Chapter 28: Nightmare Illusions

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Long time no see, I am back with a couple chapters!!! Enjoy.
The packs have lined up along the border of the territory line. It has been a week since the potential mating event and many of the couplings have decided to continue the prospects of a relationship. Those with a partner from a different pack are leaving today to experience the other pack's territory. They will be gone for a week before they return to discuss the aspects of their possible mating with their Superiors.

It is a little sad to see some of them go. Everyone that hung out around the fire seemed to like their potential mates. Mina will be leaving with Kirishima, Tamaki with Miro. Part of me is a little satisfied to see that Momo is not here to leave with the omega girl. Call me petty, but she tried to flirt with my alpha.

As the wagons are finished being secured, the Superiors of the two visiting packs call out for a final farewell before they head out. I walk up to Mina and give her a big hug. I can't help the tears that flow down my cheeks as she nuzzles into my hair.

"I'll be back, silly, it is only a week." Mina says in a motherly tone. I nod though part of me is scared she will choose to go to the Hawks pack permanently. She has become someone that I don't want to give up. She has shown me so much kindness and genuine care that I feel like this goodbye won't be just for a small time. It hurts.

I feel Mina bend down to my ear before she whispers. "I won't leave this pack, I will make Eijiro move here. I can't leave my favorite broccoli."

I can't help the small sob leave my mouth as I cling to her. I don't know why I am reacting like this. It's not like we have known each other for a long time, but there is something about her that has me attached to her. She has supported me through so much, she has become one of my dearest friends.

"Travel safe, okay?" I sniffle as I pull away. I give you a smile and quickly kiss her cheek as a parting farewell. She nods her head with a small smile on her face. She turns to Kiri and they intertwine their fingers and start to walk to the wagon that is about to depart.

"Don't worry Midobro, I won't keep her for too long." The red haired alpha calls, flashing a large smile at me, his pointed teeth on full display. I can't help the smile that forms on my face. There is something about this alpha that makes me want to trust words.

I wave to him while yelling a 'you better' and all three of us laugh as they walk to one of the wagons.

I nod my head to a few wolves as I walk over to Tamaki. He is throwing a small bag into the back of the second wagon and smiling as the blond alpha says something to him.

"Tamachan." I called out. He turns to me and I can see his lip quiver as I approach him. I pull him into a hug. "Be safe, okay."

He nods, burying his nose into my neck. "I'm scared, Izuku." He whispers, the grip on my back tightening. I quickly scent him though I know he won't be able to smell it to find comfort in it.

"That is okay, traveling to a different pack is scary." I whisper back. I look at Miro and give him a small smile. "Good thing you have a strong Alpha to keep you safe, right?" I say just loud enough that the alpha can hear.

Miro smiles widely as I feel Tamaki nod his head. We stay embraced for a few moments before the beta pulls away. He shares a smile and holds my hand as we promise that whatever happens we will stay in contact. I feel tears come to my eyes again as Miro wraps an arm around the beta's torso and holds him securely against his chest. Out of all the alphas that Izuku has met, he knows that the blond is the perfect wolf to take care of a shy and introverted beta like Tamachan.

They share a goodbye before the beta turns to his alpha, standing close to his chest as he gives a small up into blue eyes. Izuku takes a few steps back as his chest fills with warmth from the endearing look the two share.

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