Chapter 7: A different bond

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"So... has your omega accepted my alpha yet?" Todoroki whispers, leaning his face closer to mine. I can feel his breath on my face as it turns bright red at his words. My omega purring and jumping with excitement, the feeling of arousal flowing through me.

Without even thinking I turn my face, lips feathering together as I look in his eyes before fully connecting. I sit there for a moment, not sure what to do, but quickly follow Todoroki's lead as he takes charge. 

I have only kissed one other person before, but as our lips move together I can't help but feel like this is my first. His lips are so soft and the way his hand has wrapped around my neck is causing my omega to fall into submission. The need for him to touch me more becoming more prominent as we continue. 

I move my hands to his shoulders as I try to reposition myself, but gasp when his arm wraps around my waist and pull me on top of his lap. His hands grasping my hips and rubbing small circles to calm me.

My body starts dangerously heating up as I feel his cock against my upper thigh. I moan as I feel Todoroki graze my bottom lip with his tongue. I open my mouth welcoming the feeling as he explores and our tongues dance. I can't help but feel turned on as he dominates my mouth and taking charge over me.

We break apart, but only for him to move to my neck. He gently bites and kisses the skin around my scent gland, causing me to moan at the pleasure. I tilt my head more, allowing him to continue grazing his fangs along my neck. The tingling his fangs leave when they touch my scent gland is almost overwhelming. My omega is begging for him to mark me, to make me his. My hands make their way into his hair as the pleasure increases.

"I can smell how aroused you are." Todoroki says as he tightens his grip around my waist.

"Todoroki." I gasp as he nibbles close to my collar bone. His hand slowly traveled further down.

"Shoto, call me Shoto." I hum in response as he continues, the feeling causing warmth to build in my lower stomach. His hand gently cups my ass while the other swoops up my back as I arch at the feeling.

I buckle my hips as shoto squeezes me, a moan escaping from him as I rub against his cock. A tingle runs over me as I realize how hard he is. Desire filling me to press myself closer. Our bodies flush from hip to chest.

"Shoto." I whimper as I nuzzle my face into his hair, releasing more of my pheromones.

The touches were starting to feel so good. Pleasure filling me as I moan and whimper at Shoto's gental squeezes and caresses.


I flinch at the sound of Kacchan's anger. My head snapped up to see blonde alpha along the tree line staring at me. He looks away, his hands balled into fits and shoulders hunched forward.

"K-kacchan?" I whisper as I watch him turn and stomp back through the trees.

Panic fills me as I quickly pull away and climb out of the pond. I spare a glance at Shoto and whine as I see him look after me, a frown on his face. I can feel myself being torn in half. My omega begging me to return to Shoto, while I choose to put my pack first.

Why did this have to happen now? Why couldn't I have one night?

I activate my quirk to run faster through the trees in my pursuit for the blonde alpha. I can smell Kacchan's angry pheromones as I approach him. I stumble slightly as I jump over a rock, but keep running. I have to make sure he is okay.

"Kacchan wait!" I call out as I finally catch up to him. He turns to me, his eyes filled with rage as I stop a few feet away.

"We haven't been here for more than 2 fucken days and you are already fucking their alpha?!" His yells fill the night air as I hesitate in front of him. He has never yelled at me out of anger before.

"Kacchan, my omega chose his alpha. I didn't have a choice, this just happened." I try to explain, my voice wavering.

"Your omega is just horny!"

I gasp, feeling a bit offended. "How dare you! You know how these things work!" I yell back. "You were taught the same things I was!"

"How dare you Izuku! What the fuck! Our pack is dead, now is not the time for you to find a mate!" I freeze, his words hitting hard. I can feel my chest tighten as I look at him. I know he is right, my pack is my first responsibility. I have been careless, a horrible leader.


"No! You don't get to do this. I- ahhh!" I watch as he grips his hair in frustration, the anger in his eyes turning to pain. My eyes widen in realization, he isn't angry, he is hurting. He saw me with another alpha, of course that would hurt him.

"If I had a choice I would have chosen you." I whisper, bringing my hands to my chest. "I wanted to choose you!" I can't help the tears streaming down my face. "If this was a perfect world, I would have mated with you when you courted me. But I cannot change that, everything we have been taught has happened with Shoto. I cannot deny-"

"Shoto? You don't even know him! It has been 3 days." He interrupts me, his eyes watery as they hold back tears.

"I know... But there is this connection, I have the desire that I didn't have before." I take a step closer to him, hoping he will let me in. His head is hung low now, his hair covering his eyes from view.

"What about our pack? What about... me?" His voice is quiet, a hint of hurt making its way forward.

"Kacchan, please understand." I reach my hand out to him, lightly placing it on his upper arm. He flinches at my touch, but allows me to hold it. "My pack is always a priority, I will not forsake my responsibility. But I cannot deny my omega."

I cannot be mad at him for his reaction. With the loss of our pack, all of our bonds have grown stronger as we try to survive this horrible reality. The stress of staying together was overpowering for all of us.

I've known for a long time of Kacchan's feelings towards me. I was hoping that over the years they would have gone away and he could pursue another and find fulfillment, but it seems my hopes were wrong. I have been foolish to believe that his actions were only out of friendship. I chose to be blind to them so I wouldn't feel the pain I do now.

In all honesty, I love Kacchan. I have for so long, he has been my person since we were children. I wanted nothing but for us to be together. But now that I know what a true bond feels like, I can see that the love I have for him is immature. Like the way a child loves their siblings or parents, it doesn't mean it isn't real or strong. It just isn't the same bond like the one between Shoto and I. Our bond is different.

I pull him into my arms, holding him as I did when we were children. When we allowed each other to feel our true feelings without fear. When life only threw small worries towards us. When we faced the world hand in hand. Before the world forced a different fate upon us, deciding that this reality fit us best.

I allowed my pheromones to sooth him as I ran my finger through his hair. Combing and scratching him as he wraps his arms around me. A soft hum leaves me as I feel his body shake lightly as he tries to hold back tears. My heart throbs at the pain he feels, the guilt I have felt for years finally coming forward.

"You are still my everything. No one could ever replace you Kacchan."

Word Count: 1388

-- Kind of a smutty chapter. I hope the angst doesn't hurt you guys :)

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