Chapter Thirteen

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*narrator pov*
-on Asgard-
Thor carried you away from the Bifrost.
He passed Heimdall's still unconscious body on the way and frowned pitifully at it.
He carried you all the way back to the palace, and ran to find Odin.
"Father! Father you must help!" Thor cried as he ran into the room where his mother and father were.
"Good. You found her" Odin smiled "leave her and go Thor."
"But father. She needs help."
"Why what happened?" Frigga asked.
"It was an accident! But she cast her magic on herself" Thor explained.
"She what?!" Odin yelled.
"I found her but she wouldn't come back. Then, she was screaming a-and the next thing I knew she was asleep."
Odin paused before replying: "it's her own fault."
"Father please. How do we wake her up?"
"We don't."
Frigga looked in astonishment at her husband.
"What?" Thor stared at him in disbelief.
"I said we don't. This is her own fault! She doesn't wake up. She must suffer the consequences of her actions."
"But father... she can't just wake up her own."
"We don't know that yet."
"So you want to wait and find out. What if she never wakes up?"
"Like I said. It is her own fault. She was disobedient and disrespectful, and look where it got her."
"She is the princess of Asgard! You can't just do nothing."
"I am the KING of Asgard, so I can do what I want! I say she stays asleep!" Odin's voice boomed "so put her down, and leave her, Thor."
Thor slowly lay you down on the floor, and remained kneeling over you.
"You were right" he whispered to you "I never should have brought you back. This is my fault."
"Thor! Leave!" Odin repeated.
Thor slowly stood up again, and stared at his father.
"This isn't right" he told Odin, before turning and storming out.
He stomped angrily through the palace, and eventually passed Loki's cell.
"Good to see you brother" Loki smiled, and stopped Thor from walking.
Thor turned to face him, with tears in his eyes.
"No illusions Loki! Show me the real you!" Thor demanded.
Loki's figure disappeared, and Thor looked at where he was really sitting, leaning against a wall.
His face was sad and weak, and Thor secretly pitied him.
"What is the problem brother?" Loki asked from the floor.
Thor didn't reply.
"Is it y/n? Where is she?" Loki followed up.
Thor started pacing the floor in front of Loki's cell.
"Brother. Is it y/n?"
Still no word.
"Tell me!" Loki cried.
Thor was about to say something, when he looked down the hallway and froze.
He turned and stormed off, almost crying, in the other direction.
Whatever it was had been just out fo Loki's sight.
Until it passed in front of him.
He saw your body, flying horizontally through the air. You were surrounded by four guards, and you were unconscious.
"Y/n?" Loki scrambled up from where he was sitting and ran to the window of the cell "y/n! No! No what happened?!"
He banged desperately on the window, but the guards did not stop.
"Nooo!" Loki cried.
He collapsed, weeping on the floor.
He tried to conjure something to free him from the cell, but he had no luck.
Thor returned a moment later.
"I'm sorry brother" he said.
"What happened to her? You said you would protect her! Liar!" Loki accused.
"I tried!" Thor argued.
"You clearly didn't try hard enough!"
"There was nothing I could have done."
"You could have tried harder!"
"You know what. This is your fault brother! If you hadn't run off to Earth, she wouldn't have followed."
"You're the one who told her where I was!"
"You shouldn't have gone in the first place! Look where you are! Look where she is!"
"She was never meant to follow me."
"But she did. And now she got herself to hurt."
"No. No. This was never meant to happen! It's not my fault!"
"I think it is."
"I'll make it right! I'll help her!"
"You can't help her now!"
"I can try. Please! Let me see her!"
"Father won't allow it. Trust me I want to help her as much as you do."
"No. Because if you did, you would let me see her."
"You know I can't do that."
"Then you don't really want to help her."
"Leave me alone! Get out! I don't want to see you!"
Thor hesitated, but he left.
Loki slouched back against the wall of his cell, and resumed crying.

Thor went to find you, and he discovered you were in your bed in your room.
Your father and mother were with you, standing over you.
"What are you doing here Thor?" Odin asked spitefully.
"I- I just wanted to see her."
Thor went to stand next to them.
"Is there no way you can help?"
"There is no way I am going to help" Odin sighed.
"How long will you leave her like this?"
"A century will suffice."
"A century?! That's too long."
"It is just long enough. It is what she deserves."
"But father! Is this not torture for her?"
Odin sighed and waved his hand over you.
A gold fog appeared above your body, with people moving around in it.
"What..." Thor started.
"She dreams of her memories. Only the good ones" Odin explained. "So she's fine."
Thor let out a breath he didn't know he had been holding in, but still looked concerned.
"There is nothing else to be done. You need to let go Thor" Odin said before he had the chance to object.
"I can't just let go..." Thor muttered.
Frigga walked over to him and put her arm around him.
"Come on. You shouldn't have to see your sister like this" Frigga said and lead Thor out the room.
Odin was left by himself with you.
He looked up at the memories playing over you.
A man appeared in the fog and walked over to the image of you.
He started dancing with you, and you leant back over his arm, and he kissed you.
Odin's face turned bright red as he became infuriated by your memory with this man.
Angered, he waved his hand.
The gold fog of memories swirled in the air, and shrunk down into a small glass orb.
Odin picked up the orb and placed it in his pocket.
He stormed out the room without a second look back at you.

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