Chapter Nineteen

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*narrator pov*
Loki burst through the front door of the building.
Everyone in the room turned to face him, and the majority pulled out their guns.
"Oh pathetic mortals" Loki chuckled.
The guns fired.
Loki raised his hand and stopped the bullets before they hit him, and he shot them back at the people who pulled the triggers.
Many people fell to the floor.
Loki approached one of the people still standing.
"What's your name?"
"Okay. Tell me where y/n is or I will gut you like a fish Rumlow."
"I don't know what your talking about" Rumlow groaned.
"Don't lie! Where is she?"
"I said I don't know."
"Ugh!" Loki exclaimed, and conjured a knife to stab him in the stomach.
He stormed off through the building.
After a while, he ran into Tony.
"Any luck?" Tony asked.
"Kill anyone yet?"
"Great" Tony sighed sarcastically.
"They deserved it" Loki shrugged "have you spoken to the others?"
"Anyone found anything yet?" Tony said over comms.
They all replied negatively.
"Damn it!" Loki cried.
Out of nowhere, a scream suddenly rang out through the hallways.
Loki glanced at Tony.
"Did you guys hear that?" Tony asked the others. "Everyone converge on that sound."
Loki and Tony ran towards where the screams were coming from.
They ended up in front of a locked door. The screams were coming from inside.
"Y/n!" Loki yelled.
Tony blasted the door, and they ran in.
Bucky's metal hand was holding you up by the back of your neck, while you struggled to get him off you.
"Get off her!" Loki screamed.
Tony blasted his metal arm, and Bucky dropped you.
Loki ran over to you.
"Y/n? Are you okay?"
"Loki?" you sobbed "Loki I'm scared. What's going on?"
"It's okay. I'm here now. You're safe" Loki held you to his chest as you cried, stroking the back of your head.
Tony and Bucky were engaged in a battle beside you, when Steve and Sam ran in, followed by Nat and Clint, then Thor.
Thor ran to you and Loki, while the others surrounded Bucky.
Bucky stood still, and looked around at everyone.
Then he looked at you, in the arms of Thor and Loki, crying.
He raised his hands in the air, and Tony slowly approached him.
Bucky didn't object as Tony put handcuffs on him.
He looked back at you as the avengers walked out the room with him.
"You coming?" Steve asked.
"In a minute" Thor replied.
Steve left you, Thor and Loki alone.
"It's okay y/n" Thor comforted you.
"I don't know what happened" you cried "y-you left me Thor. Then the next thing I knew someone had a bag on my head and I- I passed out. And they hurt me. But I don't know why."
"It's okay. You're safe. You're safe now y/n" Loki assured.
"I just wanna go home."
"We can't go home yet. Things aren't great there right now" Thor explained.
"Why not?"
"Y/n..." Thor started.
"There's a lot to explain. But we should get you out of here first" Loki interrupted.
"Okay" you agreed to leave with them.
When everyone was back at the tower, you were all gathered outside a small cell, in which Bucky had been temporarily locked in. He was currently asleep.
"So... so who is he?" you asked.
"What?" Steve looked confused.
"Why doesn't she remember Bucky?" Nat asked.
"Y/n. Do you remember any of us?" Tony enquired.
You looked up at Thor, then at everyone else, and you shook your head.
"Hydra must've..." Steve started.
"No" Loki interrupted "it was her father. He took her memories of Earth."
"Why would he do that?" Nat wondered.
"He never liked Earth. Or the idea that y/n always so desperately wanted to come back" Thor explained.
"So he made sure she would never want to" Loki added.
"Is there any way to get her memories back? Like when Bucky lost his memories, we still got them back" Steve stated.
"It's not that simple" Loki said "Odin must have used some sort of strong magic to remove them, so it won't be easy to retrieve them."
"So she might be a bit lost for a while until we find a way to do so" Thor informed.
"Can you PLEASE stop talking about me like I'm not here?!" you cried.
"I'm sorry" Loki put his arm around you.
"Did father really take my memories then?" you asked.
"I'm afraid so" Thor sighed.
You looked down at your feet sadly.
"Guys..." Tony drew their attention, and pointed at Bucky. He had woken up and was sitting up on the bed.
"Bucky?" Steve asked.
Bucky looked up at the group outside his cell.
"Steve..." he whispered.
Steve opened the door and Bucky walked out.
They embraced in a brief hug.
Bucky looked at you, and you stepped slowly behind Loki.
"Y/n, I'm really sorry" he apologised.
He approached you, and you squeezed Loki's hand.
"Stay away from her" Loki warned.
"He didn't mean any harm. It wasn't his fault" Steve defended him.
"Before it happened, she didn't remember me. Does she..." Bucky wondered.
"She doesn't remember" Steve told him.
Bucky looked at you, as you sheepishly stared back at him.
"I'm sorry" you muttered.
"No it's not your fault" Loki hugged you.
"Stark, can y/n stay here for a while? I wish to go back to Asgard to sort things out, hopefully I can make things right" Thor said.
"Of course she can" Tony agreed.
"Wait. You're leaving me again?" you looked sadly up at Thor.
"I'm sorry. But they will look after you. You'll be fine, don't worry" Thor assured.
"No. No. No you can't leave me! I just almost died!"
"Hey it's okay" Loki embraced you tightly "you will be fine. They'll look after you. And that should say a lot considering I don't like them."
"Please let me come back with you."
"It's not safe. I'm sorry y/n. I think you're better off here."
"Okay" you frowned.
"Come on. I'll show you to one of the bedrooms" Nat offered.
"Oh. Okay" you shrugged.
You gave Thor one last hug.
Then Loki.
"I'm gonna miss you" you whispered.
"I'll miss you more" Loki smiled.
You left with Nat and Clint.
"How sweet" Tony raised an eyebrow at Loki, who rolled his eyes at him.
"We'll be back as soon as we can" Thor nodded.
"No need to rush with Loki" Steve called as they walked out.
Bucky and Sam left the room too.
"Poor kid" Tony sighed. "She's been through so much."
"So has Bucky. They've both suffered" Steve added.
"It's kind of depressing really. Bucky and y/n seem to really like each other, but they can never remember each other at the same time. After this many years, I don't know if they'll ever find each other again anyways."
"Hm" Steve shrugged. "Maybe they're better off apart."

Y/n Odinsdottir Where stories live. Discover now