Chapter 39: Heat

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Shoto hummed a gentle tune as the pair layed on the couch in the cabin. It was a cool day, dark clouds hung low as they rolled through the sky. The occasional trickle of rain pattering on the roof and lulling a peaceful feeling over the couple.

Shoto was sprawled out, one leg over the back of the couch and the other bouncing slightly as it was probed on the arm of the chair. He held his omega close to him as Izuku slept.

Izuku had burrowed himself in the alpha's arms hours ago, happy that his alpha was willing to hold him, adding the occation massage on his back or a gentle play with his hair. He hadn't intended for this cuddle session to last so long, but he had been feeling off since the moment they woke up. Shoto originally wanted to go for a walk or even a short run to a small waterfall that was withing the boundaries of the cabin territory, but Izuku was so tired and drained that even the idea wore him out.

He couldn't seem to find the energy to do anything but slump along as he watched his alpha walk through the cabin to start the day. He knew that his heat was coming, and that was probably the reason for his need to rest and sleep the day away. Izuku loved the added bonus of being held close and scented by Sho. It helped with the different responses his body was having. His usual symptoms were more gradual as they progressed into a full heat, but it seemed that his body was going to cut that progression in half.

He initially only wanted a little nap, just enough to give him the energy boost that he would need to go out with Shoto. But that nap turned into a snooze that lasted for hours, every time that he would try to stretch and wake up his body, all efforts were throated by the warmth of his alpha and the darken room. He was just lulled back into another set of sleep.

Shoto didn't complain, he was more than content to have a lazy day. They had spent the past few days outside and running around, and part of him only suggested that they go to the waterfall so that they would have something to do. But laying here was fulfilling that desire completely.

He was so comfortable with his little omega nuzzled close to him, having Izuku so close and being able to keep watch was satisfying a deep instinct in him. He couldn't help but scent Izuku despite him being in a deep sleep, or playing with his hair as he listened to the slow deep breaths. He hadn't realized until hours later that he too had drifted into a deep sleep. His omega was too comfortaning and his scent eased his mind and brought over an almost haze like state. He was more than satisfied to lay here all day if it meant that Izuku was in his arms.


Shoto smiled as he noticed Izuku begin to shift agasint his chest. His eyes closing even tighter before fluttering open for a moment then eventually falling back closed. The alpha loved watching his omega wake up, it took Izuku quiet some time to finally rouse from the sleepy slumber that encompassed him. From what Shoto had learned over the weeks that they were together was that the first hour after his omega attempted to wake was one of a slow and zoned out process.

Shoto wasn't like that in any way. When he was awae there was no way for him to fall back asleep, there was nothing holding him to the ties of slumber. Izuku was the opposite though, the omega struggled to get up after a good sleep. Shoto would try to help, but found that it did nothing to quicken the pace and even became counterproductive.

He wouldn't tell Izuku, but he liked to watch him during this time. His mate would become clingy before drifting back off. His cute faces and little grunts were adorable. Shoto didn't mind that Izuku had lengthened his morning routine significantly, it was relaxing as well as energizing.

"Sho..." Izuku whimpered out as he began to stretch.

"Yes, Zuku?"

The omega groaned before burrowing his face deeper into the alpha's chest, the feeling tickling Shoto slightly. He pulled the omega in closer, running a hand down his lower back to help support his weight.

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