🤡 CaitVi

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Warning: shenanigans that just make sense

Characters: Caitlyn, Vi

Side Appearances: Vander

Setting: Zaun market place, Carnival Night


"Now girls, dont spend that all in one place." Vander gives Vi a pointed look.

"We wont!" Vi runs towards a basketball game with Caitlyn, the same game Caitlyn said had a prize she wanted.

"Vi, you heard your dad."

"Yeah yeah." The first shot misses. So do the next 4. "Im getting you that panda."

"Its ok. Lets go play something else." Its too late. Vis all ready got the next 5 basketballs. Vander shakes his head.

The old man stands against a drink stand. The water bottle looks small in his hand. His other hands occupied with drinks for the girls.

He watches as Vi loses time after time. She walks away in defeat when her last ball bounces off the rim, and onto the net below. Caitlyns money sits untouched in her pocket.

"Thank you for getting us these, Vander." Caitlyn speaks for them both.

"Youre welcome." He hands over the bottles. "What are you planning to do next?"

"They have a shooting booth. You cut out the star, and they hang it. A clean star can earn me an airsoft pistol."

"Sounds like your perfect game. Vi?" The shorter girl mumbles. "Speak up, i cant hear you."

"I spent my money."

"After you said you wouldnt?" His eye brow raises.

"I wanted to get the panda." Vi points to a large panda plush displayed in the booth.

"The games rigged. Ill buy you-"


"Vi, its fine. I just called it cute." Vander shakes his head.

"How about this: i play the game. If i get it, ill let you take the bragging rights. If i dont, then the toys being bought. Fair enough?"

"I guess." Vi pouts. "Lets get Cait to that gun booth."

The shooting booth wasnt far from where they were standing. Caitlyn puts her cash on the counter, exchanging for the gun offered to her.

A near perfect star falls out of the piece of paper. "All the inks gone. You win top prize. Take your pick." 5 airsoft pistols are presented to her, along with 2 canisters of glow in the dark airsoft bebes.

Caitlyn signs her name on the paper, then chooses the clear pistol with an orange barrel, handing the canisters to Vi because Vi had pockets. "Thank you! Have a good day!" As Caitlyn turns around, Vander puts his hand on her shoulder.

"One second. Im gunna try this, too." Vander steps to the range, taking hold of the gun that fits like a pencil in his large hands.

His star doesnt come out as clean as Caitlyns, but its still clean of ink. He chooses the bright blue pistol; with an orange barrel that matches Caitlyns. He hands the canisters to Vi.

"Caitlyn, any other games?"

"The dart game."

"Lets go." They take the trek to the booth. Caitlyn puts whats left of her money on the counter. 20 darts are laid on the counter.

"5 for a pin, 10 a small photo, 15 a large photo, and all 20 gets you a poster. Anything 5 and up is your choice, anything under 5 gets you a small stuffed animal." She gestures to the many stuffed animals displayed on the walls. The other prizes mentioned have options in a seudo menu on the bar in front of the family.

With pristine focus, she lands 16 darts. "Ill have the large butterfly photo." The woman grabs one from a box below the bar, passing it over to her. "Thank you. Have a great day!"

"Thank you!" Vander hands his pistol over to Vi, walking away with the girls.

"Lets go try that basketball game."

The tall man looms over the worker running the booth. "Interested in playing?"

"I am." Vander hands over the money. He sinks a single shot. The booth man collects the balls. Vander tugs on the sleeve of Vis jacket. The girl turns to him. "Grab the animal before he comes back." His voice is a whisper.

Vis eyes light up, pistol being handed back to Vander. She snatches a panda from under the net, and runs. Caitlyn stays on her heels. "I told you i would get you this."

"The Undercity behavior still baffles me, but i appreciate this." Theyre able to get a quick kiss in before Vander finds them.

"Wait until were home. And Vi, keep the gun. We can share it when your girlfriend visits. I doubt you would have the heart to bruise her."

"Hey! Cait, ive given you bruises before!"

"Not intentionally, and you get upset when you see your lingering finger prints. Hickeys arent bruises, so they dont count."

The small family makes their way to their home, and Caitlyns second home.

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