🥺🤡 CaitVi

527 11 7

Warnings: none

Characters: Vi, Caitlyn

Side Appearances: none

Setting: Vi and Caitlyns shared home.

Requested by: whotfissleep

"Love, you must be joking?" Caitlyn sputters through a mouthful of ice cream bar.

"Fraid not. Ice cream doesnt exist in Zaun."

"Here! Try it!" The bitten end now shoved into Vis mouth, she hands it back after swallowing the chunk she bit off.

"Its... I dont know. New?"

"Theres plenty more!" Vi grabs one from the box, taking another tentative bite.

Suspicions confirmed, it wasnt the faint toothpaste residue Caitlyns ice cream bar had that soured the treat. Vi doesnt like ice cream.

She hands the bar to Caitlyn. "Its a lot of flavor to take in."

"Thats ok. Thank you for being willing to try!"

The rest of the evening goes as such. Caitlyn having eaten 3 total bars, Vi having taken 3 total bites.

After dinner, Vi gets her one voluntarily. However, she had nabbed the chocolate. With fake exasperation, she hands the seemingly unopened package to Caitlyn.

"No chocolate?" She eats the ice cream anyways.

"Guess not. Does that happen?"

"Once in a blue moon i suppose. Just my first bare ice cream."


After Caitlyns period calmed down and her appetite didnt revolve around ice cream and pussy, Vi hadnt been taking the ice creams.

That is, until Caitlyn decides she wants a treat to go with their movie.

"Babe! Its another naked ice cream!" Vi shouts, no evidence of chocolate.

"My word!" Caitlyn eats the ice cream. "Maybe this was a bad batch?"

"I mean, what are the chances theres more than one naked ice cream?"

"I have not a clue."


It had been a few days since Caitlyn last had an ice cream bar. The box was almost empty now. Sneaking into the kitchen late at night, Vi nabs the last chocolate slabs, resealing the packaging as if she was never there.

The following evening, Caitlyn was greeted with yet another ice cream slab. The last had also been just ice cream.

"I fear it had only been a bad batch. Care to bring me more tomarrow darling?"

"Im sure i could clear my schedule for a sexy beast like yourself." Vi smirks.

"Oh really?"

"Yeah, you ice cream monster. You know, like cookie monster? But ice cream?"

"I understood."


"Violet, this box was missing all its chocolates too! But there was chocolate residue on the wrappers. You wouldnt know anything about this, would you?"

"Afraid not, Cupcake. I grabbed the box from the store, then brought it home. Have you been sleep eating again?"

"I dont think so. Im sure i would have waken myself up from the brain freeze."

Caitlyns suspicions are kept private, Vi none the wiser.


Secret spy cam in place, Caitlyn leaves the kitchen with yet another bare ice cream in hand.

Thats when she catches her. Its almost 3 am, and Vi is seen taking the chocolates, then resealing the wrappers. She takes a video, sending it to Vi.

Vi freezes after she checks her phone, chocolate crumbling in her hand. "Why eat just the chocolate?" Caitlyn calls from the stairs.

"I didnt like the ice cream, and didnt want to make you feel insulted."

"Well my little thief, with the purp of the crime now caught, what shall we do?"

"Cuddle, please? My tummy hurts." Vi pouts. Caitlyn wipes the chocolate crumbs from her lips.

"Anything love."

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