Chapter Eighteen

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*narrator pov*
You had been taken to a living room area, and sat down on the couch. Your hands were cuffed together, but you had no other restraints.
There was a good deal of people in the room with you.
They were sitting, chatting, smiling, laughing.
One man, however, across the room, wasn't saying anything at all. He was staring right at you.
You didn't notice, as you were staring blankly at the floor.
"Y/n" someone said, and everyone turned their attention to you "why don't you smile?"
You looked up slowly with tears in your eyes.
"Yeah. Come on gorgeous. Smile for us" another person remarked.
"Such a pretty face" a third person grinned.
"Smile. Have a drink. Enjoy yourself" the first man came over and lifted your chin.
You tried to look away and avoid eye contact.
He slapped you, then forcefully grabbed your hair and pulled you to face him.
"Look at me when I talk to you" he spat "have some respect."
You gulped back your tears and stared him in the eyes.
"Why don't we have some fun?" he grinned.
He grabbed your arm and pulled you up.
He put his hands on your waist and started to sway with you.
You looked down at your hands, as he slowly took off the handcuffs.
He then took your hands and lifted them to rest on his shoulders.
You slid them down to his chest, and pushed him back gently.
He let go of you, and sat back on the couch.
You remained standing alone in the middle of the room, with everyone looking at you.
"Dance" the man said.
When you did not move, he pulled a gun from his holster, and he pointed it at you.
"No. I- I don't want to" you cried.
He shot the gun at the ceiling and you winced as some dust fell down over you.
"I said. Dance" he repeated.
You shook uneasily and gradually started to move your hips.
The tears rolled down your cheeks and you had to bite down on your lip to stop them from quivering.
You closed your eyes to try and shut out your surroundings.
The man leant back on the couch and admired you dancing and crying.
As did the others in the room.
You were visibly in pain. Emotionally and physically.
"Oh come on" the man hissed "you can dance better than that. Do a little spin."
You stood still.
"Twirl around."
You ignored his request.
"Listen to me!" the man stood up and grabbed your hand. He spun you around, and you tripped over. He kicked your side before you could get up. Repeatedly.
"Okay that's enough." The man from before, the one that had not been saying anything, the one that had been staring at you, he stood up.
He walked over and helped you up.
You leant on him for balance, before standing up on your own.
He gently took your injured arm, and ran his finger down the bandage.
Then he twisted it.
You screamed in pain and fell to your knees.
The first man rolled his eyes as he and another man lifted you up by your arms.
The second man, the one that seemed more important and way more intense, faced you and stood so close to you that you could feel him breathing.
"The message has been sent. Our visitors will be here soon."
The men holding you kicked your legs out from underneath you and dragged you backwards across the floor.
They took you to a large empty room, that you had not been in before.
They left you again, but they did not tie you to anything or put any handcuffs on you.
You tried the only door, but it was locked.
There were no windows or furniture in the room.
You settled on the floor against the wall opposite the door, and lifted your knees to your chest.
You buried your face and sobbed uncontrollably.
The avengers gathered on the roof of the building in front of the one you were in. 
"She's in there?" Clint asked.
Tony nodded.
"We go in, find y/n, get out" Steve explained.
"We can't just walk in" Bucky objected "they'll kill her before we get to her."
"We won't give them the chance."
"Bucky she'll be fine. We can do this."
"Okay. But if she gets hurt..."
"She won't get hurt."
"Aha if my sister gets hurt, I will kill all of you" Loki laughed.
"He's not joking" Thor warned.
"Didn't think so" Tony sighed.
"Well. What are we waiting for?" Loki asked "let's go!"
The avengers infiltrated the building.
You were sitting in your room, crying. You were holding your arm in pain as you sobbed.
Outside, you heard people grunting. They sounded like they were fighting.
Someone tried the door handle but it was locked.
The handle stopped moving as the person left momentarily.
They came back, and the lock clicked.
The door opened and the person walked in.
You looked up from the floor.
Their face was serious, a little angry.
"Please. Leave me alone. Please don't hurt me anymore" you begged.
The person's face softened with pity.
They slowly approached you and bent down in front of you.  
Their hand raised and rested on your shoulder.
You winced as they slowly ran a finger down your arm.
They pulled you into a hug.
"Y/n. It's gonna be okay" they whispered.
"You- you're not going to hurt me?"
"What? No- y/n?" they stopped hugging you and sat back so you could make eye contact "it's me. Y/n, do you not recognise me?"
"No I- who are you?"
"Shit" they muttered. They stood up and pulled you up behind them.
"Wait. Where are we going? Who are you?!" you asked as they walked you out the room. 
"No stop! I can't come with you. Not until you tell me who you are. Why should I trust you?" you pulled yourself away from them and stood still.
"Please. Just trust me" they reached over and grabbed your hands.
Reluctantly, you let them lead you down the hallway.
You got to the door at the other end and walked through.
It opened into a large empty room.
You walked in with the other guy, but you saw there were no other doors in the room, so you turned to leave again.
But the door behind you had closed.
You looked up questioningly at the man next to you, who also looked confused.
He tried the door handle, but the door had locked.
"What the hell?" he muttered.
"What? What's going on?" you asked.  
A crackling noise sounded through the room. There were speakers on the ceiling. 
A voice came through, speaking another language.
You didn't know what it was saying, but the other man did.
"Winter Soldier" the voice said in Russian "good to have you back."
You couldn't understand why the man next to you looked troubled.
"No..." the man next to you whispered.
"What? What is it saying?" you wondered.
The man started desperately pulling at the door.
"Furnace. Daybreak. Seventeen."
The man stepped back, then ran at the door in attempt to open or break it.
"Benign. Nine."
"No. No. No!" he cried.
"What is it?!" you demanded to know.
"Crap! Y/n I..."
"Whatever happens, I'm sorry. This was never meant to happen."
"What are you talking about? What's going on? What is it saying?" you yelled at him.
"Freight car."
The man next to you stood still.
"Soldier?" the voice over the speaker asked, still in Russian.
"Ready to comply."
The man next to you replied in Russian, but you didn't know what he said.
"Kill her" the voice over the speaker ordered, in English so you could understand.  
The man turned to face you.
"W-what's going on?"
He stepped towards you threateningly, and you turned to run in the other direction.
He grabbed the back of your neck before you could get anywhere.
"NOOOOO!" you screamed, and started gasping for breath. "Get... off... of... me..."

Y/n Odinsdottir Where stories live. Discover now