Chapter 38: flowers in a medow

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Izuku breathed heavily as he ran through the woods, his lungs burned and ached with fatigue from how hard he wash pushing himself. His hair blew in the wind that he was creating and his nose twitched with every scent that he passed. It was a warm morning, the dew still sticking to the foliage and reflecting the sun in bright glimmers as it progressed higher into the sky.

It had been a few days since the ceremony. Each day filled with the couple getting closer in any way they wanted. The two had already confirmed their desire for one another on almost every surface of the cabin. Neither of them could get enough of the other, and who could blame them. No one was around to interrupt and the responsibilities they once had were now paused and no longer a worry during their time here.

Izuku smiled as he thought back to each time his mate fucked him. It still impressed the omega on how his alpha seemed to know where to cause the most pleasure.

"Omega," Shoto called, his presence reminded Izuku that he was supposed to be getting away from the alpha in a game that they spontaneously started. "You are making this too easy."

Izuku laughed as he picked up his pace as his alpha closed in quickly behind him. The alpha growled as he hugged up to Izuku's hind quarters and pushed him gently with his nose. Izuku nipped toward Shoto in a mock of annoyance. He tried to reaffirm the excitement of the game he had when they first started, but it was a struggle to get his mind back on track. His attention was now on a new activity that they could do.

As they ran through the trees, the omega directed their direction back toward the cabin. They were getting too close to the temporary territory line that their pack had made for them anyway, so they would have to change direction at some point. The territory line was far enough out that the two would still have their privacy from the pack members who guarded them, but were still provided enough protection for the two Superiors during their stay.

"Where are we going?" Shoto asked as he fell into stride alongside Izuku. His larger form took less strides as he tried to keep the same pace as his omega.

"Hmmm. I'm bored with this game." Izuku expressed with a dramatic sigh. "I want to do something else."

"Oh? And what would that be?" The alpha asked, curiosity evident in his tone. "I thought you wanted to stretch your legs since we hadn't left the cabin in a few days."

Izuku nodded in reply, laughing at his alpha's reply as he led them onto a trail. "Yes, you are right. But that doesn't mean we can't have fun out here."

The trail they ran on wasn't used very often, the twist and turns were littered with fallen branches and large rocks. The two tried to stay side by side but eventually had to fall into a single file line so as to not bump into one another. Izuku loved how his alpha always seemed to pull back and run behind him, never insinuating that the he should ever be behind his mate in way. It was the little things that his mate did that helped Izuku feel loved. Shoto proved time and time again that his secondary gender didn't decide how he was treated, but rather how much love and respect the alpha had for him.

As they ran, the trail led them into a small clearing with a small stream that ran through it. The water caused the vegetation under their feet to be more marshy, with clover and moss instead of the usually tall weeds and brush that was within the tree line.

It was beautiful in the clearing, the green of the plants contrasted well with the morning hues of the sky. The stream sang happily as the water lapped over rocks and moss, an occasional fish splashing around at the surface.

Izuku slowed to a slow trot as they entered the meadow. He wanted to enjoy the area for a little longer before they continued back to the cabin. Shoto stayed close to him, looking around as well as they walked closer to the stream. The moss was squishy under their feet, and soon water seeped up under their weight. The smell of the tiny flowers on the clover was amazing and Izuku couldn't help the happy hum that left his chest as he moved back to a drier spot.

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