Chapter 35: My love

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The pond was tranquil, the heated water eased any sore muscles that Izuku had. The soaps and oils soothed his mind, lulling him back to a dream-like state as he leaned against his alpha's broad chest. The two were laughing as they relaxed, reminiscing on their youth experiences.

"Ya, Iida and I used to be very ignorant and thick. We really did act like we had a stick up our ass majority of the time. He was a stickler for keeping the rules and I followed his lead willingly. He was so confident back them, and I am still dumbfounded by it. Honestly, I am surprised that Ochako even had the patience for us. She would get into little arguments with Iida every now and then, and eventually would drag Mina and Momo into it." Shoto recounted with a sigh laugh, his breath fanning onto Izuku's neck. The alpha's arms cradled him close.

Izuku's giggle resonated through the small room as he tried to imagine the group being so young. "When did you get that stick out of your ass?" Izuku asked. He tilted his head so he could look up at the alpha, his upper body rising and falling with every breath that the bigger man took.

"Oh that was much later. Honestly I'm surprised that I had any friends, I was so withdrawn and didn't understand a lot of what the kids my age were doing. I guess that is what happens when you're isolated for the majority of your childhood." He explained, hands trailing up and down Izuku's arms.

"Hmmm, I think I would have liked you nonetheless." The omega stated, his voice confident with his bold statement.

Shoto laughed lightly, "I don't think I would have allowed you to get that close to even decide. I was terrified of the only omega I knew, Ochako had our wills tied around her finger."

"Na!" Izuku sat up and turned until he could look at the alpha directly. "I would have chipped away at that barrier eventually." He said, his hand reaching up to drag his fingers over the alpha's cheek, tucking any baby hairs behind his ear that had fallen out of the braid.

"Are you sure? I was very thick before I reached adulthood." Shoto hummed, closing his eyes as he leaned into Izuku's touch.

"So was I, we probably would have been too dumb to know what we were doing. BUT... I know we would have fallen for each other either way." Izuku didn't know where this confidence was coming from, he never spoke so boldly about these things. He wasn't one to allow himself to dwell on what ifs, too scared of the emotions that might surface. Yet, as he sat here on his mate's lap he couldn't imagine not falling for the alpha. There was an indiscernible connection between them, like fate wanted them to be together no matter what.

"I don't doubt you on that, but I will detest that my pea of a brain wouldn't have read any of your signals as anything more than friendship. Momo pursued me for years and I thought she was just being friendly." His laugh filled the room and Izuku couldn't help but smile.

"Oh?! Not Momo!" Izuku teased. "There is no way that you would have stayed Superior for long, she wouldn't need your help to lead this pack."

"No doubt. I'm surprised she hasn't wanted more responsibilities. Her and Iida were always leading our friend group, basically being the sire and dam for all of us when we would run off." Shoto agreed.

They fell into a comfortable silence. Shoto closed his eyes as he basked in the way Izuku ran his fingers along his hairline, massaging and scratching lightly with his nails. They had already been in the water for a while, Izuku's fingers were pruned and soft from the oils that they had used.

"Shall we get out?" Izuku asked, his finger tracing down the alpha's nose before booping his upper lip. He could see the alpha's head slightly sway from side to side or bob occasionally as they sat there. "I think you are falling asleep."

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