🥺 CaitVi

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Warnings: completely SFW, not sexual, this is NOT AGEPLAY, im sick of seeing healthy coping Vi have the same maybe 5 conversations with Caitlyn that end in sex or have straight up no ending, this is for Vis inner child to heal too, this is also for Jinx, #GivePowder2Sisters, #JinxIsACapablePersonStopReducingHerToHerMentalIllnesses

Characters: Caitlyn, Vi

Side Appearances: Jinx

Setting: Caitlyn and Vis shared home and Jinx lives with them


Vi babbles to herself, whatever three year olds babble about. Caitlyn lets her, watching her play with her stuffed toys. The Land Before Time movies play on the TV in front of them.

Jinx comes in the door with pastries and baked goods, having just gotten off her shift at the bakery not too far from home. "Jinxy!" Vi stumbles to her feet, running to her sister.

"Hi munchkin! Look what i got for yuh!" She hands the girl a large blueberry muffin.

"Yum yum yum! My favite! Tank you!"

"Youre welcome sweety." Jinx smiles fondly as Vi gives the muffin to Caitlyn so she can safely eat it without worrying about the wrapper. "Your goodie bag will be in fridge, Cait."

"Thank you dear. Have you eaten yet?" Caitlyn breaks a piece from the muffin, Vi eats the smaller sized chunk.

"Yes, and i kept your cute little notes. They uh, they make me really happy, and i appreciate them a lot. Thank you."

"You deserve them. Come sit, love. Let yourself relax." More bite sized pieces are fed to Vi before the girl complains of being full.

"What did you both have for dinner?" Jinx puts the half eaten muffin in the fridge, discarding Caitlyns complaints with the excuse of being up all ready.

"Mama maded soup an nuggies!"

"Oh she did? What soup, little one?"


"That sounds super yummy!" Jinx tickles her sides, Vi letting out little screams of joy.

"Dont get too riled up before bed. Good sleep is very very important."

"Otay mama." Vi sits on the carpet with her stuffies.

"Hows the company in your head?" Caitlyn reaches out, guiding Jinx to sit with her.

"Empty. Those meds you gave me kicked them out, and they took their luggage with them. They call sometimes to check in whilst im sleeping, but they keep their distance."

"Thats good to hear. Does it get lonely without them?"

"A bit, but i like it. Sure, ive grown to tolerate them, most of the time, ok maybe only some of the time, its just an adjustment."

"And thats ok. Anything happen at work?"

"I forgot i put eggs in my apron, and a little boy ran into me when i was restocking the case. It was an accident, and the look on his face when the eggs broke was priceless! He thought he broke me instead of the eggs!" Jinx cackles at the memory. Caitlyn gives her a fond smile, a laugh of her own bubbling up.

"Good thing youre not an egg." Caitlyn brings Jinx legs into her lap, massaging the calf of the one closest to herself.

"Hecking heck Cait! What the heck!" Jinx melts into the touch, biting her lip to keep herself quiet.

"You looked tense, i found the tension. No harm in that." Vi crawls up to them, taking Jinxs other leg.

"I try i try!" Its not the same as Caitlyn, but the hands manage to help sooth her muscles.

"Youre doing a good job, kiddo!" Jinx ruffles Vis hair. Soon enough, Caitlyns hands take over, finishing Vis job.

"Mama tats wuz my turn. You saids turn takin is impotant."

"It is, im sorry sweety. Mama shouldnt have taken your turn. However, Jinxy needed help relaxing. Mama knows how to do it faster so she can relax better. Now that shes relaxed, would you like to join mama and Jinxy on the couch?"

"No!" Vi dumps herself onto the plushies, making them growl at each other.

"Manners young lady." Jinx gives her the mom look.

"Sorry mama. I plays?"

"I dont mind if you play. Bedtimes after this movies over though. Would you like to sleep with mama or Jinxy?"

"Jinxy! Jinxy!"

"Ok my little gremlin." Jinx sits herself next to Vi. "As long as you dont kick, youve got me all night. One little toe, "Jinx tickles the socked feet, "and youre in bed with mama. Got it?" Vi, giggling, nods.

"Got it Jinxy." Jinx lays her head on Vis shoulder, breathing slow, picking up an "evil dino" to play with Vis "hero dino". Caitlyn watches them closely.

Investigator by nature, she takes in how both girls relax at the physical contact. How Jinx playing with Vi slows both of their breathing. Stars dance in Jinxs eyes, and she feels this may be a glimpse of the Powder Vi spoke so much of.

Wonder and mirth sparkles in both pretty blue sets. Sound affects, giggles, hushed words, all in the little space the sisters share.

Walls fall, and hearts open, souls bond. This, Caitlyn realizes, is how both girls are healing. Both inner children and grown women find their peace this way.

When Jinx lays down on the carpet, Vi curling into her, Caitlyn doesnt say anything. She clears the toys out of the space, covers them with a blanket, puts pillows within reach, and bids them goodnight each with forehead kisses.

"Goodnight my little doves. I hope good dreams come to you both. My doors open if you need anything."

"Ni ni mama." Vi mumbles, tucking herself under Jinxs chin. Jinx smoothes her hands down Vis back.

"Night Cupcake." Jinx winks, Caitlyn shakes her head with a grin, retiring to her room.

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