Chapter 1: Running out of time

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"Keep running Kami!" I yell at the golden wolf in front of me through the pack link. I can smell the rogues behind us as we sprint through the forest. My muscles are screaming for a break, but that isn't an option right now. "Don't stop, keep going." I keep urging.

Trees fly by us as we push forward. The smell of blood, sweat and distress pheromones in the air. The smaller omega in front of me whines as another contraction hits, his footing faltering slightly.

"Zuku, where is Hoshi?' Kami screams as the wave of pain slows down his pace. "Where is my alpha?!"

"Kami, I am here. Don't stop, you have to keep going." I plea. I can hear the rogue getting closer behind us. Placing my head along the top of Kami's tail, I push him gently trying to pick up the pace. We can't slow down.

Without warning, pain shoots through my back as a heavy weight crashes me into the forest floor, a yelp escapes me as a growl sounds above me. I roll along the foliage as I try to twist myself to bite the alpha rogue attached to my back. The pain grows worse as the wolf digs his claws deeper trying to prevent me from reaching him.

"Izuku-" Kami screams through the bond.

"Run Kami!" I scream back as I activate my quirk, wrenching my head around quickly and spotting my target. I ignore the pain in my neck and clamp my mouth around the rogue's neck. Blood pools into my mouth and I clench down with my added strength. A satisfying snap rings through the air as the alpha wolf goes limp, his dead weight falling on me. I breath for a moment, letting my nerves calm down, before pushing the body off of me and struggling to my feet. I can feel fatigue trying to pull me down, but I can't stop.


"I'm alright Kacchan." The scent of fire and wood enters my nose as I see the large blonde wolf running towards me, snout and front legs covered in blood. We both have horrible wounds, but that can't be helped right now. "How many?" I huff, trying to keep myself from getting light headed.

" 4 or 5" Kacchan states dryly as we continue forward, catching up to Kami. He is barely trotting as the contractions become more frequent.

"Shit, we are running out of time." I growl out.

We have already been running from these rogues for 4 days. We had lost them until yesterday, but Kami started going into labor. His pheromones gave away our location rather quickly, forcing us to continue our escape.

"Where is Hoshi!" Kami screams again.

I can't help but whine in sympathy for my friend. Hitoshi had gotten separated from us, and he stopped responding through the link hours ago. He was either too far for the pack bond, or he was unconscious. Kami was in too much pain to feel his mate through their bond. They were at a loss for his condition.

"Kami, he will come. You have to keep going." Kacchan tries to reassure as he runs alongside the omega, his voice comes out more desperate. I watch him scent Kami and the omega visibly relaxes a little. 

We keep going for another half hour, our pace continuing to slow as Kami's labor continues. His pheromones increase and sour the more we move on.

"I think we might have lost them for now," Kacchan states. "We need to find a place to hide and help Kami." I nod before stopping in my tracks.


Kacchan stops and turns to me as Kami falls on his side whimpering in pain.

"What's wrong?' Kacchan questions when he sees my expression. I sniff the air again, and my eyes widen. Between Kami's pheromones and the blood covering us, it was hard to make out the territorial marking scent of another pack.

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