Chapter 10: Come back

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A howl sounds through the air.

I sat up quickly, observing my surroundings as my brain tries to register what is happening. It is still dark out, so I have only been asleep for a couple hours. Kami cuddles his pup close to him as we meet eyes.

Another howl sounds and I am out of bed heading towards the door, the two alphas close behind me.

"Stay here!" I say to Kami as I quickly go outside. Shin and Kacchan look at me, already in wolf form, waiting for my instruction.

Members of the Todoroki pack are running to the north as I look at my surroundings. I see the large white and red wolf of Shoto run up to us. He shifts to his human form, bowing his head in respect before meeting my gaze.

"Rogues have crossed our border, may we have your assistance." His voice is monotone, but a small hint of urgency slips through. I nod, quickly shifting to my wolf form. I turn to my alpha members.

'Shin, stay here and protect your mate and pup. Let no one near them until I am back.' I state firmly through our pack link.

'Yes, Izuku.'

I turn towards Todoroki who is in his wolf form, and we head off towards the north.

We run through the trees, Kacchan by my side as we trail behind Shoto. The smell of rogue is already prevalent as we approach the border. The smell of soured scents making my omega disgusted.

We break through the tree line and are met with a fight to the death. Images flash through my head of the night my pack was slaughtered. I shake my head, a growl seeping from me.

'Deku, we need to stick together.' I hear Kacchan growl. I nod in agreement, we are a better team anyway.

We quickly run into the fight, targeting a smaller brown wolf that is towering over one of the betas of Shoto's pack. Kacchan throws the wolf off as I activate my quirk, meeting the wolf where it lands. My teeth are already sinking into its neck until I hear the familiar crunch.

Another rogue jumps behind me, but Kacchan is swift to protect my blind spot as he tackles them and rips their throat out. Satisfaction fills me at the sight, revenge on these rogues is what our pack deserves.

I turn my head, scouting for another to target. A growl rips through me as I see the large gray alpha from that night. My omega riles inside me. I feel Kacchan at my side, both of us stalking forward.

'Our revenge!' Kacchan states with a disgusted tone. His mouth pulled back to expose his sharp fangs.

'Yes, let's spill his blood.' I growl as we lunge forward. Kacchan takes the lead, setting up the same attack as before. I trail to the side, waiting for the impact to activate my quirk.

Without warning I'm slammed to the ground, my back leg instantly searing in pain. I watch as Kacchan hits the Alpha, not realizing I am not there.

I twist onto my side, taking in the white wolf that is latched to my leg. I reach for the closest thing, biting and yanking on their tail. A squeal leaves them as they let go, their front claws digging into my abdomen.

I activate my quirk, rolling into them with all my strength. I feel my skin rip as I pull out their claws, their balance being lost as I hit their back legs.

With as much speed as I can muster I clench my fangs into their soft abdomen and rip my head back. Blood splashes onto my face, as they scream. Their body shifts as they lose their strength. Blood pools onto the ground and I know that death will take them soon. I smile at my victory only for my blood to run cold.


I quickly turn, but only to be met with a gut wrenching sight. Kacchan is on the ground, a large chunk of his leg gone as he tries to crawl away from the gray Alpha that hovers over him. His mouth was already around Kacchan's neck before I could blink.

My breath catches as panic fills me. I activate my quirk, sprinting as fast as I can. As I'm a few feet away, I am met with a snap as Kacchan's body goes limp. A squeal coming through his link before it goes quiet.

'Kacchan!' I scream as I hit the alpha, sending him flying. His body lands far in the trees, Shoto's white and red wolf already sprinting past me toward the gray Alpha.

I turn, my face draining of blood. My omega writhing in sorrow as I shift and make my way to the blonde wolf that lays on the ground. He lies, blood and dirt covering his once beautiful fur.

I kneel, my blood covered hands shaking as I reach Kacchan's still form. My arms finding their way around my best friend, my hands gripping his fur. I hear more screams close to me and it takes me a moment to realize they are coming from me. Tears stream down my face as I look into Kacchan's lifeless eyes. Those ruby eyes that used to be full of so much life, love and adventure, are now dim, cold and clouded.

     My chest is tightening to the point I cannot breath. Nothing else exists as I lay my head onto his side. His scent is already fading as I breathe into his fur. His fire and wood scent that I used to follow all my life fading away. That scent that made me feel safe, secure and at home slowly leaving me behind.

"No! Not you. Please K-kacchan, I c-can't live without you. Come back, I-i.... Love you." I whimper out as I fist his fur and shake him lightly.

I lay there on him, my blood stained face discoloring his blonde fur as tears wash onto him. I push my finger through his fur, scratching his favorite spot on his shoulder like I did when we were children laying under our favorite tree. His smirk that formed on his face as he rests his head on my lap and we watch the clouds.

     The memory of his smile as we would race around the village with Kami and Shinso. Us throwing snowballs at one another until we grew too cold. Us huddled in a blanket making jokes about Yagi as we sit in front of the fire. Our first kiss under that fruit tree next to our favorite spring, and the many we would steal from each other when people weren't looking.

     His laughs now a distant memory, almost a dream. How I wish this was a dream, one where I wake to Kacchan shaking my shoulders. His scent calming me and filling me with safety. His ruby eyes meeting mine as the sun makes his hair shine so beautifully.

How I wish he would have been my mate, my forever person as we walked through this hell of a world. Not leaving each other's side and having a family run around us. The life we could have had together. My heart clenches as I cry into him. I wish I would have ignored Yagi when he told me to let him go. Believed it was a lie that our mating wouldn't be true because my omega didn't accept him.

I feel arms wrap around me and I quickly push them away. "No!" I scream. I don't want to leave him. I'm not leaving him. He promised to never leave me, I can't....

"Izuku '' I hear Shoto's voice trying to sooth me. "The rogues are gone, they retreated." He whispers close to me. I feel his soothing pheromones surround me, but my omega instantly ignores them.

Anger fills me as my omega screams in anger. What? No, no, no! I will not let this happen again. They took everything from me! I won't let that Alpha live.

I get to my feet, my eyes trailing over my Kacchan one last time as I let the rage burn in me. I breathe deeply, the gray alpha's scent still lingers in the air. I'm going to rip his throat out and every member of his pack.

I feel a hand grab my shoulder, "Izuku, what are you doing?" Shoto askes, concern evident in his voice. I slap his arm away as I activate my quirk.

"Watch over my pack." I say before springing forward, using my quirk to propel me. My nose fills with multiple scents, but I ignore them all as I focus on that one disgusting scent.

I hear Shoto shouting my name and something about getting an alpha, but it is already too distant for me to care.

I will get my revenge, I will destroy that Alpha.

Word count: 1476

-- I cried while writing this chapter. Please comment what you think and don't forget to vote.--

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