Chapter 4: Rain and Oak

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I can't help but freeze in place as I start to register who it is in the pond. The two toned hair gives away the dominant alphas identity quickly. 'What should I do?' I think to my omega. It's not like he is a threat right now, I can easily sneak away without him knowing. I am down wind, so I should leave now if I don't want him to discover my second gender.

But I really want to clean myself, and soaking in the water will calm me... Maybe I can wait for him to get out, and hide in the tree line to obscure my scent. I can feel my omega becoming more impatient as I hesitate.

"You know watching someone bathe is a bit creepy." I jolt at the monotone voice. I watch as the alpha slowly sits up and looks behind him towards me. I begin to blush under his intense gaze.

I feel myself start to get self conscious under his eyes. It's not like nudity is seen as bad with how often people have to be naked to shift into their wolf form, but that doesn't mean I like being looked at by a stranger.

I like my body. Unlike most omegas, I've had to train to build up the strength for my quirk to be passed to me. I'm not delicate or fragile, though I still have the characteristics of my second gender. I have a very toned body, with a hint of a 6 pack and a faint v line. My arms and legs are tight with the muscle mass I have. Strengthening my body didn't rid any of my curves though. So I am still short with a small waist and round ass, with a round plum face. The perfect balance if I can be honest with myself.

"You can join me if you want. I will be leaving soon anyway." The alpha states, turning back to rest against the small stone wall.

I feel my omega pushing me to go. The desire is overwhelming as I look at the alpha again.

I sigh, slowly make my way through the stream and feel the water gradually get deeper. The water turns to a warmer temperature the farther I walk into the pond. Relief settling over me as the water comes up to my waist, allowing me some kind of privacy before having to walk into the bicolored alpha's line of sight.

I slowly sit on the opposite side of the small pond, keeping my distance from the alpha. The water rises to my collar bone as I settle myself onto the stone seating the circles around the edge. The water slightly stings my back because of the stitches, but it is easy to ignore.

My eyes slowly wander to the wolf in front of me, taking him in as I pull the water over myself to wash the grime off. My omega is already purring as the filth washes away.

The alpha has his eyes closed as he rests back, his hair falling into his face. He has a sharp jaw that shapes his face nicely. His chest is finely shaped to show off his pecs and the upper part of his arms are large with broad shoulders. I've never met a dominant alpha before, but there is no mistaking that he is one. Just his physical form is more dominating than any alpha, pack leader or not.

"You really like staring don't you?"

I slightly blush as the alpha opens his eyes to look at me. I quickly divert my eyes from his, feeling a little embarrassed.

"Not starring, just observing." I state, looking back at him. I try to show more confidence than what I'm currently feeling to assert myself as more dominant. I can't show weakness to him.

He hums in response, sitting up so he doesn't rest back anymore. Directing his full attention to me. I can't help but notice defined upper abs before the water covers them.

"So, what brings you out here? I assumed you would be with your pack." He says, drawing my attention back to his face. I nod in response. I shouldn't be here, I should be guarding my pack instead of indulging in my omega's desires.

"If my presence isn't wanted you can leave." I state flatly. I don't need to tell him my reasoning. I don't know him, he cannot be trusted.

"I didn't say that." He says with a small smile. "I only wanted to know why you are suddenly showing your human form now, but not earlier."

I sigh, part of me grumbling at the fact my curveball was evaded. "Well, I was trying to keep my pack safe by keeping my second gender a secret."

"So you are the pack leader then?" He tilts his head slightly to the side. His eyes falling over the portions of my body that are exposed above the water, which thankfully isn't a lot.

"Yes, I am." I let my confidence leak out as I straighten up.

"An omega as a pack leader..." He says slowly. "How did you get that alpha to follow you? He seems very arrogant to follow an omega, unless he is your mate." He implies while keeping his face free of emotion. I can see him eyeing my neck, looking for a mating mark.

I glare at him. "I don't need you to understand our culture." I gripe as I let my irrigation show. "Having a mate is the farthest from my mind right now. And Kacchan may be arrogant, but he is more loyal than any alpha has ever been to an omega. Mated or not!"

"So you don't have a mate?" He furthers, a hint of a smile forming on his lips.

I growl in response. "I don't need a mate." Is this alpha sizing me up or flirting? I don't like either option. 

He hums in response before asking another question. "Then how do you plan on producing heirs?"

My mouth drops open at the intimate question. How can he ask that with a straight face? This wolf really has the audacity... He doesn't even know me.

"That isn't how it works in my pack." I say quickly before looking away. I can feel my heart pick up it's pace as I continues to look at me. Why am I reacting this way towards him, he is only looking at me.

"Ah, your culture is very different. I would love to learn more." He states, slightly leaning towards me.

I sit in silence avoiding his request. Why am I talking to him? I have already said too much, but for some reason I feel drawn to him. Like I want him to know me. Uhhh, this is frustrating. Even my omega seems more drawn to him than he was with the pond.

"Where is the rest of your pack?" He questions softly. I look back at him and see a gentle look in his eyes. I sigh, what is the harm in telling him. It is obvious by the way his pack found us that something happened.

"They are gone." I hesitate before continuing. "Our village was attacked by rogues 5 days ago. 4 of us were able to escape... no else survived.'' I whisper the last part, pulling my arms around myself as I think about what happened. I close my eyes as the phantom screams ring in my head.

"I'm so sorry. The weight of that sorrow must be unbearable." I hear the alpha say. I nod my head, trying to keep the tears back. I squeeze my hands until I feel pain along my arms as I try to forget the horrors. It takes me a minutes to regain myself before I look back up towards the alpha.

"So why couldn't I smell you?" I quickly state, my voice a little shaky from my effort. "I was downwind from you, and I didn't know you were here until I was directly behind you." I ask, trying to change the subject.

He nods his head while sitting back against the wall, seeming to understand my need to change the conversation.

"My scent is rain and oak." He states as he pulls his hand up out of the pond, the water falling and making ripples in the pond. "The dew on the grass disguises my scent very well if you aren't looking for me. That's why I come out here so early in the morning, I'm able to be alone longer."

"I'm sorry for disturbing your alone time." I say, a small smile on my face. I can't help but tease him. He probably comes out here a lot to get away from his duties.

"No, I don't mind being close to you. It has been very enjoyable being able to talk." My eyes widen as he looks at me. His eyes meet mine and I can feel my heart start to increase at the contact. A small blush forming on my cheeks as he smiles at me. I can't help but look away and pull a finger to my mouth trying to hide a smile. 

My omega purrs at the attention, wanting me to move closer to him. Imagining how it would feel with his arms wrapped around me, and his voice so close to my ear as he whispers things to me. I shiver at the thought.

I take a deep breath trying to calm myself when I hear a howl. The sudden sound in the distance perking my ears, dragging me out of the moment. Both of us look in the direction, and I quickly recognize the howl.


Word count: 1599

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