Chapter Five

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*y/n pov*
"Turn please."
I sighed and turned at the dressmakers request.
"You could at least try to smile" mother complained.
"Got nothing to smile about."
"Your birthday."
"Not happy about it."
Thor and Loki walked in and I frowned at them.
"Happy birthday sister" Thor grinned.
"Happy birthday" Loki came to hug me.
"No hugs! It will ruin the dress."
When the dressmaker turned her back, Loki quickly squeezed me and I hugged him back.
"Please help. This thing has like a million skirts and the corset is so fucking tight I can't breathe!" I whispered.
He laughed as he went back to stand with Thor.
"Boys. Why don't you go get ready?" my mother ordered them out.
"No don't go!" I called at them.
"See you later y/n" Loki grinned.
"Save yourselves" I mouthed at him when my mother wasn't looking.
"Y/n" she warned with her back still turned.
"Wha? H-how did you..?"
"Eyes in the back of my head dear."
I rolled my eyes.
"I saw that too."
"Sorry mother" I groaned and she walked over to me with a gold necklace.
She frowned when she saw I was already wearing one.
"Cheap human jewellery" she sneered and took it off.
"Hey that's mine!"
"Y/n. You have access to the finest jewels in the kingdom and you want to wear some tacky necklace you got on Earth?"
"No. You're going to wear this" she put the gold necklace around my neck. "There. Beautiful."
"Mhm. I hope it chokes me."
"Y/n! Please stop with the disrespect! Now wait here until your father comes. He will walk with you and you will enter the ballroom together."
"Yay" I sighed sarcastically and she walked out.
Creasing the dress, I collapsed into a chair and waited for my father to join me.
He finally came and opened the door to my room.
"Hello y/n. Come, let's walk."
He offered his arm for me to hold and I took it as we left the room.
We were strolling in silence until my father spoke up.
"I have missed you y/n" he claimed.
"Yeah, me too."
"Have you been on earth this whole time?"
"I really like it there."
"But the humans are so pointless. We can do everything they can, but bigger and better. What can they offer that we can't?"
"Not everyone knows who I am. I can travel pretty much anywhere without being recognised."
"What's wrong with being recognised?"
"Nothing. I just don't like the constant attention."
"And that's why you're objecting to this party?"
"Precisely. I'm not going to get a minute of privacy, not even a second to myself."
"I'm sorry you feel that way. Because as long as you're here, it can't be helped. You are the princess of Asgard. You need to accept it and embrace it."
"No buts! I don't want to argue with you again. Not right now."
We had arrived in front of a large doorway, from behind which I heard many people chatting to each other and laughing.
They opened by magic, and my father stepped though.
A pathway was created through the middle of the crowd, leading to a large table with small versions of thrones along the other side of it.
Already seated were mother, Loki and Thor.
There were two seats left, one in the middle and one next to it.
Father walked down the passage way between the people and took his seat.
Then everyone turned to look at me still waiting beside the entrance door.
I took a deep breath and picked up the skirt of my dress.
As I began to move through the room, I locked eyes with my father, who was smiling approvingly.
I felt everyone's eyes burning into my skin, and I found myself breathing in and out slowly through my mouth.
My head started pounding and the room suddenly felt really hot.
My eyes diverted from my father, and darted around the room.
So many people were looking at me.
Then I heard Loki's voice in my head, and I looked over at him sitting at the table.
"It's okay. Just breathe" I imagined him say.
I smiled weakly at him and finally got to the table.
I turned and curtseyed to everyone in the room, before going around the table and taking my seat between father and Thor.
Mother was on the other side of father, and Loki was next to her.
Tuning out my fathers words, I looked at Loki across the table, and he nodded comfortingly.
Everything seemed blurry and people's words were distorted in my head.
Thor had noticed, and he held my hand under the table.
I squeezed it tightly and looked at him.
"My daughter, the princess of Asgard, y/n" my father cried "y/n!"
I didn't notice at first, and Thor had to nudge me. I looked up at father, obviously annoyed I wasn't listening.
I smiled at him, then at the huge crowd in front of us.
A moment later, some music started playing and the crowd started dancing and food was brought out to us and Thor let go of my hand and I just wanted to go back to my room and cry.
I slouched down in my chair and started biting my fingernails.
"Don't do that" father said "and sit up straight."
"Sorry father" I apologised, adjusting myself.
"What's wrong?"
"It's nothing. I just, uh, need a drink."
Father frowned at me, but waved someone over to pour me a drink.
I drank it all before they could walk away, and they filled my glass again.
"Just leave the bottle" I whispered when my father wasn't looking.
When I finished the glass, I just drank straight from the bottle.
Thor wasn't paying attention, so I reached over and finished his drink too. He got up to go see his friends in the crowd, and Loki came to take his place.
"Hey. Are you alright?" he asked.
"Yeah I'm fine" I assured him.
"Oh I see" he noticed the empty bottle and glasses on the table in front of us.
I giggled, and called someone over to bring two more bottles.
"Seriously y/n?" Loki asked.
"Very serious. There's only one way I can get through this."
"Not completely. Maybe just a bit tipsy."
"Fair enough" he laughed and took one of the bottles.
I took his hand and got up to go for a walk with the drink.
"Y/n where are you going?"
I quickly hid the bottle behind my back, Loki did the same, and I looked at my father. "To... uh... mingle."
"Yeah. Talk to the guests. Is that okay?"
"Fine. Just don't leave the room without telling me first."
"I won't. Thank you father."
I hurriedly run off into the crowd, pulling Loki with me, and we ran to the corner on the opposite side of the room.
People were staring and pointing as I sank onto the floor and leaned against the wall, but I didn't care anymore.
Loki sat on the floor next to me and we clinked the bottles before each taking a big swig of them.
"So what did you do on Earth?" he enquired.
"Hm. I drank a lot. Met shit ton of people."
"Anyone stick around?"
"Yeah. Two of them. I met them about a month ago."
"Mind control them?"
"Loki no!" I laughed "I made friends. Like a normal person. And one of them, he was really sweet, he asked me to be his girlfriend."
"Aha. You said no right?"
"No I said yes."
"You dated a human?"
"They're not all that bad Loki."
"I very much disagree. Humans are horrible. But still, why would you date someone when you know it would never last? You didn't tell him who you were, did you?"
"Were you going to?"
"I don't know. Loki, I don't see what the big deal is."
"Okay hypothetically, say you stayed on Earth. How would you explain to him why you weren't ageing as he did?"
"I don't know! It wasn't that serious yet, I don't think. I hadn't really thought about it. This is why I need to get back to Earth and see him again!"
"Okay but bear in my mind, you kind of ditched him when we took you. He probably thinks you ran away and left him."
"Shit. You're right. Oh I screwed it up! Wait no. You did! You screwed it up. I told him I loved him. The first man I ever said that to. And it's fucking screwed up."
"You loved him?"
"Yes. Now he's never going to want to see me again!"
"You were in love with this man?"
"Yes! I already said that."
Loki stared into space for a minute, then burst out laughing.
"Fathers going to kill you" he laughed.
"Don't you fucking tell him!"
"I'll try not to."
"Okay okay. I promise I won't."
"Thank you" I took another sip from the bottle.
Loki burst out laughing again.
"What?!" I exclaimed.
"You just turned 1000 and you only fell in love for the first time a month ago!"
"Shut up! I don't exactly meet guys locked up in a palace all the time. Where's your partner? Huh."
Loki nudged me playfully, and I nudged him back.
We engaged in a babyish fight of slapping each other over and over.
"There you are" Thor remarked as he emerged from the crowd in front of us.
"Hey Thor. Come sit" I patted the space next to me.
"Uhm okay" he hesitated.
I cuddled up under his arm.
"I love you Thor."
Thor looked questioningly at me, then at Loki.
"Is she drunk?"
"What is drunkenness really?" Loki laughed and I giggled along with him.
"Wow. You're both drunk. That's just great."
"Hey Thor. Guess what" I smiled.
"I have a boyfriend. And I need to go and see him. So you need to take me back to Earth now. Because I love him and I want to marry him."
"Mhm sure you do" Thor sighed sarcastically.
"Brother, I don't think she's lying" Loki inputted.
"She's in love with a human?" Thor exclaimed, a bit too loudly.
The people nearest to us looked over in shock, and started muttering to themselves.
Luckily, I don't think father heard him.
"SSSSSSSHHHHHHHH!" I hushed him.
"Father's going to kill you" Loki started laughing again.
"Uuuhhuhuhuh. Fathers going to kill me" I complained.
"I'm sorry y/n."
"No it's okay Thor" I moaned, then sat up smiling "we should go dancing!"
"What?" Thor asked.
"Come on let's dance!" I stood up, but instantly stumbled and tripped over.
"Fuck" I lay on the floor staring at the ceiling.
Loki's and Thor's face appeared in front of me.
"Y/n are you okay?" Thor helped me up.
"Mhm. Yeah I'm fine. You know what, it's this fucking dress. It's disgusting" I cried and waved my hand.
The dress morphed into a long silk purple dress with a deep neckline, and my heels changed into a pair of black sneakers.
"There. Much better. I was overdue for a costume change anyway" I giggled and dragged the boys to the middle of the room, where I started dancing.
When I noticed they weren't dancing too, I called over to them "come on! It's fun!"
I picked up their hands and twirled myself around.
Thor finally gave in, but Loki was harder to convince.
"Loki come on! It's my birthday!" I pleaded and stared at him hopefully.
"I don't dance."
"You'll enjoy it!"
"Loki plea-" I stopped when I noticed some people behind him pointing and staring at me. They were whispering to each other, but when they saw me looking at them, they quickly stopped and hurried off somewhere else.
"Y/n" Loki had moved and was now standing next to me "how bad can dancing be?" he smiled.
I smiled at him, then looked back at where the people were standing before, but they were completely out of sight now.
Loki took my hand and turned me around to face away from where I was looking.
I knew he was just agreeing to dance to distract me, but I was grateful for it.
I grinned at him again, and we started laughing as we danced to the music.
I didn't focus on anything except Loki's face.
Then I closed my eyes and pictured Bucky in his place.
I thought back to the first night we met, and the way he looked at me when he danced with me.
I thought about yesterday morning, in bed, when we told each other we loved each other for the first time.
I remembered how I swayed in his arms in his kitchen, and I wanted to stay in that moment forever.
"Loki I have to go" I opened my eyes again abruptly and let go of him.
"What? Where?"
"Away. Back to Earth. I'm sorry" I hurried off in the other direction, not quite running as I didn't want to draw too much attention.
I quickly looked at my father, who was busy talking to my mother, then scanned the room for exits that didn't have guards near them. I knew my father wouldn't want me leaving the room, and there were palace guards everywhere.
I went to a door with just two guards standing by.
Lowering my head, I tried to just walk past.
"Sorry. You can't leave. Odin's orders."
"What? I'm his daughter, they don't apply to me."
"They apply only to you."
"That's bullshit!"
"What if I need the bathroom?"
"One of us will escort you."
I nervously looked back, and saw Loki and Thor pushing through the crowd.
"Okay then I need the bathroom."
One of them opened the door and I ran through it before they could stop me. I was so glad I changed into sneakers.
"Wait! Stop!" a guard yelled.
I didn't turn back as I carried on sprinting through the palace.
When I got out the palace, I stole a Pegasus from the stables, and I flew over Asgard, to the Bifrost Bridge.
"Heimdall!" I gasped as I dismounted the horse.
"Princess y/n?"
"Just y/n. Um, I need you to help me."
"Aren't you meant to be at a party right now? Your party?"
"I guess. Wait, how come you weren't invited?"
"I can't really leave. Just in case."
"Oh right okay. Well I need to go to Earth."
"I need to see someone. Really really need to see them."
"I can't-"
"Please! It's urgent. My father said I could go" I lied.
"I highly doubt that."
"I'm sorry. I can't help you. No one is to leave Asgard tonight."
"Why do I have a feeling that it's not no one, it's just me."
"Probably because it is just you."
"For fucks sake."
"Sorry again. You might want to go back now before your father realises you're missing."
"Oh please! I'll come straight back I promise."
"Princess y/n..."
"Don't call me that! Fine I'll go."
I jumped back on the Pegasus and pointed my middle finger at Heimdall as it took off.
When I landed back at the palace, Thor was waiting for me by the entrance.
He laughed when he saw my disappointed face.
"Save it!" I yelled and stormed past him.
He caught up with me and walked next to me.
"Y/n wait. What's wrong?"
"Oh don't pretend you don't know. Father has me trapped on this shitty planet!"
"Woah. It's not shitty. Asgard is your home."
"I don't care. It's horrible and I don't want to live here."
I marched to the hall where the party was being held and pushed open the doors.
Every single person in the room looked at me.
I saw my father on the opposite side.
He didn't seem worried that I had left, he seemed infuriated.
I saw Loki standing next to him, and he moved to come towards me, but mother put her hand in front of him and stopped him.
"Y/n. I'm so glad you're okay! I thought something bad had happened" father's face changed to relief, but I knew he was faking for the sake of all the people.
He left the table to approach me, and I met him in the middle of the room.
He grabbed me and hugged me tightly, but I did not return the favour.
"Get off of me" I gulped.
"What?" he chuckled nervously and looked up at the crowd before whispering in my ear "don't do this now."
I stepped back, stumbling as I lost my footing slightly.
I was dizzy and my headache from earlier had grown worse.
I had a sick feeling in my stomach and my mouth.
I started breathing out my mouth again, hoping it would calm me down and get rid of the icky feeling I could taste.
"I hate you" I whispered.
I grabbed my stomach and started breathing slower before I repeated louder "I hate you! You ruined my life!"
The crowd started murmuring between them and fathers face angered once more.
"Y/n..." he warned.
"No! You ruined my life! You have me trapped here and it's not fair! I never get to do anything I want anymore!"
More people were whispering between themselves and my eyes scanned over them.
My vision blurred all over again, and I got even dizzier.
I vaguely saw father step towards me, and I stepped back.
I fell backwards and hit my head on the cool floor.
I tried to stand up again, but I could barely even sit straight.
Someone's arms came and wrapped around me.
My heartbeat quickened and my breaths were shorter and more frequent.
"Y/n. Just breathe. Okay" Loki's voice told me gently as he lowered me back onto the floor.
From the corner of my eye, I saw father standing over me, doing nothing. He was just staring at me angrily.
I closed my eyes as I started to breathe faster and faster.
"Everyone needs to leave!" I heard Loki yell, and I held his hand tightly. "Now!"
There was a pause - a moment of silence.
"You heard him. Everyone out now!" Thor shouted, and I heard the quick shuffling of hundreds of pairs of feet.
I opened my eyes and Thor was kneeling over me now too.
Mother was holding father's arm, and neither of them were doing anything.
There were still people in the room, despite the guards trying to usher everyone out.
I gagged, and vomit flew out my mouth.
I had thrown up lying down, so some of it was still sitting in my mouth.
I sat up coughing, and threw up again on my dress.
And Loki. And Thor. And my parent's feet.
I swallowed the sick still in my mouth, but it went down the wrong way, and I started coughing more, but still trying to gasp for air at the same time.
It was getting harder and harder to breathe.
I was choking.

Y/n Odinsdottir Where stories live. Discover now