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Bakugou's POV

As I stood there, Dabi and Todoroki turned to me, Shoto deactivating his flames. They looked at me, the walkway a blaze about 50 feet down, continuing for about 10 feet. "What the hell!? Why are you burning shit out in the open!?" I screamed, grabbing the fire extinguisher next to the door and rushing to the fire. Putting it out, I exhaled, tossing the now empty extinguisher at Dabi. Todoroki created a fireball, launching it at the fire extinguisher, using an explosion of flames, my launching technique. The red canister exploded, the gas flying everywhere. We all stood there, waiting for the gas to dissipate. When it did, I exhaled. "So, you adapted my throw strategy to your own quirk?"

"Yeah." Shoto said, creating another fireball. At closer inspection, the outside of it was covered in flames like Dabi's, but the inside were visibly orange. Then, more fire built up on his palm as he drew his arm back, then they exploded, sending the fireball hurling into the sky. In one swift move, I placed my hand against my palm, shooting an AP Shot, which hit the fireball, causing it to explode. The embers rained down, slowly dying out as Dabi smiled.

"So cool." he said, grinning. I walked past, smirking.

"Shiggy wants to talk to us, I guess." I said, going back inside, leaving the door open. They came in with me, Shotos left sleeve completely scorched.

Standing in the main room, everyone took their default positions. Waiting for Shigaraki, Compress showed Spinner a magic trick, Dabi and Toga talked, Twice smoked, and me and Frostburn sat there, waiting. Shigaraki walked through the door, Kurogiri shifting around behind him. "So, everyone here?" he asked, looking around, wearing his black trenchcoat. "Dabi, Frostburn. Endeavor is open, whenever you want." Dabi and Todoroki shifted, nodding. "Ground Zero, Compress, Twice, you're needed to hunt down Chisaki. Find him, and deal with him however is needed." We all nodded as well, accepting our mission. "Everyone one else, you have no assignment." He walked through the door again, gurgling audible. I stood up, jumping from my crate.

"Overhaul Hunting Squad!" I shouted, summoning the others.

"Shigaraki mentioned that the Shie Hassaki has loose ends at an old factory up North." Compress said, playing with three marbles. "Should we start there?" I nodded, Twice smoking. "All right then! Let the show begin!"

Hours Later. 20 miles North

Me and Twice landed on the rooftop of a factory, Compress popping us out of marbles. "It's the one with red siding." Compress said, pointing to a warehouse. I nodded, tapping the temple of my mask, activating the heat vision.

"Walls are layered to block infrared." I said, deactivating it. "Only one way to see." Twice nodded, slapping the roof with both hands. Two clones, one of me and one of Compress appeared. "You fakes, go rush in there!" They complied, my clone rushing towards the doors. He held his hands above his head, kicking the door open. The Compress clone tossed a marble, then snapped, an explosion going off. "Let's get in another position." I said, Twice wrapping his arms around my neck as I shot to another rooftop, Compress bringing a long piller out, sending him flying with us.

"So, what's going on?" Twice asked, dropping off my back. "I'm so scared!" As he spoke, another explosion detonated, way too large to be my clone without it disappearing. Both clones came flying out the door, all the windows shattering. They both turned to mud, putting us on edge. Then, a single guy walked out of the smoke, looking around. "He's gonna see us!" Twice whispered as me and Compress tackled him backward. As we did, explosions detonated on the rooftop we were on earlier. Then, one detonated merely 10 feet away, debris flying at us. A piece of metal gashed my cheek open, but I held in the whimper of pain.

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