🥺 Violyn

684 4 18

Warnings: Powder learns about sex, Vi and Caitlyn are 19 and Powder is 15, Vi and Caitlyn took Powder in as a daughter instead of a sister, competent sex education, mentions of sexual assault, mentions of self harm

Characters: Vi, Caitlyn

Side Appearances: Powder

Setting: Caitlyns home


"Whats that?" Powder points to a new symbol on Vis neck (the Kiramman crest, she recognizes,) as Vi and Caitlyn are cooking breakfast.

"A brand." Vi shrugs.

"How did you get it?"

"Sex." Caitlyn slaps Vi with the towel that had once been draped over her shoulder.

"Vi, shes too young."

"Nah, i think shes a good age. I learned when i was younger than her." Vi turns to Powder, letting Caitlyn handle the stove.

"So, Pow, sex is when two people join intimately. Touching each others genitals, assholes, whatever. Clothes are optional. But be very careful. If you have a period you can get pregnant, and if you have sperm you can get someone pregnant."

"You can also get sexually transmitted infections. Protection isnt always useful if the person sick has something like AIDS, HIV, Pubic Lice, or Herpes." Caitlyn adds.

"Cait and i go to the doctors once a week, and we use surgical gloves. Now we dont normally use protection the entire time because we use toys instead of our hands for some of it."

"We put condoms on the toys to make clean up easier." Caitlyn hands the spatula back to Vi before running up the stairs.

"This is a condom." Powder takes the shiny package held out to her. She takes note of the two circles inside what she thought was one long package but turns out to be two connected ones. "Always use latex free because you and/or your partner may be allergic to latex." Caitlyn grabs a banana from the fruit bowl. "Im going to show you how to apply one, and youre going to apply the new one."

Vi watches as nimble fingers roll the rubber onto the fruit. "Pinch the tip, Pow. Im not sure if you could see Cait do it. Also, make sure when its rolling down the film is on the inside of the ring, not the outside.

On the other end, Powder does as Vi instructed, rolling the rubber down as carefully as she can. "Like that?"

"Yes! Good job!" Caitlyn tosses the used condoms and packaging, trading the stove for Vi to clean the fruit.

"Lube is also important. Especially for butt stuff. Lube makes everything go smoother. It decreases the likeliness of vaginal tearing, as well as anal tearing, and helps the comfort of whatever asshole is being stretched to accommodate."

"Poo before butt stuff, and pee after all sex. Peeing will help your body flush whatever bacteria. And never, i mean never go anus to vagina. Thatll harm your body or your partners body." Vi grabs plates, helping serve breakfast. Powder gets the forks before meeting her moms at the table.

"Consent is key. If its not an enthusiastic 'yes', or it takes pleading and convincing, its sexual assault. Its ok to express nervousness, its ok to even be nervous or scared, but if you or your partner doesnt respect 'no', 'stop', or whatever agreed upon safeword, its sexual assault." Vi adds.

"Color systems aswell. Green/Yellow/Red is the most common. Green is full consent, yellow is stop for the time being, and red is full stop. Red is when consent is revoked, and you help the other person clean up. If youre told 'red', care should be your first thought. Cuddles, water, talking through what boundary was crossed. Yellow is something you will have to decide with your partner on what to do." Caitlyn gives Powder a fresh cup of juice to go with breakfast.

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