and reached under the couch, pulling out a gift bag.
"Thank you Steve" you smiled as he handed it to you.
You opened it and inside were the Star Wars movies.
"I thought you could watch them tonight. I watched them and I enjoyed them. I thought you would too."
"I'm sure I will" you hugged and kissed him as a thank you. 
"Even though you're not coming to the party, why don't you come sit with Wanda and I for a bit anyway? Have a girls day before your movie night?"
You looked up at Steve, and he nodded approvingly.
"I'd love to" you smiled at Natasha. "Bye Steve. If I don't see you, have fun at the party."
You kissed him goodbye and left with Nat.
She held onto you as you limped.
"How do you not have crutches?" she laughed.
"I don't know where to get them honestly" you admitted. "And Steve's always around to help me anyways."
"I'll find you some when we get back to Wanda."
"Thank you Nat. That would be great."
You went back to Wanda's room and Nat left again to find you crutches.
"How come you're not coming to the party?" Wanda asked once you told her. "It's Tony and Pepper's engagement party. We need to celebrate."
"Wanda, at the last party, I was almost killed. I just don't want to risk it again" you told her.
"Yes I know. I... read your mind on the night we met."
"So that's what that was?"
"Yes. Im sorry. It was an invasion of your privacy."
"No it's okay. I think if I had your powers, I would definitely do that too" you laughed. Wanda smiled thankfully.
"I think you should come later. It will be so much fun. And we won't let anyone get to you" Wanda tried to persuade you.
"Everyone else has said that. The thing is, everyone was there at the last party. But it still happened."
"It's not going to happen again-"
"I don't want to ruin the party. Tony and Pepper deserve to celebrate without any interruptions. I feel like that won't happen if I'm there. They need to focus on each other, not me getting hurt." 
Wanda hugged you, as she couldn't think of what to say. A tear escaped your eye, but you wiped it off before Wanda noticed.  
Natasha returned with the crutches.
"Here. Why don't you try these out?"
You took them off her and steadied yourself as you stood.
You started to walk up and down the room.
"This isn't that hard" you laughed. "This is so much easier!"
Suddenly, one of the crutches slipped up as you had started to get faster.
Wanda's magic caught you before you hit the floor. She stood you up straight.
"Thank you" you said, embarrassed.
"Careful" she smiled.
"Come on. Let's get ready" Nat grinned.
The three of you sat on Wanda's bed and you helped them get ready for the party.
"Hey y/n let me do your hair" Nat pleaded.
"What? Why? I'm still not going to the party..."
"No I know. But we can still do your hair and makeup, so we're all matching."
"Then we can take a picture to save the memory" Wanda suggested.
"Sure, I guess. Don't see a problem with that" you smiled.
Nat sat behind you and plaited your hair into two french plaits, while Wanda sat in front of you applying makeup.
"Beautiful" they both declared when they had finished.
You giggled and Nat took out her phone.
You took several selfies together, some nice and some goofy.
You were pulling silly faces when Vision flew through the wall.
"Vis, what have I said about flying through the walls?" Wanda laughed.
"Yes. Well. The door was open so I thought it would be fine" Vision said.
"What do you need?" Wanda asked.
"Miss y/n, Mr Rogers would like to see you. He is waiting in your room."
"Okay. I'm coming" you smiled. "I'll see you guys later."
"Bye y/n" Nat waved.
"We'll come see you before we go" Wanda promised.
You walked out the door with Vision, and he went back to his room.
Steve was, as Vision said, waiting for you in your room.
"There you are" he smiled.
You walked in and grabbed him by the waist. You kissed him and pulled him to sit on the bed.
"Are you wearing makeup?"
"Mhm. And Nat did my hair. Do you like it?"
"We were just having fun. Steve, it doesn't mean I'm going to the party."
Your hand reached for the back of his head and you pulled him in for another kiss.
"I do like it. You look very pretty my love" he said.
"You look pretty too" you joked.
"I brought you some of my clothes, and my laptop so you can watch the movies."
"Thank you."
"And I got you some snacks that should last you all evening."
"Thank you baby."
You got changed into Steve's clothes, and climbed into bed. He sat next to you and set up the movies for you. They started playing and he put the laptop on your lap.
He sat with his arm around you and watched for the first ten minutes.
"Okay I'm gonna go now" he said, and kissed you gently on the forehead.
"Mmhkay. Have fun."
Steve got up to go and went to the doorway.
He paused and looked at you.
"I love you" you said.
"I love you too" he smiled, and shut the door behind him.
Another 10 minutes later, Nat and Wanda came to see you.
"Hey. You look cosy" Wanda said as she opened the door.
"And you guys look amazing!" you exclaimed.
"We're going now. You sure you don't want to come?" Nat asked.
"I'm sure. You have fun. Say congratulations to Tony from me."
"Will do" Nat nodded. They left, leaving your door open.
You plugged in your earphones and listened through those now that you were alone.
You opened the first bag of food, chocolate buttons, and started to snack on those.
You got to the end of the first movie with no interruptions, but you couldn't figure out how to switch the discs.
You paused until the laptop screen dimmed, and eventually turned off.
It was troubling you whether or not to go and find Steve. After all, you would only be at the party for a minute or two.
The other option was to find something else to do for the rest of the evening.
In the end, you decided to go and find him, hoping to be quick. You picked up the crutches and left your room.
You could hear the party from your room, and it got louder as you got closer.
Random people started to appear in random hallways on your way.
You got to the open door of a large room.
The music was really loud, as that's where the party was mainly being held.
"You came!"
Tony had spotted you, and was heading towards you with Pepper beside him.
"You didn't dress up?" Tony asked when he got closer.
"That doesn't matter. We're just happy you're here" Pepper smiled.
"Yeah... I'm not really here. I just need to talk to Steve quickly and then I'm going again" you said as you scanned the room for him.
"Oh come on. Stay for a drink or two" Tony pleaded.
"I really shouldn't" you protested.
You spotted Steve at the pool table with Natasha.
Nat pointed the pool stick, and Steve leant over her.
He adjusted her grip and position.
He whispered something in her ear.
She laughed and shot the pool stick.
She turned and Steve smiled at her.
He noticed you over her shoulder.
His smile faded.
He marched towards you.
"Y/n. What are you doing her?"
He saw Tony and Pepper next to you.
"I, Uh, thought you were watching movies" he chuckled.
"I was. It finished and I don't know how to change the disc."
"Okay. Come on."
He took your crutches and put his arm around you instead.
You returned to your room with him.
You watched as he switched the discs, so you knew how to do it next time.
When he finished, he didn't hand the laptop back to you right away.
"Y/n, I told you not to come to the party" he muttered.
"I know. I just needed to find you."
"What if someone saw you?"
You didn't say anything.
"You need to be more careful."
"Nothing has happened in weeks, Steve."
"You were in a plane crash! LESS than two weeks ago!"
"But that had nothing to do with me. No one knew I was on that plane."
"I just don't want to see you get hurt y/n."
"I know. I'll stay in here."
"Thank you. Only come find me if you have a serious problem."
"Okay. Sorry."
Steve gave you the laptop and you got back under the covers. You offered him one of the open packs of sweets.
He smiled and took one.
He kissed your forehead before eating it and leaving you once again.
You plugged your earphones back in and started the next movie. 
But not too long later, you had a visitor.

Y/n Odinsdottir Where stories live. Discover now