Chapter 2: Into the claws of another pack

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We were surrounded by the pack while being guided through the woods. I stayed in my wolf form to guard Kacchan and Kami. The brown wolf, now in her human form, trailed beside Kacchan, checking Kami's state as we made our way through the trees.

Part of me couldn't help the anger building up in me as I watched her help Kami. It should be our pack doing that, not some random omega who we don't know. Kami deserved to have our pack close, excited to celebrate the new arrival. A family to welcome the new pup.

Yet, all we have are strangers and the heavy weight of our pack's death on our shoulders. Tension of whether this pup will make its first breaths in this world, or if it will arrive as cold and void as the world we now live in; adding to the list of those we mourn. The lives that should be thriving among us but now harshly forced into the earth we walk upon.

I direct my attention to the alpha leader of this pack. We trailed behind him as he leads the way. The close proximity allowing me to look at him better. From the size of his white wolf with random red streaks caressing his fur, he has to be a dominant alpha. Even leading alphas of a pack aren't that large. If I were to guess, my wolf form would only reach his the bottom of his shoulder, and I was larger than the average omega because I am my pack's leader now. My size is closer to a betas' than an omega.

I clench my jaw at the stressful position we are in. I don't know how I could handle him if this does turn bad, especially with how drained I am and the injuries that inhibit my movements. I don't think I could activate my quirk for more than a few seconds now, so it would come to brute strength.

I kept my eye on him the entire time he led the way, not allowing my guard to drop. The painful cries of Kami only driving my anxiety higher.

The tension in the air is thick as we make our way into a small cabin on the outskirts of the unknown packs village. There were women waiting next to a nest in the one roomed building. By the looks of it the brown haired omega and 3 betas would be assisting Kami with the delivery.

Kacchan looked toward me as I scoped the area quickly. Everything at first glance seemed okay. I nodded, slightly satisfied that they had the necessities for my omegan friend.

Kacchan gently placed Kami down into the nest, taking the position of the alpha for him. Omegas in labor need the soothing pheromones of their alpha for a smoother delivery, but with Hitoshi gone that role would have to be Kacchan. Not even another omega could bring the pain down enough like an alpha could.

I watched as Kacchan asks for permission to enter the nest once Kami was done scenting the fabric around him. The women waited patiently for the omega to get situated.

"Deep breaths, Kami" The blonde alpha soothed as he positioned himself behind the omega, Kami quickly resting against his chest as another contraction came. The whimpered cries filled the room as the helpers gathered around the nest.

Soothing alpha pheromones quickly spread through the room as it mingled with Kami's distress. The scents of the other pack with mine confused my omega and stressed me out. I needed to leave, this was no place for me to be. I could cause more harm with my presence.

I scope the cabin out one more time before I quickly make my way outside. I scout the perimeter for any threat and growl at any wolf that was too close for my liking, before laying in front of the door. It shouldn't be long now.

There was nothing I could do but wait as I listened to my friend's cries of pain. As the new leader of my pack I had to take the responsibility of this mess. Though this wasn't my doing, I need to prepare myself for the worst outcomes. I needed to prepare my heart for another loss of my pack.

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