🥺 CaitPow

535 4 13

Warnings: Not a relationship, this is strictly a friendship. Caitlyn and Vi are 17, Powder is 13

Characters: Caitlyn, Powder

Side Appearances: Vi

Setting: Powder and Vis home


"I saw this whilst we were out, and it made me think of you!" Caitlyn hands Powder a glittery notebook with a set of glitter pens.

"Thank you so so SO MUCH!" Powder hugs the items to her chest.

Vi and Caitlyn had been 14 at the time, Powder was only 10.


"Would it be ok if i took Vi out later? We will only be gone a few hours, and she will be home before dinner."

"You make her sound like a dog," Powder giggles. "Yeah you can borrow her!"

Caitlyn and Vi were 15, Powder was 11.


"I planned to take your sister out Friday evening. She would be home before bed. Is that ok?"

"Why do you always ask permission to take her? Its not my business, im just her sister."

"Because i know she means a lot to you and you to her, and i want to be sure you come first. Family always comes first."

"What if you get married?"

"Then Vi gets to start choosing how she spends her time." Caitlyn teases. Vi gapes at them.

"You both need to cut it out!" Powder giggles with Caitlyn.

Vi and Caitlyn were 16, Powder was 12.


"Vi crashed her bike on our way back. Can you fix the tire as i patch up her scrapes?" Caitlyn goes to the bathroom for the first aid kit. Powder dashes out the door to assess the bicycles popped tire.

"Even the road goes for your face!" A finger points at Vis road rash, Vi frowns from her spot on the porch steps.

"I could go for your face-"

"Cait wouldnt let you!" Tongue stuck out, Powder goes to the shed to find the patch kit for the bikes.

This was last week.


"Whatcha doodling in here?" Caitlyn peers over Powders shoulder. Glitter notebook and glitter pens cover the desk Vi had built for Powder.

"Just some memories. Like when you got me this," she points to the glitter notebook. "One of the many times you asked before leaving with my sister," the next drawing. "This one was that time i brought up marriage." Caitlyn admires the cute comic strips. "This last one was a couple days go."

"I see." Caitlyn smiles fondly. "Hey, i have a new memory for you to doodle. Wanna hear it?"

"Ok sure!" Powder turns in her seat so she can comfortably look at Caitlyn.

"This memory will be," Caitlyn taps her chin, thinking. Powder waits for her to continue. "How about its the day i got you a drawing tablet, and an account on the site you spoke about? You can even have your own alias. 'Jinx', you had called your online persona once." From her bag, a high grade drawing tablet is placed on Powders desk, a laptop soon following. "Youre all signed in. All you have to do is change your passwords, and-"

"YOURE THE BEST, THANK YOU!!" Powder processes what had been said, not even waiting for Caitlyn to finish before launching herself at the person she considers a second sister. Caitlyn wraps her up tight. Both girls smiling big.

Vi stands in the doorway, eyes soft as she watches the two most important people to her share a moment she will forever cherish.

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