Chapter 23: Bunny

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Shoto had ordered the other omegas and Mina to watch over me since I could fall into a drop from his rejection. It's humiliating to know that Shoto's mother was there and had to listen to me beg for her son as I cried in pain. Though I was hurting I wouldn't let Rei, Ochacco or Denki scent me, my carnal mind only wanting Shoto to help my through my heat.

I felt guilty when Mina told me that I did drop slightly and started getting violent towards the other omegas. In my haze I saw them as the reason for Shoto's rejection and needed to take out the 'compitition'. My carnal mind wouldn't calm down and refused to be kind to any possible opposition I saw, so she and Tamaki were the ones who watched over me after the first day.

Thankfully, my heat didn't last long, only 3 days. I guess having shorter heats is a new change for me, but I'm not complaining. I hated being cooped up in my lucid states fully knowing that I would be begging and demanding for an alpha that doesn't want me once another wave hit. My omega's unsteady emotions brought more fatigue as he from fall into a deeper drop or into a rage and demanding we take out our pain out on the alpha as a form of revenge.d

It took some convincing for Mina and Tamaki to believe that my heat was over since they couldn't smell my pheromones very well. They were nervous to ask for an alpha or omega to come in since I hadn't been rational in the past few days.

Apparently they had to take shifts to make sure that I wouldn't go on a drop or rage. My omega was in full control the entire time, making it hard to rationalize with him. I had tried leaving a few times to find Shoto, saying that my heat was over to convince them.

After hours of conversations and another wave not coming they brought Iida in, since he was the only alpha that I allowed to touch me during my heat. So after he gave the go ahead, with an apologetic face to me, I was allowed to leave the cabin.

The feeling of fresh air and the ruffling of my hair from the cool breeze cleared my head significantly. The weather was starting to warm up, though there are still snow patches in the shadows. Yet the beginnings of spring were evident as small bulbs grew on trees and the wild grasses became green.

Tamaki took me to the gardens with him since I was very hesitant to see anyone. I can only assume that people were talking about what happened. I shouldn't be feeling guilty about the two wolves, but how can I not when Neito shouted it to everyone.

The beta and I talked here and there occasionally and I found out that he really loves gardening and foraging. As the day progressed I understood why Tamaki found an interest in the activities. It was very therapeutic, no one really talked unless needed and being able to smell all the different plants was a small haven.

Tamaki didn't seem to mind my questions about the different plants and willingly shared his knowledge. I think it was because we weren't talking about him that it was easier for him to open up. His excitement evident when he would describe a plants growing process or how to identify edible grasses and berries.

It was late afternoon when Tamaki called it quits for the day, both of us now having a sun kissed look on our cheeks and shoulders and our hands caked in dirt and plant residue. Though neither of us cared as we walked the basket full of different plants to the pack house.

We parted ways with Tamaki heading to the bath house as I walked to the pond. The memories of the other night with Shoto only bringing more twists to my gut. I didn't need a reminder that the alpha rejected me, even though he confessed his feelings the same night? It's all very confusing and I'm not sure what to think. I have many conflicting feelings over it, and my hazy memory doesn't serve to help at all.

So I decided to go to the pond to think things over. Excited for the comfort and familiarity it brings. I walk along the side of the pond, looking around to make sure I am alone. A smile pulling at my cheeks as I ready myself to strip.

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